Every information given in the old 2014 FAQ sheet is said to be included into the current version of the rulebooks, available here:
Schedule of previews of AAP40
Sorry, let me be a little more clear, I was talking about Razor, not Djensen.
Razor is most likely Aldertag in disguise.
Seriously. I’m the only one putting the info out there. Make a little copy and paste error and I don’t have a grip on it? That was literally the only error I made in the article.
Yes, you’re doing a good job!
Seriously. I’m the only one putting the info out there. Make a little copy and paste error and I don’t have a grip on it? That was literally the only error I made in the article.
Yes, you’re doing a good job!
Yeah, a big round of applause.
Sorry folks, I didn’t quite finish the write up for the rest of the rules. I got a little burned out on writing. I’ll work on it at lunch or tomorrow night.
I would have +1ed you a bunch by now, but I can’t yet. So in the meantime, thank’s for all the great pics and review material. Makes me want my copy even more 8-)
Makes me want my copy even more 8-)
Ain’t that the truth.
Only 5 more days.
Plus shipping… :(
Makes me want my copy even more 8-)
Ain’t that the truth.
Only 5 more days.
Plus shipping… :(
It’s on a slow boat from China.
Preview #4 is up and it is a high resolution photo of the map. It was the best I could do given the time and lighting that I had available.
Preview #5 will be available tomorrow after Krieghund and Yoper proofread it for me. ;-)
Preview #4 is up and it is a high resolution photo of the map. It was the best I could do given the time and lighting that I had available.
Nice pix, Dav, must remember to give you a + soon. I dont know if it is the camera or the lighting, butt I can see two big valleys cross the map horisontally. Make me remember the old A&A classic MB map, that too had a big valley just where the map was folding. Made the infantry pieces fall. Too bad they didnt make the map the same way as AA50 Ann ed.
Yes there are creases in the map. Keep in mind the map if very large and the box is a reasonable size.
The fifth and possibly final preview is up on the website. This preview covers the rest of the rules.
Special thanks to Krieghund and Craig A Yope for proofreading the article before I published it. There were a few typos and ambiguities that I fixed as a result.
If I do another article, it will be first impressions of the game. I’d like to get another game play in before that but I’m not sure if that will happen.
Seems figs are not subject to aa gun fire in SBRs … if that’s right, it’s a perfect move to ensure SBRs are not too good or too bad. A excelent update :-)
On the negative side: :-P for ACME walls reloaded. Japan can do the old exploits at FIC and now at new territories such Shan States and even worst, Korea and Mongolia :-o First house rule at sight …
Said that, what about neutrals? You simply attack Mongolia and all the mongolian guys pop and join one side (It’s possible in teory UK, ANZAC or USA enter Mongolia … not the ACME team) or Mongolia can only be attacked in global game? I guess Himalayas are fully impassable for non-ACME countries
Good review by the way, DJ :-)
Seems figs are not subject to aa gun fire in SBRs … if that’s right, it’s a perfect move to ensure SBRs are not too good or too bad. A excelent update :-)
Yeah, if the escorts were subject to aa fire as well it pretty much makes SBRs useless or at least very costly to attacker. Increases risk of loss and you have to waste ftrs.
I’m assuming China earns infantry in the same way as AA50- 1inf per 2IPC territories owned???