I could certainly go for another game in a similar vein to BOTB. A light game but with a decidedly traditional wargame take on the matter.
Something on the Eastern Front perhaps?
Eastern front would be great. I hear the scuttlebutt about hope for a Stalingrad game, maybe that could be in the BOTB flair.
I’ve had that experience as well especially with folks who mostly have played Classic. Telling them they’ll have more fun as the Axis is always met with a you’re-trying-to-put-one-over-on-me attitude. I chide them they’re going to lose no matter which side they pick and they seem to want Allies even more.
Actually had someone laugh at me when I said the Axis has a better chance to win in D-Day. No one ever wants the Axis in that one. :roll:
LOL …I think it’s the planes the Allies get, think you are guaranteed more advantage with them.
I would be interested in putting something like this together for a BOTB style game if any one would care to help.
Sounds cool LT, haven’t gotten much into AAM as yet, so not sure if i’d be much help in game play plans though.