• @Brain:

    Resources would definitely be a good addition to this game, but it might make it too complex for the average A&A fan.

    OK actually I was just meaning that the IPC value of the Neutrals close to the Med theatre would reflect the Saudi oil fields.

    Personally always thought Cairo didn’t need to be a Victory City; its location making it Vital Ground.

  • @i:


    Resources would definitely be a good addition to this game, but it might make it too complex for the average A&A fan.

    i guess but that would be cool capture the cucususes and midealeast and your tanks cost 3or4 ipcs

    That would be cool.

  • @Brain:



    Resources would definitely be a good addition to this game, but it might make it too complex for the average A&A fan.

    i guess but that would be cool capture the cucususes and midealeast and your tanks cost 3or4 ipcs

    That would be cool.

    Or just assign specific territories to be oil fields. Players can only blitz if they control one.

  • Every country should have to have an oil resource.

  • I think that you just make the IPC value reflect the oil. Keep it simple and make the game more competitive by making the Middle East and Africa (especially Egypt with the Suez Canal) a vital IPC and convoy zone, forcing the Italians to want to focus on that. Also throw in some NO’s and that can pretty much eliminate the can opener, trust me.

  • @maverick_76:

    I think that you just make the IPC value reflect the oil. Keep it simple and make the game more competitive by making the Middle East and Africa (especially Egypt with the Suez Canal) a vital IPC and convoy zone, forcing the Italians to want to focus on that. Also throw in some NO’s and that can pretty much eliminate the can opener, trust me.

    No it will not, the can opener only requires 1 plane in range, it is more powerful the more units you add, but it only requires 1 plane and then you must defend against it.

  • I’m sorry, but how can only 1 plane make the can opener viable again, give me a detailed description of this because I just don’t picture it in my head.

  • AA50 '41 scenario.

    Germany has a tank stack on East Poland, say 10 armor, with 3 fighters on it as well as 3 bombers in Berlin.  Say Italy has 1 Bomber in Italy.  As Russia you do not want germany to be able to take Moscow or Caucasus because in moscows case is obvious, in caucasus case japan has some units in india/persia.  Normally you could just move 1 Inf into Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine.  If you do that though, and say you leave either one of those territories without enough units to defend against the germans, then Italy can simply attack Eastern Ukraine with its single bomber allowing the german’s to roll into a target of there choosing.  It gets worse too, lets just assume that Italy has a tank hanging out in the balkans and perhaps even an infantry in Eastern Poland, and who knows maybe they have a carrier with 2 fighters on it in SZ 14 instead of the bomber.  Now how many russian units do you have to place to block the germans?  Lets say you leave 6 in each.  Now the germans can attack both of those stacks with 4 inf each, or even as low as 2 or 3 if they feel ballsy, with a crapton of planes.  Or they can do that to one of the territories and advance into the other with the armor stack that you no longer have enough units to kill.  It happens all the time in that game.  The can opener threat forces you to play in a specific manner and is annoying.

    Try playing a game of Pacific where you reverse the allied turn order, tell me how it turns out for you.  Actually, china can openers for the UK all the time for me, so switch it up to Jap-China-ANZAC-UK-US.  Tell me if it changes the gameplay significantly, because it will.

    Edit: actually change the turn order to Jap-UK-ANZAC-US-China, that will be the new turn order.  Have fun keeping a pair of ANZAC subs, and/or 2 fighters on a US carrier, to open all the doors the US needs opened.

  • shrug so now the Ukraine must be worth dying for…

    defence in depth sounds more realistic to me.

    The actual problem seems to arise from the unrealistic devastation AC can wreak on infantry on the defence…


  • @i:

    if uk goes before anzac wont uk can open for anzac??

    I’d suspect that in any game where one side outnumbers the other such that you can’t alternate between Axis and Allies somebody will always be can opening for somebody else.

  • A can opener is just two countries working together as it should be.

  • Not to mention one country has to be Cannon Fodder

  • @molinar13:

    Not to mention one country has to be Cannon Fodder

    We can use France for that. :-D

  • Since the will not last past turn 1 might as well make them usefull :wink:

  • Hopefully we can find some use for them besides taking up space.

  • @Brain:

    A can opener is just two countries working together as it should be.

    Good point. [Applaud silently]

  • @allboxcars:


    A can opener is just two countries working together as it should be.

    Good point. [Applaud silently]

    Yes, there is no way to eliminate can opener strategies because the Axis need to work together, and the Allies need to work together in order to win the game.

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