From what I’m reading yes you can move those pieces on your actual turn again.
As midnight said US can make non combat moves to plan.
China have a bit of hope. Lol
Calcutta saved ?
This will give each country some extra planning and moves to think about during turns which was stated to keep players more focused per each countries turn.
Lots of things to check out
I finally finished a concept for AA50 Nuke Tech
A Nuclear Bomb is the only technology that can be targeted. In order to research nuclear bombs, you must buy research dice, as opposed to tokens. You buy dice in pairs, costing 10 IPCs per pair of dice. You roll each pair of dice separately. If you roll a 3 or less, you succeed. Only one Nuclear Strike may be performed per tern. There are three types of nuclear attacks that can be conducted:
Strategic Nuclear Strike
This attack is carried out on Industrial Complexes, and requires either Rockets or High Altitude Bombers [see my 3rd breakthrough chart]. These attacks follow the same rules for rocket attacks and strategic bombing runs, however, a successful strike results in the total destruction of the Industrial Complex, and the Industrial Complex is removed from the territory. A new Industrial Complex may be built. Only one bomber at a time may conduct a Strategic Nuclear Strike, and is immune to AA Gun fire. It may be accompanied by escorts and intercepted. An intercepted bomber that is destroyed does not trigger a Nuclear detonation.
Tactical Nuclear Strike
A tactical Nuclear strike is similar to a Strategic Nuclear Bombing Run in that it is done during the opening fire stage of combat, yet it is done against units as opposed to Industrial Complexes. Only one bomber may perform a Tactical Nuclear Strike per turn. One d6 is rolled. The number on the die is the number of hits scored. (example, a roll of 5 removes 5 enemy units from play). Rockets may not conduct a Tactical Nuclear Strike.Armageddon Nuclear Strike
This is a special attack that involves turning an entire territory into an impassable Nuclear Wasteland, and requires both Heavy Bombers and High Altitude Bombers. A set number of bombers is required to perform this strike. The total number of bombers in an Armageddon Strike Force must be equal to the IPC value of the territory to be nuked. (for example, nuking Central United States requires 6 bombers). If a bomber is shot down before it can drop its payload, the mission cannot be carried out and must be aborted, and no nukes are dropped. When a successful Armageddon Strike is completed, remove all pieces from that territory, and place an upside-down control marker on it. That territory is now considered impassable, and no income can be collected from it by any player. This strike may not be done on territories with Victory Cities. An island territory with no IPC value does not require Heavy Bombers to turn into a wasteland.