How Did Your Forum Name Came To Be?

  • vocalize the gap:

    my email-addy and nick appeared in intranet mails like:

    hmmhmmhmhmmF <alk>So, a friend vocalized it by calling me:
    F … … … alk

    And Ewok, :D i am thankful to my parents as well, i like the name a lot too :)</alk>

  • I just noticed the when I say your name I dont say the L

  • I always thought it to be Flak… :wink:

  • @GeZe:

    I just noticed the when I say your name I dont say the L

    Tstststss…. it’s pretty important, that “L” :P

  • ya I said your name "Faak

  • I just found out that there is a compony in grmany that sells doors and windows that is named GeZe!

  • '19 Moderator

    When I first started playing A&A on the Internet I signed up at the Zone and had to come up with a name on the spot. At first I tried DezertRat but it was taken so I stared at the computer and tried to think of another animal to put with Dezert. Did I mention I live in the Desert? Anyway I like to swim and go fishing and my astrological sign is the fish so I submitted Dezrtfish. I forgot to type in the second E and the Z looked cooler than the S. I use that name with anything that has to do with A&A I post in some other places as DezertRed. Red is the name I go by, it is also the color of my hair.

  • So Falk, what is your first name?

  • @yourbuttocks:

    So Falk, what is your first name?

    Well, it is Falk, just as you have guessed.

  • @Xi:

    As in China (e.g., the Xin Dynasty.) My ancestry is important to me, but I do not share it lightly.

    Xi how Chinese are you? I’m born in Hong Kong and what’s the Xin Dynasty you were referring to? :-?

  • The Xin Dynasty was short-lived, from around 7-22 A.D. or 9-24 A.D., depending on who’s counting. China is actually named after it. Thus, Xi!

    I am about 1/32 Chinese. I posted a part of my heritage on the website a while back. Irish, Jewish, Polish, Chinese, etc. :roll:

  • @Xi:

    The Xin Dynasty was short-lived, from around 7-22 A.D. or 9-23 A.D., depending on who’s counting. China is actually named after it. Thus, Xi!

    I am not familiar with the spelling of the names of the different dynasty but I will check my history book. Named China after Xin? :-?

    I’m born in Hong Kong

    This also explains my perfect English. 8)

  • @Dirt:


    The Xin Dynasty was short-lived, from around 7-22 A.D. or 9-23 A.D., depending on who’s counting. China is actually named after it. Thus, Xi!

    I am not familiar with the spelling of the names of the different dynasty but I will check my history book. Named China after Xin? :-?

    I am not familiar with the english way to write the dynasic names, but over herewe write that one Chin. How do you spell the other kingdom that struggled against them… the one that in german in written Ch’in ?

  • @F_alk:

    I am not familiar with the english way to write the dynasic names, but over herewe write that one Chin. How do you spell the other kingdom that struggled against them… the one that in german in written Ch’in ?

    Are you talking about the last dynasty from Manchuria? That’s the Qing(spell?) dynasty. The Qing conquered the Ming. :D

  • No, i was talking about the time before the first dynasty…. quarreling empires would be the literal translation from german to english of that era.

  • Yes, I know what you’re talking about now. He called himself the first emperor (even though there were others less well defined empire in China for 2000 years before him). Anyway there were seven warlords fighting (don’t know spellings) and Xin/Chin came out on top. It was when the Great Wall was built. Even more famous and exciting was the Three Kingdom Period. A lot of strategy games are made after this period, including several in Play Station 2. :D

    I’m sure the names will be spelled in Encyclopedia Britannica. I’m going to the library now…

  • FYI:
    Ch’in defeated Ch’i, Ch’u, Yen, Han, Chao and Wei, and ruled from 221BC-206BC. Someone should make a game out of it. Now I see where the name China comes from. :roll:

    Xi, should we start calling you Ch’i? :wink:

  • Oops! :oops:
    Well, it’s been 20 years since I took that class on Chinese history.
    But, I believe that Xi can also be found as Chi, Ch’i or Qi. Depends on your source and their pronunciation (hard to understand the Massachusetts or East LA Chinese accents. :P )

    Oops, again! :oops: Looked back at my previous sleepy- time post.
    Am 1/64th Chinese. Relatives came over to build the capitalist railroads. My Chinese progenators have done well since then.

    DAMN capitalism! Can’t get a good communist (or even [Gag me with a place setting!] socialist) movement started in this country. Must be a mental disease due to isolation. That’s why the ‘open borders’ policy is so vital. :evil:

  • You’re quite knowlegable on Chinese history for a 1/64 Chinese Xi (same to you F_alk). But Chi’n is correct spelling. After all you don’t call China Xina.
    Capitalism and communism both have their merits and I hate getting into political discussion (makes me sound like an uninformed idiot), only have this to say: chacun son gout (somebody please correct my spelling :D ).

  • The above guest was me. :oops:

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