• Official Q&A

    No, I meant that you can only surprise enemy subs when you do have a DD.  I apparently left a word out of my sentence.  It should have said “The ‘surprise’ only really applies to non-subs, and subs when you have a DD.”

    If you have no DD, the enemy subs can submerge before your Surprise Strike.  If you have a DD, they can’t submerge, so not only can’t they escape your Surprise Strike, they don’t even get one so they don’t shoot back if they’re hit by yours.

    Of course, if they have a DD, you can’t surprise anything.

  • Moderator

    I’m not sure if this was answered earlier but suppose:

    4 ftrs vs. 2 subs, 1 destroyer, 1 cruiser.

    Can the defender use the subs as fodder even though the attacker has no DD to see the subs?

  • Official Q&A

    No.  This battle is purely fighters versus destroyer and cruiser.

  • 2007 AAR League

    …and that’s a reason why I think Subs will see even less play time than in revised. I mean - the main purpose of the AAR sub, was to be used as a fodder unit…

  • Official Q&A

    That’s what destroyers are for.  That and hunting subs.

  • Moderator


    Although, I do agree with Perry, b/c in this case it is to the Defenders adv to kill off the subs.

    4 ftrs vs. 2 subs …

    Then great, the defender is saved from automatically losing 2 subs BUT

    6 ftrs, 2 bom vs. Any number of subs, trns, 1 dd, 1 ca, 1 bb


  • Moderator


    That’s what destroyers are for.  That and hunting subs.

    But why buy a DD when your air can eliminate the heavy hitters at roughly the same IPC price.

    4 ftrs = 2 dd, 2 ca

    And you have a pip adv in 12 to 10.

    I’ll sweep up the subs later (with 1 dd and my left over air), once the trns and capital ships are gone.


    My thought is 8 ipc for a 2/2 fodder unit might be a lot.

    In the earlier editions an 8 ipc trn for fodder was worth it b/c transports are always useful.

    Here, I’m just not sure if I buy a lot of DDs.  Certainly having 1 around is necessary but after that might as well bite the bullet and spend 12 and get the bombardment with a cruiser.

    Or just spend 10 on ftrs and 12 on bombers.

  • Official Q&A

    I guess that means that your new (cheaper) fleets are going to have to be balanced.  You’ll need DDs for protection against subs and for fodder, and you’ll need carriers for protection against air attack.  Round that out with a battleship or cruiser or two and you’ve got a nice, effective task force.

  • Moderator

    Balance shmalance!  :-D

  • hey sorry, what does LHTR mean?

  • @frzn:

    hey sorry, what does LHTR mean?

    LHTR = Larry Harris Tournament Rules  (This was a ruleset created for AAR=Axis and Allis Revised Edition.)

    Larry Harris is the creator of the Axis and Allies boardgame, and he has had input in all subsequent incarnations of Axis and Allies.

  • Official Q&A

    LHTR fixes some issues with box rules.  You can find the rules, and a discussion about them, on Larry’s site.

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