AAE not broken–Tank Push Broken, Balance Restored

  • I have a couple of more notes on the Rumanian Wedge:

    • As mentioned previously, the best thing for the Germans to do is capture and stack Baltic heavy. This can mean putting 4 inf in Poland for the Special Cash Advance and even using the transport to load two more in, if the Russians put a lot of inf in Lenin and you don’t want to attack it. If you concentrate on East Poland instead, Tank Push seems to fall apart. I think this is because the Russians have time to attack Belo on turn 4/5 with a lot of converted aircraft.

    • Buying strategy for Americans is generally sound, although I would rework the order. Instead of buying 1 fighter and bomber per turn, just buy 2 or 3 fighters the first turn. Then buy bombers. The reason is any fighters bought on turn 2 won’t make Moscow by Germany’s turn 5 attack. (Delay one round if the Germans are doing a 6 turn attack.) Again, this is assuming Germans are stacking Baltic States, which is what they should be doing.

    • The buy with UK is tricky. I would generally suggest at least one fighter, and probably one more aircraft. Consider saving some money for a fleet. The turn 1 with Western Allies is generally pretty tricky, need some more experimentation and tinkering to see what works best, and of course it changes depending on how Germans attacked and their luck.

    -Now, for the actual Rumanian Wedge itself. It sort of kinda works. You have to be careful how many units you send. (I generally don’t attack the Russians if they are doing the Wedge. Again, I just focus up.) But the tricky part is if you send too many Russians, then there won’t be enough to defend Moscow. If Germans are doing a 5 turn version, you need everything within range of Moscow by end of turn 3. Delay one round for 6 turn version. The aim is to capture enough of the Balkans so that the Russians have enough money for a few more infantry per turn before the Moscow Battle. It is actually crazy how just two infantry can influence the battle. It can go from something like 67% to 48%.

    I have to experiment with the Germans attacking the Wedge a bit more. I don’t know if it is beneficial or not. Will post more once I know. In general, I’ve found that Russians don’t have enough time to convert much allied aircraft.

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