Dude, I’d be surprised if most European countries even keep records on “hate crimes.” I can be as cynical as any, but most people in this ol’ USofA are a forgiving type, live-and-let-live, salt of the earth, hold a job and send the kids to medical school or computer academy, etc.
I have done my share of bad-mouthing one kind of red-white-and-blue redneck or snob or intolerant sshle or another, but there are few other nations these days that welcome just about everybody, and provide the avenues for free speech, etc. And while we are at it, THANK GOODNESS for THOMAS JEFFERSON, the original champion of the separation of church and state. It seems to me that most of the people on Main Street don’t wish to shove their private religious beliefs down other Americans’ throats – and it also seems to me that – for all of our gross, underhanded, outright illegal and other horrible mistakes and human rights infringements over the years – the U.S. military goes more out of its way than most other military organizations to protect the innocents.
You know something that really moves me emotionally. I am not kidding here – if you want to take a read of how forgiving, thoughtul and all-embracing the true American ideal can be, simply contemplate the amazing wheelchair-capable restroom! Where else on this spinning, orbiting madhouse of a world can you find, in city after town after truckstop after business after factory after schoolhouse such a basic effort toward improving human dignity!?
Instead of casting aside our “crippled” or maimed or otherwise disabled, we mandate nationally that their simplest needs and urgent natural callings must be accommodated in a civilized way. Dammit, show me what other country has more wheelchair restroom stalls per capita than the USofA? (IF some wiseguy sez Canada, well shucks I capitulate technically, but the comparison is frivolous)
We care about the underdog, even while the fat cats, white collar criminals, political prostitutes, street gangs, cable tv companies and organized mobsters are looting us all blind.
Inch’ Allah and God Bless America and let’s keep moving away from the medieval mores of the past and toward greater tolerance as intrepidly as possible!
(and thanks for hearing out this rant)