• Customizer


    I take it by the fact that they do not appear on the preliminary map photos that you do indeed build them. Though there will obviously be some built at game start.

    I suspect that this is probably true. If so they are likely to be a gray piece which can be captured by enemy forces. This is is pure speculation of course.

  • I read this a while back, I forgot which Forum. Anyways is it true that if naval ships move from a naval base/port that they gain a move of 3?

  • Krieg,

    Can you confirm if Europe’40 also has airbases and naval bases?

  • Hmmm.

    Does that mean that we’ll be seeing nation-specific AA guns that can be killed again (like in Guadalcanal)?

  • @molinar13:

    I read this a while back, I forgot which Forum. Anyways is it true that if naval ships move from a naval base/port that they gain a move of 3?

    Yes, Its true. When leaving a port initailly chips have a movement of 3

  • Official Q&A



    Can you confirm if Europe’40 also has airbases and naval bases?




    Does that mean that we’ll be seeing nation-specific AA guns that can be killed again (like in Guadalcanal)?


  • Thanks Krieg, but you didn’t answer the question concerning if air/naval bases can be built

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, they can.

  • Awesome! So far I havnt heard and specific rules regarding them so I am assuming you can plop down an airfeild where ever you want? So let me get this straight. Now we have specific production facilities?  Meaning I can ONLY build a bomber or fighter where theres an airfeild and I can ONLY build a battleship or sub where there is a port?

  • @Brain:

    Thanks Krieg, but you didn’t answer the question concerning if air/naval bases can be built


    Yes, they can.

    Are there going to be game pieces for air/naval bases like their are for factories?

  • Official Q&A


    Now we have specific production facilities?  Meaning I can ONLY build a bomber or fighter where theres an airfeild and I can ONLY build a battleship or sub where there is a port?

    Everything is still built at ICs (except Chinese units).  You can’t build units at bases.


    Are there going to be game pieces for air/naval bases like their are for factories?


  • Thank you Krieghund,

    So whats the point of an airfield then? what does it do? I know that ports are where you repair and launch ships

  • TripleA '12

    If I may - I believe that the Airfield referred to is the actual Airbase unit? It allows Fighters stationed there to defend in up to 1 adjacent territory/sea zone? Just a guess…

  • Official Q&A


    If I may - I believe that the Airfield referred to is the actual Airbase unit? It allows Fighters staioned there to defend in up to 1 adjacent territory/sea zone? Just a guess…

    Only if the territory is an island (completely surrounded by a single sea zone).  They also allow air units taking off from them to move one extra space.

  • TripleA '12

    Thanks Krieghund.  :-)

    So, am I right in thinking that Fighters, Bombers and Tac-Bombers benefit from the +1 movement if the Airbase is built on either a land territory or island? I take it that works during both CM and NCM…

    And, I trust that only Fighters can defend in the adjacent sea zone surrounding the island that the Airbase is built on?

    Many thanks.

  • Official Q&A


    So, am I right in thinking that Fighters, Bombers and Tac-Bombers benefit from the +1 movement if the Airbase is built on either a land territory or island? I take it that works during both CM and NCM…



    And, I trust that only Fighters can defend in the adjacent sea zone surrounding the island that the Airbase is built on?

    Tactical bombers can also, but strategic bombers cannot.

  • TripleA '12

    Krieghund, thank you again.  :-)

    As an aside, have regular bombers now been officially designated as 'Strategic Bombers’? Or are they still just ‘Bombers’?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, due to the introduction of tactical bombers, what we used to call “bombers” will now be called “strategic bombers”.

  • When it comes to naval bases/ ports how will these be handled when it comes to takeover. Does one simply control the seazone that its in or do you have to launch an amphibious assault on the adjacent territory in order to capture it?

  • Official Q&A

    The naval base is part of the territory.  If you control the territory, you control the base.

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