My friend did an interesting stragedy against me that I did not see coming. In the game I played against my friend he did not even try to defend the burma road he massed all his inf in one space and stayed one space away from Japan. As Russia he moved an AA gun over to meet his mass of troops. At that point the stack of Inf started moving forward and reclaiming China territories. I did the J3 attack in that game and it resulted in a much larger pacific GB.

Posts made by Chompers2
RE: Italy a bad design
RE: Italy a bad design
Not doing the the J1 attack slows Japan big time and insure they will face a much larger Pacific GB. It gives the allies 60 more points to spend with America but Japan can also waste the Amercian troops and planes in Phillipines. If Japan is not attacking GB turn one then it might be smart to fly the fighters back to India and build to British tanks in South Africa. I think the advantage gained by J1 attack makes up for activating America early.
RE: Italy a bad design
There is no need to use a blocker imho but is better for GB to mass all in Egypt then when the fighers land the math is heavily in the favor of GB. We have played 4 games so far and each time Italy has lost in Africa with out GB spending to save it aside from bring in planes from the pacific.
RE: Italy a bad design
Well as far as I can tell Japan can take India regardless of what GB does if it wants to. If Japan goes with force into India and does the J1 attack those planes will do next to nothing in the Pacific while in Egypt the secure the terriority. Besides if I see that Japan is going to attack India on the cheep and does not do the J1 attack I can always fly the planes back in time for the final fight in India.
RE: Italy a bad design
On turn on GB can fly the planes from india to a space in Africa. Have everything else fall back to Egypt. Turn two the planes land in Egypt and now Egypt is next to impossible for the Italians to take alone as far as I can see. I tried the best I could and died to man.
RE: Italy a bad design
Japan can kill the 18 Russian Inf with ease any time it wants if they don’t keep one space away. I wish the Russian player would mass them all on the border turn one, as japan I can then blast them and use the rest of my plane movement to heads towards India. It would clear one avenue away with little loss.
When I played Russia I danced with Japan making sure that if they did attack me it would be with only planes so that I would at least kill expensive troops. The Japan player never took the bait and we danced all the way back to me running my 18 Inf into Moscow around turn 9 or so to get ready for the fact that Japan was about to finally be in range. This left Moscow with about 100 Inf plus tanks, art, planes, allied planes etc… So even though Japan was finally in range they needed to do a massive troop build to be able to capture the city. On the other side of the board America had two major Ind complexs in Europe and US and Britan were landing every turn. Germany had like 50 Inf and 30 tanks inside it so we just decided to call it a draw but we both felt if we had played it out that US would have gotten Germany before Japan would have gotten Russia. The closest Major Ind complex Japan can get to Moscow is India. The allies have many options for getting major ind complexs in europe.
RE: Italy a bad design
I don’t think the game is broken and unbalanced like 1940 Pacific. My experience so far is that as beginners playing the game the first couple of times it is easier to play the allies. I think the J1 attack is still best for the Axis in this because Japan has to get moving to Moscow ASAP. The benefits seem to outweigh the negatives.
For axis to do a sea lion against a competent GB player is low odds at best I think plus by the time you could pull it off US could liberate UK. The benefits don’t seem to out weigh the negatives. For Germany to do this they would be vurnable to Russia and US by spending so many points on fleet and transports.
Invading Russia with Germany is frustrating because when we did it we had to turn around to fend off he Brits and Americans before we could get further than Leningrad. The russians territories on the front line are worth very little points.
It seems to me so far that most effective Germany is to start preparing for allied landing with massive troop builds and maybe try and capture one Russian city. Then have Germany just defend and wait for the Japan player to take over the pacific and march towards Moscow. Not sure who wins that race. I guess I would enjoy playing a more offensive oriented Germany. Yet I don’t won’t to discourage anyone because I am fairly new to axis and allies and have much to learn.
German Push into USSR
I was wondering how this has been going for other players. I had some trouble getting very far as the Germans against Russia but I have a lot to learn. The german lines of production are very far back from the Russian front so I built a major Industrial complex in Romania. This made me closer but cost me 30 points. I tried to mass a force together to heads towards Moscow and caputre terriority along the way but Russia just kept building ten Inf a turn with maybe a tank or two and massed there forces together. I had Italy send in a force to help but they just did not have that many men to spare. By the time I got close to Moscow there were so many Inf in there I lost count.
Do you believe that only Japan can take Moscow? What should be the objective of a German offensive into Russia. Should it be to capture a city or two and leave Moscow for Japan? Or am I missing something?
RE: Italy a bad design
In two games we played GB lost it’s starting alantic fleet pretty much completely. It does really slow GB down a bit. But then in one game the British navy destroyed the subs and planes attacking and then the defenders in France killed ten germans because less planes were used in the attack as they were used on the british navy. This left Britan with 2 battleships to start with and a cruiser which they could join with the carrier off Gilbartar turn one and then use there turn one build get some transports and maybe a ship or two and then Germany will never be able to sink the fleet. Because on top of the British ships living turn one the germans lost many planes in the attack.
And then in another games one of the battleships lived. It may have been bad dice luck but I don’t believe it is a sure bet that GB will lose its navy turn one. The German player needs some luck because the subs are only hitting on a 2 so the planes they use better hit. If the British player rolls well turn one can go really bad for the germans in the Alantic.
RE: Italy a bad design
I have played 4 games so far both as allies and axis and every game Italy has been beaten badly in Africa. And I did not even think to destroy the Italian fleet with GB when I was the allies because I was more focused on the Germans. I just don’t see how Italy has the power to beat GB in Africa. I built the Egypt minor industrial complex once but never ended up building anything there because my starting forces killed the italians. Now if the GB player sends his fighters from the Pacific to Italy that makes taking Egypt totally impossible as far as I can see. There is really not much disadvantage to doing this if Japan is doing the J3 India crush because then India will fall with little resistance no matter what is there. And even if the Italians somehow get a force ready to take Egypt America is then going to show up and smash the Italian Captial.
Silly as it seems my friends thinks the best Italian move is to use the transports in the Med to start evacuating Africa and bring the men back to defend the captial for when USA arrives. The other move he thought was sending the men all to Gilbartar and landing the German fighters there, but with america spending 52-82 points a turn it won’t slow them down that much.
I love the new board, new features, new countries and just the grand scale of everything. But after five games of playing I believe it is at least much easier and straight forward to learn how to play the allies. The game may be balanced but I believe the axis really need to plan there moves out and think ahead to be ready for what mega US will do.
RE: Any After Action Reports Yet?
I have had a lot of fun playing the first 3 games with my friends but we are noticing some trends. If the US player is determined to shoot through the Gilbartar and then to Italy it can crush the Italians as easy as Japan can crush India in the Pacific. If the US player is doing this is it leaves no choice for the the Germans but to call off Sea lion and give up on driving deep into Russia. They then have to go into defensive mood and hope Japan can clear a path to Moscow before America and Britian seize Berlin.
There seems to be no incentive for the Americans to really spend any points in the Pacific. Taking Japan would be a huge task almost impossible and in this version the islands are far away and America is not allowed to build factories on them. I still have much to learn but it seems to me by far the best path for america is to seize Rome or possibly shoot up to Norway, capture it and build a major factory there.
I am curious to take the axis out for a spin because I have been allies the first 3 games.
RE: Which is best version to play.
Okay thanks for all the replies everyone. I saw 1940 Pacific at the store and was wondering about it. So I will buy that and then buy the europe part when it comes out and things should be cool.
Which is best version to play.
I have been playing axis and allies 1942 but I am curious about other versions. Is aniversary edition better or revised better. I don’t mind spending some more money to buy other versions of the game. I am just curious what the pros prefer to play.
Thanks for any advice in advance.
Need help with a Russain Tactics when I am sending US to Pacific.
I normally attack Ukraine and West Russia on turn one before germany attacks but I am thinking of mixing it up. I want Russia to be able to survive and give germany trouble. I am not expecting the Russians to be killed off by Japan because I am going to send the US into the Pacific to try and capture an island with a major navel build up. Britan will arrive to help Russia after it’s fleet is built. I am not sure whether to abadon Africa to the germans in this stragedy or build an IC in South Africa to push them out with two tanks a turn but it will slow the help that Britan can send to Russia.
How effective is letting Ukraine live and attacking Belorussia instead. I know it would leave Germany with an extra fighter and closer to Caucus but I wanted to mix things up. By not attacking Ukraine I figure I would preserve a lot of my Russian forces that get destroyed pushing germany back. Do you think this will be effective or do you think it will bring the Germans to Moscow quicker. I want to buy Russia as much time as possible while US trys to cripple Japan and then Britan arrives in Europe. Also any advice on what to do with Africa would be appreicated. My oppponet normally puts his fighters in West Europe and puts alls his ground forces in position to counter attack any american landing on turn one in africa. So I was going to that fleet to join up with the Pacific fleet I am building. Thanks for any advice
RE: Destroyer, Fighter and Sub Question
Okay that will make me think about my plans a bit.
Destroyer, Fighter and Sub Question
Okay I am unclear about how this would work. If I build a fleet of subs and air craft carriers with a destroyer in it. Then I get attacked by just bombers and fighters, would my subs be able to be removed as casualties and fight back since I have a destroyer, or would the subs not be able to participate because the enemy is attacking with planes only and did not bring a destroyer. I am just a little unclear on this.
Any help would be appreciated.
RE: How to slow Japan enough in KGF?
Okay I did some reading and I have some ideas. I am either going to mass in Persia like you said or use all of America’s points to build air craft carriers and subs to make a fleet to take a Japan island while Britan and Russia hold off Germany.
Thanks a lot
How to slow Japan enough in KGF?
This is a problem I have run into and had it again last night. I had Germany near death by assaulting them with Britan, Russia, and a mixture of American Airforce and fleet but Japan grow huge and started having 60 points to spend because I sent everything at Germany. Japan killed Russia before I was able to kill Germany and I lost.
Anyone have some inexpensive yet effective tips in slowing down Japan in KGF so this does not happen? Or should I split American points on both axis countries? Any advice would be appreciated.
RE: Saving alll Spending points to the bank for a turn.
Germany can place two fighters in western europe and two in norway. I bought a bomber first turn giving me a total of 2. Then in britan turn one you can attack their flight with 3 subs 2 fighers and 2 bombers no matter where they put it. That gives you a great chance of being able to blow up the british flight and only losing subs. Then you have your who airforce again next turn to waste the british fleet again buying more time to get to moscow.
RE: Countering Turn one India IC
He bought a russian sub on turn one and placed it out off the Kaucus. THen he attacked my battleship and transport round 2 with 2 fighters and a sub. Normally he does then and only loses a 6 point model and I lose a fleet I cant rebuild. Yes Russia starts off 2 infranty short in the beginning but that is not that huge a deal.