Hi! I have three questions that I believe I know the (logical) answer to, but would like to adress. These all came up during my latest game:
1: If a submarine damages a ship, does that ship go to the “damaged” zone on the home base card right away, or after all or some combat has been resolved? An example: If a submarine damages a Carrier, can you send in your air to finish the job or is the opportunity lost once “move and attack with subs” is over?
If the ship retreats before fighters move, then a chance for a VP may be lost, but if the ship stays (say it’s a Cruiser), then it can partake in the following sea attack, which may not always be what the sub player wish.
2: If a ship is damaged and not repaired, it can still be attacked and destroyed on a roll of 1 or 2, right? Also, the home base card contains only one sea zone, correct? So all you have to do is fly in over the base card, and you’re in reach of the “damaged” zone?
3: If both players ship supplies to New Georgia in the same turn, who gets to build airfields if there is only one empty slot? We decided that the First Player gets to build, but I would like to have this confirmed.
Thanks in advance, and thanks for an excellent site!