Rail movement should be unlimited between adjacent friendly territories during NCM.
They should be combined with not allowing new factories or the use of captured factories.
Or consider these:
http://www.thewargame.com/rules/Mod1 Rail Movement.pdf
Um, how about in western Europe, that rule is feasible, while in Russia, not so much… Don’t railroad tracks in many countries have different gauges of rails, so your trains couldn’t realistically run on them? That’s an issue they ran into in Russia. Also, if your army just crossed the border, guns blazing and artillery firing, wouldn’t the rail lines be a bit messed up? Wouldn’t the constant SBRing be playing a number on the railroads as well? I hear the major reason Germany was losing the war in 42-44 was supply issues, not manpower.
Also, this would turn the game into a giant game of RISK, with the NCM rules. It could also lead to exploiting, as you could pump many many more troops into adjacent territories where you rolled favorably, rather than needing to march them there. Instant reinforcement wouldn’t be very fair.
About enemy factories, what’s to say that you couldn’t REDEPLOY troops in a certain area? Or wouldn’t it make sense in areas where you’re already industrialized, rails ARE present that would allow you to concentrate enough men and supplies to train fighting troops? Recruiting from the foreign population aside, there ARE benefits to controlling the industry in a foreign nation.