Thank you very much !
After Action Reports
Looks like you have a good game on your hands. :)
Title: British Capture Berlin, Twice (1942)
Date: December 27th, 2008
Special Rules: Tech + NO
Victor: Axis by Concession playing to 13 victory cities
Game length: 5 turns/ 6 hours
Bias: 1 expeirenced Axis player aganist 1 new Allies player
Discription: Japan focused on China while holding off US and sending six aircraft too Eastern Ukraine on J2. Soviet Union massacred Japanese fighters while losing many infantry. Germany massed tanks capturing Lenigrad on G1, Stalingrad on G2, and Moscow of G3. Britian captured Berlin on UK3. That turn they collocated both Germanies income aswell as the defeated Soveit Union’s, combined with their normal income it equalled something like 120 IPCs. Germany took Berlin back with paratroopers they had received the turn before,
but was not able to fortify Germnay so the UK again recived Germanies 70 IPCs. On I4 the Italians captured India and the following turn atempted to attack australia, but some bad dice doomed the attack. German rolled back in to Berlin and maid sure their homeland would never be taken again. On the fifth turn the US and Japan fought a massive naval battle of the shores of the Phillippines. After the Japanese won the Allies conceded the game.Observations: I was very pleased with the game. I surprised that such a new player could do so well, taking one of my capitals twice. Moving the six fighters from the pacific too europe is very costly and risky, you lose all that firpower in the pacific and if you get a few bad dice rolls in Europe that could cost you the game. Techs did not really play a big part in the game. The other thing i noticed is that when Japan lossed its firepower to Europe, Italy picked up the slack by taking calcutta and also attempting the capture of Sydney. I was very annoyed when I lost 160 IPCs to Britian, and wondered if their should be a rule, where you can destroy your own IPCs or blowup your capital.
Title: Operation SeaLion Lite (1941)
Date: December 28th, 2008
Special Rules: Tech + NO
Victor: Axis by Concession playing to 15 victory cities
Game Lenght: 7 turns/ 8 hours
Bias: 2 experienced Axis players against 2 experienced Allied players
Dicription: Germany muddled around in Russia on G1 while building a Crusier, bomber, inf and art. On G2 however they took Lenigrad while sneaking the transport in the med to seas zone 7 which the UK forgot to occupy. one infantry, a tank, 4 fighter and 2 bombers conquered London, but where forced out on UK2 by forces which attacked Norway on UK1. That was definiety the climax of the game, as it dragged on for another five turns. Japan and the US built extremely unnecissary navies which ended up never fighting each other, as the US retreated to the Atalntic in an attmept to quickly deliver a knock out blow to Germany. The Allies plan never really materlized and in their one good batte to take back Lenigrad they got bad dice and it failed. On the final turn the US was not paying attention and although they had built 10+ infantry in the western United States the Japanese Navy supported an amphibius landing which took yet another vicotry city. The allies could have lasted a few more turns, by decided to concede.Observations: You need to pay attention! the Allies kept getting attacked in ways they did not expect until it was too late. It was really sad when the US homeland was attacked. Also the UK player did not have an excuse for lossing the UK on G2, especially with the the new amphibius assault rules.
This game also shows though you do need secrecey and unexpected attacks in order to win decisivly. other that that, I noticed how hard it was hard for Germany to bring up infantry in order to protect its tanks, I definitly need to work on how to effectly use German and Italy to take out Russia. Techs wasted most peoples money except for Japan, which got Supersubs, Radar, Long range aircraft, and Jet fighters, giving them even more of an advatages against the US. -
Title: British Capture Berlin, Twice (1942)
Date: December 27th, 2008
Special Rules: Tech + NO
Victor: Axis by Concession playing to 13 victory cities
Game length: 5 turns/ 6 hours
Bias: 1 expeirenced Axis player aganist 1 new Allies player
Discription: Japan focused on China while holding off US and sending six aircraft too Eastern Ukraine on J2.Nice to know the “Unbeatable Strategy” isn’t – and this vs. a new Allied player. Guess it just takes seeing things from a different perspective.
Though I’m still having a hard time getting the 6th FTR to Eastern Ukraine. Can someone walk me through the logistics behind this without Long Range Aircraft tech. The one in Japan just keeps running out of gas for me. :?
Thanks for the AAR!
I noticed how hard it was hard for Germany to bring up infantry in order to protect its tanks, I definitly need to work on how to effectly use German and Italy to take out Russia.
I am pondering the same thing. I still have yet to play my 1st game (Can’t wait for the 10th of January!), but from my test plays it looks like that after G2 there’s practically no german inf left in the eastern front.
Things I have been pondering about:Buy an extra tranny, to serve as abridge into Cauc, but that would require more naval investment to protect it.
A IC in Poland? It only saves you 1 step, but does guarantee a constant flow of inf from G2 into the front.
Hope for mech inf, so they can travel along with your Pantzer?I honestly have no clue, so for the 10th, I am just hoping I can send in enough tanks there to even out the losses against the commy bastards dug in in the front.
Title: Axis Rally (1942)
Date: December 29th, 2008
Special Rules: Tech and NOs
Victor: Axis by Concession
Game Length: 6 Hours
Bias: Slightly Axis. Six players – 3 Allies (3 experienced) and 3 Axis (1 strong, 2 experienced)
Axis: Japan traded navies with the USA and made headway in Russia. Italy smashed, taking Africa and following up with Stalingrad. Germany moved in on Leningrad, while fending off UK’s navy.
Allies: UK+Russia focused on Germany. USA was able to contain Japan, while also sending the occasional bomber to Europe.
Endgame: With the Pacific stalemated, a combined German-Italian pincer was able to capture Moscow. Allies conceded thereafter.
Very tight game. UK and USA were able to SBR Germany for 15-20 IPCs a turn, while conducting amphibious invasions of Northwestern Europe and France each turn. Italy was able to retake most of the Allied gains, while Germany focused on wearing down Russia. Due to a combined Axis effort, Russia was only making ~15 IPCs a turn. One of the big Allied mistakes was that they never made a serious attempt to retake Africa or Norway. Allies seem a lot stronger in 1942 due to their beefier navy. -
Title: The Grind
Date: 12/??/08
Special Rules: 1941 set. Tech + National Objectives
Victor: Draw
Game Length: 8 hours
Bias: 6 player game, both sides had: 1 experienced player, 1 so-so player, 1 brand new to learn the game player
Description: Japan and Italy and Germany attacked Russia. USA and UK tried to help Russia but were too slow. Instead USA and UK were focused on Pacific. UK built India factory. USA later took Japan’s factory in Manchuria. On the same turn that Russia lost Moscow and was eliminated, Japan lost its last fleet, was reduced to only it’s home island and Okinawa. So the game now would essentially become a 2 vs 2 battle. Germany and Italy vs USA and UK. We were playing to 15 cities and no team ever got closer than 12. We think it could have gone either way.
Observations/Recommendations: Our first game and it was a doozie! We were exhausted. Overall I like the new ruleset. -
Title: Sack Germany
Date: 12/28/08
Special Rules: 1941 rules. Tech + National Obj.
Victor: Allies.
Game Length: 7 hours
Bias: Equal. Each side has 2 experienced players and 1 new player.
Description: USA and UK went for Germany sacrificing most of Pacific theater. Australia fell, then India. Germany’s attack on Russia stalled out thanks to good Russian defense and UK assistance. After the German attack on Moscow failed, USA and UK began making coodinated landings in Europe and strategic bombings. Italy defeated UK in Africa, but it was of little consequence. An amphibious landing to Germany directly captured the capital with the help of UK’s new HEAVY BOMBERS (oh … snap!) and the Axis conceeded defeat. With a strong Russia, US and UK against a huge Japan and medium-sized Italy it would have gone to Allies eventually.
Observations/Recommendations: It’s more interesting to do a KJF strategy, but this tried and true KGF works pretty well. Allies were focused on defeat of Germany and it worked. -
Title: Distance kills Germany 1941
Date: November 29th, 2008
Special Rules: Tech (but never bought) and NOs
Victor: Allies by Concession
Game Length: 8 Hours
Bias: none, 2 x 2 relatively experienced players (but first time playing anniversary) ( I played Germany-Italy)
This is a little bit further back in my mind, but I’ll try to recap.
Germany: Germany pushed all the way to Russia, capturing Ukraine, East Poland and Baltic, eventually also Karelia. Lost fleet first or second round to UK. Never build new factory near Russia, therefore not able to provide additional infantry to the fighters and tanks. Eventually lost against stacked up pile of russion tanks and enormous infantry. No real backup from italy in russia.
Italy: Went for Afrika, went reasonably well with NOs. Never really helped Germany. Took Brasil and west indies, but lost transport in air-sea battle
Japan: Took East indies, Bornea, Philippines and Hongkong, as well as first russian terratory (NOs). Expanded fleet to match USA’s. Conquered some consecutive lands from russia, but failed to withhold UK from South East Asia. Eventually USA and UK took back (ungarded) Borneo, East Indies, and India (Factory by UK) swepted Asia. Japan never could help Germany/Italy
UK: Built Factory in India. Sank fleet Germany and started attempting several landings in north europe (Norway). Took back Afrika eventually, but most of all took back East INdies, Borneo and South East Asia.
Russia: STacking up infantry and tanks. Simply defensive actions against Germany and Italy. Never really had problems
USA: Expanded fleet. Pushed with transports to indies. Never really got to the game.
**Observations: **
The distance between Berlin and russian battlefield was way to large. Infantry could never make it in time to match the numbers of russia, which had much more units in total. Losing their fleet, Germany was inable to withhold UK from invading europe. Italy could not really help Germany. Because of the strong UK in Asia, Japan never made it to help Germany.Title: Miles away 1941
Date: December 27th, 2008
Special Rules: Tech (but never bought) and NOs
Victor: Allies win with 13 victory cities
Game Length: 8 Hours
Bias: none, 2 x 2 relatively experienced players ( By chance, I played Germany-Italy again)
By chance I played with germany and italy again. Remembering my defeat, I tried to cope with some of the problems faced the first time. But as you will read, again I failed miserably, possibly also because of some unlucky events.
Germany: Germany pushed to Russia, capturing Ukraine, East Poland and Baltic in first turn. Then stopping, not to make same mistake again. Attacked UK in Africa to make way for Italy. Lost (again) fleet in North-sea by combined Sea/Air against Sea attack by UK. After this, UK had stronghold in NorthSea. Germany bought factory in 2nd turn, putting it in Romania, to be closer to Russia. Captured Karelia, but was recaptured thereafter by Russia. Focussed on Caucasus thereafter, matching numbers with Russia to some extent, but again, failed to deliver infantry here, which was opposite to Russia with > 8 infantry in neighbourhood. Focussed on Fighters, tanks and infantry. Eventually, when Russia grew stronger, pulled back biggest army, losing most of it on last chance battle in Karrelia after wicht Russian caucasus army could easily attack Romania with 11 tanks. Lost Norway to USA who pushed europe, (and later put factory in Norway). UK put transports and cruisers in Atlantic, easily invading France several times, even Berlin and Poland, which were easily defeated again (by Italy also) but therefore never could really built up.
Italy: Went for Afrika, but only had 1 tank remaining to conquer Africa… Fleet got stuck on other side of Suez (when UK took back East Jordan), Fleet never could do anything anymore. This time dit help Germany in western europe (at first also in Russia). Italy did a reasonable job this time (also with NOs).
Japan: Took East indies, Bornea, Philippines and Hongkong, as well as first russian terratory (NOs) (same as last game). Expanded fleet to match USA’s. Conquered some consecutive lands from russia, but failed to defeat the chinese, who took back several lands, therefore interering with NOs of Japan. Japan took India (with Factory of UK on it). However, Germany failed to put troops between Caucasus and India on this particular turn, which meant Russia could easiliy blitz to India (with only 1 tank remaining for Japan), taking India back. In our opinion, if Japan had held India one turn, It could have helped Germany. Therefore this unfortunat mistake probably switched te balance to Allies totally. Afterwards, India was UK again and started to sweep Asia with 6 tanks. Japan tried to reconquer, but failed. Fleet Japan - USA was eventually won by USA, leaving only one battleship for USA. Did one surprise landing in Alaska, with good result, but was reconquered next turn (costly) by USA.
UK: Built Factory in India. Sank fleet Germany and started attempting several landings in western europe. Bought bombers to help landings, only 2 were shot down. Started with landings in Poland and also Berlin…. Took back Afrika eventually, by crossing Suez. Took back East indies by mistake Axis (leaving destroyer and transport in range). Because of NOs of UK (France) and France itself (6 IPC) UK had an income of > 50 in the end.
Russia: STacking up infantry and tanks. Simply defensive actions against Germany and Italy. Never really had problems. Stackup up mostly in Caucasus. Did lose Moscow one turn, but could easily recover. Took Romania when German army was defeated. Took back India, reconquered lands occupied by Japan.
USA: Expanded fleet. Pushed with transports to northern europe (6 tanks). Put factory in Norway.Pushed to Finland and Karelia. Did loose significant troops when Japan did surprise landfall in Alaska, but never really got into trouble.
**Observations: **
Again, the distance between Berlin and russian battlefield was way to large. Infantry could never make it in time to match the numbers of russia, which had much more units in total. To cope, I built a factory (2 IPC) in romania, but this was still not sufficient. What to place here? Infantry? Or tanks? I opted for the latter. When the German fleet was gone, UK could easily invade germany anywhere, and Germany got stuck defending. Italy did a good job helping, but when UK’s income rose to extraordinary heights, this was not enough. Important to mention is the one mistake which we think could have been decisive: germany failed to put one troop (which was transported from romania to East Jordan) between Caucasus and just conquered India (Japan). This allowed Russia to take back Allies control over India, leaving South-East asia open to the UK.I have now played Germany-Italy twice, and I still fail to see the ‘right way’ to play. If Germany’s fleet is gone, it is virtually open for invasion, especially when it is also bullying Russia. Italy may help, but then Africa is merely wasteland. Should Japan push more to Russia? Should Italy’s fleet attack UKs? Probably.
As for Tech: because you have no certainty of what you get, is it still worthwhile to go for them?
I noticed how hard it was hard for Germany to bring up infantry in order to protect its tanks, I definitly need to work on how to effectly use German and Italy to take out Russia.
I am pondering the same thing. I still have yet to play my 1st game (Can’t wait for the 10th of January!), but from my test plays it looks like that after G2 there’s practically no german inf left in the eastern front.
Things I have been pondering about:Buy an extra tranny, to serve as abridge into Cauc, but that would require more naval investment to protect it.
A IC in Poland? It only saves you 1 step, but does guarantee a constant flow of inf from G2 into the front.
Hope for mech inf, so they can travel along with your Pantzer?I honestly have no clue, so for the 10th, I am just hoping I can send in enough tanks there to even out the losses against the commy bastards dug in in the front.
Looking at Keida’s report, my pondering only grows stronger, and my belief for a tranny (swift transportation of inf to eastern front) and some enhanced fleet (to delay UK’s invasion through the Baltic) takes more shape.
A trans-buy on G1 seems to limit Germany a bit too much, not able to put moree defense into it, so an AC (and have 2 ftrs land on it) to protect the G2 trans buy seems nice. -
So the game now would essentially become a 2 vs 2 battle. Germany and Italy vs USA and UK. We were playing to 15 cities and no team ever got closer than 12. We think it could have gone either way.
Try 12 Victory Cities chips for victory. It helps cut down on the grueling length of the game. I’m even experimenting with 11 Victory Cities right now.
Motorized Infantry helps Germany a lot. The German needs to take and hold either Leningrad or Stalingrad. That’s the only way you can get Infantry close enough to the front. Also, Italy should be doing more in terms of protecting German interest on the continent. Also, the Axis need to take Egypt by turn 2 or it’s game.
Thanks for the suggestion. I hear ya, we may play to 12 victory cities, (or 13 or 14 etc etc) but it depends on what kind of game you like. Come to think of it, it may have been only 11 cities that one side got to on our 1st game. I personally prefer longer games with more decisive outcomes, and I feel like 15 cities victory condition offers that longer game with a “high-technology, big victory” feel.
The lower the victory cities the more likely one side will pursue a rambunctious strategy to get the 12 (or even 11) cities at the cost of all else, kind of like a “rush”. If that is your thing, and you want to finish the game in 5 hours, then that’s totally cool - it’s your table. I don’t care if the game is 10 hours split between two days, it’s more about playing a great game and getting a chance to re-write history in the process. But whatever floats your boat.
Title: 41’ Free for All
Date: 12/28/08
Special rules: NOs+techs
Victor: Axis Victory. Japanese conquered Moscow and Italy took India
Game length: around 8 rounds
Bias: Germany & Italy (experience player), Japan (Rookie), Russia (experienced), and USA & UK (a few games in the past).
Description: The Germans and Russians traded territories. The US split its forces and had it’s entire fleet wiped out off the Hawaiian Islands in round 3. The UK pressured Germany by invading France. The Italians were able to take it back each turn (they played a much larger part in the game then I expected). Italy used it warships and transports to amphibious assualt India, taking the UK player completely by surprise. Winning that industrial complex freed Japan to crush all of Asian under the rising sun. Italy also took all of Africa after eliminating Egypt and South African INF. Techs played only a small roll in the game, although every country except for Italy had atleast 1. Germany survived by the skin of her teeth, luckily Italy and Japan closed in on the Russians. Fun new game. Can’t wait to play again over New Years. Adding that 6th player really adds a new dimension to the game. I used the sweet die with all the country emblems. It really helped the players to identify with their countries. Only change, Italy needs to be a different color, they look too much like Russia. -
Title: How many tanks are you attacking with?
Date: December 27 2008
Special rules: Used both NO and Tech.
Victor: Axis by concession at the end of G3.
Game length: 5 hours.
Bias: Slight Axis. It was the first game for my friend and I both veterans of Classic since the 80s. My friend is better at picking up new games than I am, but we both seemed to have an equal share of luck and mistakes.
Axis went more heavily after national objectives and denying mine while I tried to gain time and make him lose some. His strategy was more realized than mine which is why he won. Here’s a breakdown of the action.
G1: Destroyed half of the English navy, (my units off the coasts of spain and east canada survived the rest went to the bottom. He also took Baltic and East Poland very convincingly (zero defensive his) though his naval assault on Karelia failed, though he did escape with 1 tank and his air force. He also took Gibraltar to help Italy with its NO.
Not sure taking Gibraltar was a good move since once Egypt falls Trans-Jordan cannot stand.
R1: I calculated my odds of retaking my lost territories but since Karelia was weakened the odds would have favored my opponent. So I just built some tanks and men and attacked a German sub which submerged after I missed the first time.
J1: Japan bought a trannie and two tech rolls and got long range aircraft (believe me this is a nightmare). In addition to destroying my battleship at Pearl and the fleet in Philippines he was also able to reach the fleet in India and destroyed all those navies. Curiously he seemed to play light on the mainland only attacking Kwangtung which held rather miraculously. He was very aggressive in his island conquests leaving some transports undefended. He took both East Indies and Borneo/Celebes but Pearl Harbor survived with a plane intact.
I thought Japan should have at least taken out the Chinese plane.
UK1: I built a navy of 2 cruisers, a destroyer and a transport. My surviving navy along with my air force destroyed the two subs he used to take out my battleship. This was a mistake, I left his navy in the baltic unmolested and it would come back to bite me later. My tank in East Canada landed in Algeria via an amphibious assault and I reinforced Egypt with the guys in Trans-Jordan. UK also used its Ausie navy to destroy a lone Japanese transport as well as taking back East Indies. I also marched my troops from India to Burma to make Japan pay some attention to the mainland.
I1: Built two tanks. Takes Algeria back for Germany. Moves a tank to Ukraine. Moves two defenders into France.
A1: I built some subs and other navy on the west coast and a transport on the east coast. I also took took Algeria. In the pacific I picked off two more transports thanks to my bomber and my fighter in Pearl. China took out his two Infantry defending Kiangsu and built 4 infantry.
I think America’s build was a mistake. In Classic A&A you can simply delay a turn before you have a constant stream of people coming in from the Atlantic. A&A50 is far to fast paced for that and it takes boats even longer. Compared to classic you need either double the navy or choose not to land on Europe every other turn. Next game its gonna be all bombers for America at least as far as commitment against Germany is concerned.
G2: Buys tanks only. Takes Karelia, Belorusia and Eastern Ukraine. He’s now in range to blitz Moscow with all the tanks he started with as well as his tanks built during G1. Germany also attacks Egypt in an attempt to soften it up for Italy but ends up taking it with few losses.
R2: Buy two tanks and the rest men. I fill two empty spaces with one INF so Germany cannot blitz into Moscow and re-take Archangelsk and Ukraine (essentially I have a anti-blitz zone of one or two INF in each space between Germany and my remaining two complexes. In the East, I want Japan to attack Russia instead of China so I only leave 3 infantry in Buryatin along with the American bomber that had to land their after picking off the transport in Japan.
J2: Builds more transports and men. Takes pearl harbor but instead of moving towards Australia and/or taking back East Indies he uses all of his navy to be able to take out Buryatin as well as the two Chinese Inf in Kiangsu.
UK2: I buy men, tanks and a transport. I attack Burma with 3 men and an Artillery vs. his two guys and don’t get a single hit. I withdraw with only my artillery remaining. Feeling a need to put some pressure on Germany’s west front with how Russia is looking, I attack France with 3 Cruiser shouts, a bomber, two planes, two men a tank and an arty vs. his AA gun 6 INF a tank and an arty. Luckily the AA misses but I get shredded killing getting two hits on the first turn to his 4 hits. I pull back with only my air force remaining. INF before he kills everything except for my air force.
I2: I forget what he buys, I think tanks and infantry. He starts conquering Africa. Uses his fighter to destroy the American transport in sea zone 12.
A2: My navy in west USA still isn’t strong enough to attack the Japanese at Pearl, so I build more navy and some air force. At this point I was ready to concede but I wanted to see how things looked at the end of G3.
G3: Germany attacks the UK’s navy of 1 sub, 2 destroyer and 3 cruisers with 1 sub, 1 cruiser and three planes and wins with minimal losses. At this point I officially conceded. In the East front Germany would have taken Belorusia with 13 or 14 tanks and some infantry. I couldn’t have attacked it and even will all my units in Moscow, I still would have fallen to those tanks on G4.
seems to be a lot more axis wins these days
Moses, have you worked out which setup seems to be more balanced? as in ‘41 with NO and Tech, or 41’ without NO and Tech, or 41’ with NO but no Tech, etc
Tin Snips,
Not necessarily. The current Axis 1941 leader board is 15-4-10. In other words the Axis winning percentage is 60%. 1942 is closer than that. I would say when the Axis winning percentage gets to 70%, then it’s time to rebalance the game. I would also wait until at least 50 games have been played before delivering a statement as to which side is “better.”
The Axis and Allied strategies aren’t optimized yet. I believe victory has come down to player skill (or some rather cruel dice) rather then inherent board advantage. And the best A&A players gravitate towards the Axis side. Playing the Allies require a coordinated effort. In a few games I’ve played, the Allies clearly working working together. The were working to stop the Axis, but they weren’t together.
If that seems too much of a handwavy answer, then based on MY play testing experience:
1941 w/o NO: Balanced
1941 w/ NO: Slightly Axis1942 w/o NO: Slightly Allied
1942 w/ NO: BalancedHope that helps.
General Turgidson, I noticed two parts that seem to be contrary to the rules?
G1: (…)though his naval assault on Karelia failed, though he did escape with 1 tank and his air force.
Escape, as in retreat? How can a tank retreat from an amphibious assault?
R1: (…) attacked a German sub which submerged after I missed the first time.
I reckon the only thing you could’ve used to attack it with was your own sub, so the defending sub could have submerged right away…right?
Title: poor italy
Date: 30th of December
Special Rules: NO’s and Tech were both used. 1941 scenario
Victor: allied victory, by concession
Game Length: around 6 hours
Bias: i was on allied again, although had a nebie on my side as USADescription: Germany did its usual push into Russia, but foolishly didn’t attempt to sink any UK shipping. also focused a little too much on defence
Russia (myself) spread out my defences, and built mainly infantry each turn, with a couple of attacks as well. sent 2 infantry down to india over 2 turns, and only lost Karelia once (re-took it on next turn)
Japan took the undefended islands, then focused on pushing into Russia via the north. attacked and defeated the US fleet a few turns in, but retreated to defend Japan as it was apparent that the US would rebuild its fleet quickly and continuously
UK (myself) assaulted Algeria on round 1 with the canadian tank and an infantry and artillery from UK island. took it and held it. the amassed UK fleet then sunk the Italian fleet on round 3, and continued to take and hold Africa. a factory was built on India, as Japan hadn’t positioned herself to assault India well enough (and had the added protection of 2 Russian inf and the UK fighter from Egypt). tank pushed from this factory into Asia. also consistantly built and moved fighters to help defend Russa (put them on the front lines generally)
Italy took Egypt, but lost it soon after, then lost its fleet and was forced onto the defensive. Allied SBR’s on her factory also helped crush her options
US mainly built fleets and pushed at Japan. re-took philippines round 3 as well. forces from Western US helped defend Algeria, then took Libya
China survived the first Japanese attacks, then took back all of their territories (with UK help) and held them
Observations/Recommendations: i felt i did quite well with UK and Russia this game (again). Russia defended itself quite well, and pushed back earlier, forcing Germany to spread out her forces. USA did it’s job of holding Japans attention. Japan should have pushed into China and India straight away, but this stall sealed their fate. Germany should’ve attacked shipping, and not focused so much on defending its shores straight away
Title: Bye-Bye Italy
Date: 1/1/09
Special rules: NOs+techs, 1942 Scenerio
Victor: Allied Victory. Berlin and Tokyo taken in the same round.
Game length: around 9 rounds (8 hrs)
Bias: Germany & Italy (novice player), Japan (novice player), Russia & USA (experienced), and UK (rookie).
Description: On B1 the entire Italian fleet was sunk. This pretty much ended Italy’s usefullness for the rest of the game. Germany made a great push into Russia, but too much focus on air power cost them valuable tanks for the battles around the Caucasas. The US took over Morocco in US2 and started shipping guys that way. Japan focused too much on bombers and fighters. India held out and was able to push into French Indo-China. Australia did fall to Japan in J3, but that put his carrier/battleship fleet out of position. Near the end of the game both Russian and USA got Heavy Bombers. This sealed the fate of the Axis. Biggest turning point was the allied destruction of the italian fleet. Once Italy was no threat in the Med Sea, the Allies coud set up bases and use the “soft underbelly of Europe” to hammer Germany. Next game, as the Germans, I would destroy the British fleet surround Italy on G1, in order to have a valauable ally atleast for 1 turn. -
Title: Italian Fleet Looks Great… at the bottom of the Med
Date: 30th of December
Special Rules: NO’s and NO Tech. 1942 scenario.
Victor: ALLIED victory, by concession
Game Length: around 2 hours
Bias: Pretty EvenDescription: Germany didn’t attempt to sink enough UK shipping. Italian fleet sunk on UK1. Japan failed to kill Chinese FTR. It kind of went downhill from there. Agreed to surrender and re-roll a 1941 game.
Observations/Recommendations: Protecting the Italian fleet is key. sz12 is a must clear on G1, or at least leave the German DD there to block the UK fleet.