• Has anyone tried out to beat Russia with just a sh*tload of SBR? My thoughts:

    Turn 0: Buy one artillery unit an one infantry unit, place them in Finland. Save 5 IPC.

    Turn 1: Buy three bombers. Wipe out the allied fleets in the Atlantic with the subs and all fighters/bombers. Take out Russian convoy centre. Move all avalible troops on mainland Europe towards Russia, invade Baltic states and Bessarabia. Move all infantry but one from Norway to Finland and also ship two infantry from Holland to Finland. Take out Malta fighter with Med BB+transport(1 inf+1 art). Destroy Gibraltar DD with own DD and South Atlantic SS. Land 4 of your fighters in Norway, the other two in Holland. Bomber lands in Germany.

    Turn 2: Buy two bombers and two tanks. Strat bomb Russian cities with all four of your bombers. (This should result in a 14 IPC loss for Russia, being able to build with only 5 IPC next turn.) Invade Karelia with Finnish troops. Ship Tunisian tank to Greece.

    Turn 3: Buy more bombers and tanks (1b + 6 tanks or 2b + 3 tanks depending on how many bombers being lost to AA). Keep strat bombing Russia. See to that Russian convoy centre keeps being occupied. Russia shold by now be down to zero IPC. Try definitly to take Leningrad so that allied fighters can´t get to russia.

    Use your own fighters with skill, if Russians leave their tanks unprotected, for example when trying to take Kareila back, concider sacrify the fighters to get rid of the russian tanks.

    The whole idea is based on keeping Russian IPC as low as possible, getting the red army to split up so it becomes vurnerable for an pre-Moscow-attack. Kill russians without getting your own troops killed.

  • sounds like fun,
    but what about allied fighters? I’m a big believer in them, and Russia has that little "i can convert allied units into mine’ with that whole national patriotism thing. If i’m the allies and i see this little bomber build up, i’m buying fighters to scramble.

  • Yes, the allied fighters are a big problem and you can´t prevent the original two UK fighters from landing in Leningrad on turn 1. You should make an effort to invade Leningrad on turn 2 to stop further allied fighters to join Russia. Or lure the allies into attacking lone naval units with their planes, wich by doing that not reaches the USSR (Gibraltar for example).

  • I know this is away from what your over all strategy is however, if you buy a transpot and save 4, or whatever, with the 12icp bonus you can take Lennnigrad on the first turn.

  • That´s absolutely true, but you can´t hold it. The communists will take it back immideatly and then UK can still land their fighters on their first turn.

    Also, it is enough if only one Soviet city remains unprotected with fighters. You can still send all your bombers to SBR the same city.

  • :-? I see your point. I really didn’t think that through very well….dumb.

  • sounds good but i prefer buying tanks for the eastern front.

  • @Mr:

    :-? I see your point. I really didn’t think that through very well….dumb.

    I wouldn’t call it dumb. As long as you keep the initiative: Russia is forced to retake Leningrad, leaving other space (more) open.

  • @F_alk:


    :-? I see your point. I really didn’t think that through very well….dumb.

    I wouldn’t call it dumb. As long as you keep the initiative: Russia is forced to retake Leningrad, leaving other space (more) open.


  • I say (if you are using the air transport rule)paratroop infrantry into moscow the same time as you are invading lelingrad.:)

  • All Germany has to do to win is take all the convoy centers on the first turn along with some african countries and put tanks into the russian front not even the most experienced player can mobilize enough to open a hole in the eastern front to save Moscoww

  • @Maleks1:

    All Germany has to do to win is take all the convoy centers on the first turn along with some african countries and put tanks into the russian front not even the most experienced player can mobilize enough to open a hole in the eastern front to save Moscoww

    Well, if you leave the allied fleet(s) untouched, they will probably be able to attack you in the north quickly.
    I would rather try to find an optimum of destroying as many allied ships as possible and taking as many convoys during the combat move.

  • @Maleks1:

    All Germany has to do to win is take all the convoy centers on the first turn along with some african countries and put tanks into the russian front not even the most experienced player can mobilize enough to open a hole in the eastern front to save Moscoww

    I have a thought here…you don’t add the convoy centre value to your income do you?
    Its a common mistake.

    Not to say that’s what your doing, however, if your just buying tanks as Germany and winning, something isn’t right.

  • Hahahaha, buying nothing but tanks - that’s the best tactical move ever! :roll: Then how come the Germans never thought of that?

  • This is highly successful due to the fact that the Allies can reinforce with planes, but ultimately what you find is that Russia has no land troops to retake Moscow, only planes to wreak vengencance. The result is ususally Germany wins with no troops left in Moscow but Russia unable to retake it with land troops. A little screening action north of Moscow helps complete the encireclement.

  • Strat bombing is a good option and should be used against soviets, so that their massed inf doesn’t swell too fast.

    But rushing to the front usually leads to high losses which germany in my opinion doesn’t have on the first couple of turns…

    I have found that how to win the simplest is infranty blocks for germany too…

    Turn 1. Destroy the british naval units totally and capture the convoys…
    Buy 1 bomber and with the rest infranty.
    Attacks should be made only strafing, destroy the inf blocks in east poland and baltic states, but don’t conquer them.

    Turn 2. Buy with everything infranty or another option would be trans to mediterrean, depending where the allies used their ipcs…
    Attacks now conquer either baltic states or east poland with every inf you got and help them with fighters. After that you should have a nice block of german infranty sitting in either place and for the soviets to take it back they must use a lot inf too and weapons (art, tanks, planes).

    Turn 3. Depending you managed to keep the place with your inf, buy more inf, but buy 2 tanks and a fighter or bomber. If you didn’t keep it and the russians attacked very heavily in it, watch what they have in there, if only couple of art and artillery leave them be and make another strafing attack to destroy their block of troops and buy another big block inf and maybe sub to hold the allies a little depending how your sub fleet is still living…

    Turn 4. Two options start 2 major attacks one from rumania hungary to ukraine, another to east poland. So that the soviets would have to choose which they will destroy they can’t destroy both and if they try they will probaly lose both attacks. Now if they do destroy either one hit with everything you got at them and hope that they destroyed the ukraine troops, because you can move the big block of inf to east poland and land your fighters to hold it completely…

    Turn 5. you can figure out already…

    This was just a quick run what you should do in the russian front. And I don’t think it matters in the front if you move your tank from africa to the soviet front. I would suggest you keep trying to take the africa completely, first thing is that it’s losses for the russians in ipc if you can take the africa unless the allies are wasting them on british or america…

  • Here’s my beef about SBR in pure tactical terms:

    In an SBR you expose your 15-ipc bomber to AA fire. The maximum damage you inflict is 6 ips, and the average is 3.5 ipcs. (And you risk 15ipcs.)

    In a regular land battle, shielded by inf etc., your 15-ipc Bmr is not exposed to any fire. And you get multiple waves to attack. If you get three waves (and two hits), you match the maximum damage of an SBR (2inf removed = 6ipcs). If you get only two waves (and likely one hit = 3ipcs), you still are just under the average SBR damage. If you have an attack with but a single chance to roll the dice, odds are still in your favor to gain that hit.

    So, the reward of using the Bmr in regular combat vs. SBR is roughly equivalent or much richer, while the risk can be kept to zero. Also, a Bmr used in a mixed land force attack can help remove enemy inf to get at the higher-ipc targets. This increases the reward for using the Bmr in this mode.

  • Zimzax you are correct. But there are turns when your bombers don’t have a good targets, you might use them to overkill, but the strat bombing with 2+ bombers can take a good amount of ipcs from the russian player that can give you a very good advantage. Because he doesn’t have that much compared to your ipc amount, but his advantage is that he can place them where they are needed…

  • ya they may be 15 ipc vs a max of 6, but bomber has 100% hit ratio.

    AA is about 17.5% throw in one or two fighters and no way u will lose a bomber.

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