• Atti has a first draft of the module for AP40 for ABattlemap at http://www.flames-of-europe.de/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=107

  • Edit, Dec 28 2009: I’m editing this post in order to provide a more convenient location for the link to download my updated module which corrects the errors in Attila’s original Dec 19th module on Flames-of-Europe.  A list of changes can be found in this post.

    Here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mm2htzxbdnm/P40.gim.zip

    –----BEGIN ORIGINAL POST------


    Atti has a first draft of the module for AP40 for ABattlemap at http://www.flames-of-europe.de/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=107

    Thanks for the link!  I downloaded and feel a few things are missing.

    I added some Convoy and Kamikaze marks on what I think are the appropriate sea zones (let me know if there is a mistake), and added the Mongolians.  I also recolored the unnamed russian territory to the russian color (it was the chinese color).

    I would have added the handy bar (like in the AA50 modules) down at the bottom of the map too, but I don’t know how the program figures out what space on the map is what, so I didn’t want to mess with that.  I think I remember someone explaining it on the forum here somewhere (I’m guessing it has something to do with the sectors file), so if anyone knows where that is and wants to point me to it I might see if I can do a little more.  Also, I noticed that the locations of the IPC values are screwy (View>IPC values) for me.  I assume it’s the same for other people?  Anyone know how to fix that?

    Also, I changed the toolpieces to be a little more akin to the ones included in the AA50 modules, which I like better.  I’d appreciate any feedback (like? don’t like? suggestion?) for the new pieces I made: Mech Inf, Tac Bmr, Kamikaze (that was hard!), Hit BBs and CVs, and Air base and Naval Base damage.

    I also felt I needed to make the ANZAC pieces color a little lighter in order to distinguish some units from the UK pieces.

    you will need to remove the “.txt” from the attached files

    Edit Dec 28 2009: I’m removing the original attachments to this post, as they are now outdated.  My latest updates can be downloaded in my updated module, linked to at the beginning of this post.

  • @Stoney229:

    I think I remember someone explaining it on the forum here somewhere (I’m guessing it has something to do with the sectors file), so if anyone knows where that is and wants to point me to it I might see if I can do a little more.

    I found it.  now we’ll see if I can actually work it.

  • '19

    hrmmm.  i dloaded and removed the .txt part but it didnt work.  Maybe its just me though.

  • @ksmckay:

    hrmmm.  i dloaded and removed the .txt part but it didnt work.  Maybe its just me though.

    which file did you download?  if you downloaded Map.zip.txt you will still have to extract the file after you remove “.txt”, if you want to use it in the program.

    Is anyone else having trouble?

  • @Stoney229:

    Is anyone else having trouble?

    Yep, I am. The .zip file is corrupted :( I think the problem is with the site uploader and using a .txt extension: try Map.zip.JPG instead, .jpg used to work better ;)

  • @HolKann:


    Is anyone else having trouble?

    Yep, I am. The .zip file is corrupted :( I think the problem is with the site uploader and using a .txt extension: try Map.zip.JPG instead, .jpg used to work better ;)

    Thanks.  try this.

    Also, I noticed Attila posted on FoE that the final version is done, but I cannot find the download anywhere.


  • It’s the same old link, but is the final version. However, it lacks mongolian neutral units and also the marker on Burma Road

  • @Funcioneta:

    It’s the same old link, but is the final version. However, it lacks mongolian neutral units and also the marker on Burma Road

    Thanks!  Many things are improved, though I noticed right away that Kwangsi is still missing some inf.  Does anyone see any other setup errors?  What do you mean by the marker on Burma Road?  there is a NO marker for Burma Road.

  • Yep, there is a box, but is not marked. It should, since the road is open (unless the road cannot be open if UK is at peace)

  • @Funcioneta:

    Yep, there is a box, but is not marked. It should, since the road is open (unless the road cannot be open if UK is at peace)

    Ah, so it is another setup error, not a map error.  On the same note, US is missing the Philippines NO, and UK its Kwa-Mal NO.

    I’ve made a few changes to correct errors and fit my preferences, and have attached them in case anyone else wants to use them.  Here are the changes I made:

    -Added Burma Road NO control marker
    -Added Philipines NO control marker
    -Added Kwa-Mal NO Control marker
    -Added 2 INF to Kwangsi
    -Added IPC in hand in the bottom right corner (I don’t think I want to make a SektorInfo.BMP when in 7 months we’re all going to be playing the global game)
    -Added remaining Kamikazes to bottom right corner

    -made it more like the toolpieces from AA50
    -included damage markers for ICs, ABs, and NBs*
    -included a Kamikaze marker
    -included fleet markers*
    *note: using these will mess with China’s assets calculations in the InfoView window

    -added convoy marker to SZ43
    -added Mongolians
    -recolored unnamed Russian territory to be Russian

    I do have one question.  I noticed that it is possible to attribute a territory/zone as a convoy zone.  As far as I can tell, this doesn’t seem to be used in this module.  Could the convoy system in ABattlemap support the convoy system in AAP40?  I’m guessing the old AAP (which I never played) had a different convoy system and ABattlemap’s convoy system was made to support that.

    Edit: to use the attachment, remove the “.jpg”, extract, and then use the 3 files to replace the ones with the same name in your P40 module which can be downloaded from TMTM’s link in the first post.


  • So I decided to try and make a new P40 module with the toolbar thing at the bottom (also wanted to correct some naming errors and enlarge korea/sz5 border).  I read Holkann’s and TMTM’s instructions and thought I understood everything, but when I was finished, opening the module in ABattleMap crashes the program immediately.  However, if I still have the old P40.gim in the ABattleMap program folder, opening the new one only crashes the program after I try to use a toolpiece.

    Here is what I did, and I would love it if anyone can tell me what I did wrong.  Thanks!:

    1. I created my new Map.bmp
    2. I edited sektorinfo.txt to include the new sectors, and renamed some of the old ones.  I also edited the Y location of the IPC label for one of the territories
    3. I created sektorinfo.bmp.  I counted exactly 184 sectors in the sectorinfo.txt list and in the .bmp file.  I colored each one in order according to sektorinfo.txt from starting with color 000001 and ending in color 0000B8, as expected.
    4. I copied b242map.exe and csek.exe into the folder C:\Program Files\ABattleMap\P41.gim, which also contained the following files: Map.bmp, sektorinfo.bmp, mapinfo.txt, sektorinfo.txt, toolpieces.bmp, and toolpieces.txt (all attached, in case you want to try to use them)
    5. I opened Start > Run… > cmd > OK   to open the console, and ran the following commands:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner>cd…
    C:\Documents and Settings>cd…
    C:>cd program files
    C:\Program Files>cd abattlemap
    C:\Program Files\ABattleMap>cd P41.gim
    C:\Program Files\ABattleMap\P41.gim>csek.exe sektorinfo.txt sektorinfo.sek

    (text of sektorinfo.txt appears in console, and sektorinfo.sek appears in P41.gim)

    C:\Program Files\ABattleMap\P41.gim>b242map.exe sektorinfo.bmp sektorinfo.map
    (sektorinfo.map appears in P41.gim)
    C:\Program Files\ABattleMap\P41.gim>exit

    sooo, does anyone know what I did wrong???  Thanks for your help!

    Note: the attachment on this post is NOT a functional module.  I have attached it (including my new sektorinfo.bmp and sektorinfo.txt) in case anyone can take a look and see why it is not working.  If you want the extent of my changes that break the module, use the attachment in this post - those files work fine.


  • '19

    Lookin good so far.  Keep up the good work.

  • @ksmckay:

    Lookin good so far.  Keep up the good work.

    Thanks for the feedback.  there are a few things that should change according to the new Errata krieg just released (namely, setup and mech inf attack value), but I’ll wait to see if someone can help me get the new module to work before I update anything.if you wanna change the setup yourself you can just add/remove the appropriate pieces and File>Save As  Start.AAM in the ABattlemap\P40.gim folder (and overwrite).  Just make sure you use “Save As” again the next time you try to save a game in progress, otherwise it might replace the setup file.

  • Excellent work Stoney.  I do have one suggestion though.  Because this map is already taller than some monitors but not as wide, why don’t you add the tool bar to the side instead of the bottom.  I encountered the same problem you did, as soon as I tried to use the unit toolbar the enitre program crashed.  I’m going to look at the toolpieces.txt and if I see anything out of place I’ll let you know.  I also rather dislike the colors used on this map.  I am going to change them to colors used in the original AA50 module.  If you want the .bmps to add to your version let me know and I can email them to you.

  • @pitheist314:

    Excellent work Stoney.  I do have one suggestion though.  Because this map is already taller than some monitors but not as wide, why don’t you add the tool bar to the side instead of the bottom.  I encountered the same problem you did, as soon as I tried to use the unit toolbar the enitre program crashed.  I’m going to look at the toolpieces.txt and if I see anything out of place I’ll let you know.  I also rather dislike the colors used on this map.  I am going to change them to colors used in the original AA50 module.  If you want the .bmps to add to your version let me know and I can email them to you.

    Yeah I thought about that I don’t know why I didn’t do that instead.  I might do that if someone can figure out what I doing wrong (I’m not gonna make it until I know I’ll be able to use it).  I can’t see how the problem would be in the toolpieces files:  I attached all of my changes that did not require the making of new sektorinfo files to this post.  It includes my new toolpieces, and using only those three new files everything works fine.  So the problem is in one (or more) of my new sektorinfo files, which are required in order to have that toolbar thing as a part of the map.  If you’re changing colors, feel free to email me your new files, I’ll probably like them better too!

    I’m pretty sure Holkann and TMTM have made modules before, so I am hoping they might be able to figure out what I did wrong… hint hint?

  • Pacific 40 Battlemap ready- I’m chomping a the bit to play this online here.

    Tried to download the map on this thread but it said it was corrupted. :-(

  • @questioneer:

    Tried to download the map on this thread but it said it was corrupted. :-(

    You need to use the link provided in the first post to download a playable game.  You will need to create an account on that website, but to the best of knowledge it is the only spot the file is hosted.

    I have the map and toolpieces done.  If you would PM me with you email I can get those sent out to you ASAP.  I didnt redo the tool bar on my map, but if you want me to I can start working on that.  I’m not that well versed in how to make a sektorinfo map though or how to change the sektorinfo txt file.  If you have any tutorials beyond those already linked in this thread that would be appreciated.

  • i tried the thread it said access denied.

  • '19

    you have to register and then you can get the file.  registration is free.

    Also,  Looks like the IPC values of Jehol and Shangtung are switched.  Jehol is currently at 2 and Shang at 1 and it should be the opposite.

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