• I have a few questions about the new powers in AA40. We know ANZAC is its own power in AAP40 at this point (although it was mostly so in AAP). We also know France will be a power in AAE40.
    On the board pics we can see these new powers. In addition to the French spaces we can see Dutch and Canadian spaces. This leaves a few questions:
    A: The USSR spaces in AAP40 are said to be completely off limits unless playing AAG40. Obiously there is no USSR player in just AAP40. That’s all well and good. What about France? Two of the spaces on the board are French, one of which was historically conquered by the Japanese. France can’t be a player, but it has to be able to be attacked. Anyone know how this is going to be done? I would assume it would have peices just sitting there, except what color would those peices be? Would they include French peices in the Pacific set just for Indochina?
    B: We can see a number of teritories with the Dutch roundel. Are they a new power? How is that represented in just AAP40? How is that represented in AAG40, especially considering the occupation? Are the Netherlands just assumed to be part of the UK for simplicities sake, and shown with a different roundel only for the sake of flavor?
    C: Pretty much the above question except for Canada.

  • Official Q&A


    A: The USSR spaces in AAP40 are said to be completely off limits unless playing AAG40. Obiously there is no USSR player in just AAP40. That’s all well and good. What about France? Two of the spaces on the board are French, one of which was historically conquered by the Japanese. France can’t be a player, but it has to be able to be attacked. Anyone know how this is going to be done? I would assume it would have peices just sitting there, except what color would those peices be? Would they include French peices in the Pacific set just for Indochina?

    These territories will be undefended.  Japan can claim them for free if it does so quickly enough.


    B: We can see a number of teritories with the Dutch roundel. Are they a new power? How is that represented in just AAP40? How is that represented in AAG40, especially considering the occupation? Are the Netherlands just assumed to be part of the UK for simplicities sake, and shown with a different roundel only for the sake of flavor?

    All I can say right now is that the Netherlands isn’t an autonomous power and it’s not part of the UK.


    C: Pretty much the above question except for Canada.

    Canada is part of the UK.

  • does that mean it moves when ANZAC moves?

  • Official Q&A

    No, ANZAC is a separate power.

  • weird…its not autonumus…meaning it doesnt get its own turn…cant buy units…doesnt move when britian OR ANZAC moves…I cant figure it out

  • Wow Japan could get another 8 ipc or so w/Russian tt.

    Quotes from Krieghund re Dutch:

    1. All I can say right now is that the Netherlands isn’t an autonomous power and it’s not part of the UK.

    2. OK, here’s a hint: they won’t be a neutral, and they won’t be an autonomous power.

    3. No, ANZAC is a separate power.

    There is not much left, I wonder if the Dutch in AA40P will just be there own units(color). You won’t be able to add to them so once they’re gone they’re gone. This doesn’t make sense because when liberated who gets them (ipc’s). They would have to go to either UK or Anzac right. You wouldn’t want US to liberate them to get more ipc’s.

  • i would say that the dutch would be one of those pro-side) neurtals, but krieghund said that mongolia was the only neutral in aap40… i personallly believe Wild Bill


    There is not much left, I wonder if the Dutch in AA40P will just be there own units(color). You won’t be able to add to them so once they’re gone they’re gone. This doesn’t make sense because when liberated who gets them (ipc’s). They would have to go to either UK or Anzac right. You wouldn’t want US to liberate them to get more ipc’s.

  • crazy I do too, but Kreighund works for the people that make axis and allies. I think he writes the rule books or something along those lines…idk for sure though

  • Maybe they are just completely undefended, belonging to essentially no power (yet not being nuetral).  Perhaps then if liberated, it only denies the Japanese income and doesn’t add to the Allies?

    Yet, they are shown as a specific entity with its own roundel. That means to me there’s something special going on rather than them just being neutral. They were a part of ANZAC in Pacific. Perhaps they will be essentially ANZAC in AAP40?

  • Maybe they are marked for a future advanced game.

  • no anzac has what looks like a sunrise roundel

  • I meant controlled by ANZAC or something.

  • As for the French, when it comes to it  France as a power she is occuppied by Germany (Even though Vichy went on in Europe a bit and then theres the free French, can’t wait to see how AAE40 handles this). as to Indochina, the Japanese did not ‘invade’ here but just moved troops in, in September of 41. This was one of those links that caused the Americans to impose the Oil embargo on Japan, which then forced the Japs to look at gaining Dutch East Indies by force etc.  So as an actual combatant in the Pacific, and thus game Pieces, she matter nothing.

  • Customizer

    I’m convinced that the Dutch in pacific will be completely controlled by ANZAC. Consider the fact that AAP40 is the revised version of AAP. In AAP, Australia (essentially ANZAC in that game) income was 20 IPCs. In that game Australia’s Income included The Dutch West Indies. In AAP40, ANZAC’s income is only 9 Ipcs. However if you add the Dutch West Indies into ANZAC’s income becomes 20. I dont believe this is a conscience.

    It is also interesting to note that Adding the Dutch to Axis & Allies has already been done in the original AAP. Take a look at the AAP map below. You will see a bunch of purple territories. These purple territories correspond historically to what the dutch controlled in 1941. There were units on these islands in the original AAP game, but they were controlled by the British player (Australia/India combined countries) Since the British player in AAP40 has turned into two completely different players (ANZAC & UK (India)), it leads me to believe that ANZAC will both directly collect the dutch territory income, as well as have control of its units just like it was done in the past.

  • Great post Mickelson, A +1 to you, it will be interesting to see how close you come with your predictions.

  • Yep, that sounds about right. The Dutch units may be of another color (maybe French blue), because we know they are not neutral or controlled by the UK or Anzac. At the beginning nobody collects income from the Dutch isles. You can’t add/purchase more Dutch units (would be cool if there was a small Dutch navy for Japan to crush). Japan will need to invade them quickly (round 1) before the UK or Anzac can reinforce them. This will keep USA from entering the war early. This will also allow the Japs to build up income. At the same time the Japs will be taking parts of Russia (uncontested), and invading China. When the Dutch Islands are liberated I would think the income would be given to the Anzac regardless of who does the liberating for game balance.

  • What islands did the dutch own? I know america had a base in the philiipeens

  • Check out this link from pictures of AAP40 the Dutch are pie shaped red, white and blue roundels. There are 4 islands including 1/2 of New Guinea. The 1st & 3rd pictures show it best. If you click on the pictures it blows them up.


    Its the same islands (purple)that Bob A Michelson pointed out on the map of the original AA Pacific game earlier in the post.

  • Sumatra, Java, Celebes, New Guinea, and Dutch New Guinea

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12

    My guess is the Dutch will have no units but the IPCs will go to either ANZAC or UK (or both?)

    There might be a few token units but thinking historically, the Dutch didnt have much of a force in the South Pacific, (which is why it was such easy pickings for Japan) and the responsability to protect it fell primarily on the UK and ANZAC.

    I would expect most undefended territories, maybe a small garrison controlled by the UK or ANZAC.


    This will also allow the Japs to build up income. At the same time the Japs will be taking parts of Russia (uncontested), and invading China. When the Dutch Islands are liberated I would think the income would be given to the Anzac regardless of who does the liberating for game balance.

    I was under the impression you could not invade Russia at all in AAP40.

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