While having a conversation about cruisers, we have been diverted into discussing artillery, armor, mechs and infantry. There is enough discussion that I think we should devote a thread to the topic rather than hijack the cruiser discussion, which I think is a good thing to discuss on its own.
I do not have AA50 nor AA42. If this has been analyzed to death in one of those fora, I appologize.
For my part, I wonder if Armor at $6 will get us back to a variation of the Infantry Push Mechanic from the early days of Axis and Allies. I haven’t done a statistical study of it. I hope the playtesters studied it enough to determine we will still see a variety of ground units, especially with the FMG units about to go on sale. (If you don’t know what FMG units are, check out this thread. http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=13894.0 )
On the surface, it looks to me that a combination of artillery, leg infantry and mech infantry will produce the best results. The reason for this is the armor price going up one more IPC is a substantial increase. However, this does not mean I think armor are not valuable. They are certainly valuable. The only question is are they worth more than $5 IPC. Armor have speed. Speed is valuable. But mech infantry also have speed. It could be possible that armor might be properly priced for the Germans and Italians, but too high for most of the Allies. On the other hand, since a transport can only bring two units, armor may be advisable for many Allied adventures. For example, would you want to hit North Africa with 3 Infantry and 3 Armor, or 3 Infantry and 3 Artillery? If you only have three transports, you can not compare the 3 Infantry/Armor to an alternative buy with $27 IPCs. Armor will have a place in the game, but will it be a niche unit at $6 IPCs?