Especially want one that can be used with just Pacific Edition 1940 2nd edition please:)
MapView 1.3 is now available
With the Revised module that was linked above, I get one half of Yakut on the right, and one half of Brazil in the South. So you are right, that’s not quite 80% in MapView.
There is a full-screen view off the menu, but its just for reviewing the whole map.
Most of the load times have been fixed though.
Well that’s a fix at least. I used to open the mapview map and get a cup of coffee while it loaded before. :P
Anyway, the full screen view is hard to navigate. Maybe it’s just me?
My version of Mapview shows (starting with E. USA on the left) up to Caucasus, W. Russia and Archangelsk on the right and Algeria on the bottom (not including Libya or Egypt, just the crest of Algeria.)
That’s roughly 25% of the map, best I can figure it. I presume that’s the map everyone else is using as well. It’s okay if you are playing the axis since you can ignore the other power for a bit before coordinating, but it’s much harder with the allies - especially trying to move units from w. USA to E. Canada! (I generally delete them and build new ones because it’s a ROYAL pain to drag them across.)
My version of Mapview shows (starting with E. USA on the left) up to Caucasus, W. Russia and Archangelsk on the right and Algeria on the bottom (not including Libya or Egypt, just the crest of Algeria.)
That’s roughly 25% of the map, best I can figure it. I presume that’s the map everyone else is using as well.
You can use any map you and your opponent agree on. As someone predisposed to Battlemap, if you get stuck in a MapView match just ask your opponent to load the module I linked above. The map scale is more similar to Battlemap.
ok, been FOREVER since I loaded a module, how does that work agian?
You download the udm file onto your PC somwhere (Temp, Desktop, whereever). Then start MapView and go to the Tools menu, there is an option to install Modules there.
Its possible you might have a copy of the “AAR Small Map” module from previous testing that alot of A& members have done for me in the past. It wont hurt to install the module again though, if you do have it.
Also, MapView v1.3 is out of Alpha/Beta and also has a new install that includes Vista support. I suggest you go to and download the latest version. You should probably uninstall the 1.2 version first though. 1.3 has those features you all helped design, with things like “Unit Tear-off” where you can pull any number of units off a stack without the right-click menu.
Ohhh… Does your unit tear off work more like Battlemap then? Where you can shift click to get 5, control click to get 10 or shift-control click to get the entire stack?
Also, Version 2 wont load that file, it wants an mvm or whatever, not udm.
Does Version 3 Support AARe module? Your website have a list of all known modules? That way I don’t have to hunt and peck for it? I’d love to be able to play on a prettier system, as long as I don’t lose functionality. (vista is prettier than XP, but much less functionality so I use XP. :P )
Ohhh… Does your unit tear off work more like Battlemap then? Where you can shift click to get 5, control click to get 10 or shift-control click to get the entire stack?
Thankful it does not, as there is nothing, in my opinion, particularly intuitive about Battlemap’s conventions :-P People dont like change, its human nature, so its understandable to me when someone prefers what they are used to. But I digress, that is a discussion for a different thread :evil: To answer your question specifically:
In MapView, you move your stack with standard classical Windows drag-n-drop. Unit stacks can be merged via droping one stack onto another (“Merge-Drop”). Stacks can be split in any proportion via right-clicking the stack.
The new feature of “Tear Off” (which is modeled after the functionality, though not the implementation, of Battlemap…credit where it is due), allows you to tear off 1 to 10 units from a stack by holding the desired numeric key and then doing a drag-drop operation. So one could hold the “5” and then drag-off 5 units from a larger stack. (You dont have the keep holding the 5 the whole time…thats probably ovious but it does hurt to mention it). You can Merge-Drop those “torn” units as well.
Also, Version 2 wont load that file, it wants an mvm or whatever, not udm.
That’s been fixed in 1.3
Does Version 3 Support AARe module?
Your old modules will continue to work, you just need to install them.
Your website have a list of all known modules? That way I don’t have to hunt and peck for it?
The website only lists modules created by (or with the authorization of) the game company that holds the copyright and/or trademark. Modules that are “udm” are user-defined modules, meaning that anyone can create whatever they want, and lets me ignore any issues with any liberties that people take.
I’d love to be able to play on a prettier system, as long as I don’t lose functionality. (vista is prettier than XP, but much less functionality so I use XP. :P )
Vista is a scourge, but one that MS will shove down our throats. Go try and by an XP system from Dell, they are stopping sales of them as we speak…
can I install 1.3 over 1.2.16? Instead of trying to find the old mods. :P
If you uninstall 1.2 any modules you’ve added will not be deleted by the installer.
You can then install MapView 1.3 and then utilize the Tools menu as mentioned before and navigate to the prior location of the modules.
Alternatively you can, as an option within the 1.3 install, specify the same install location that the 1.2 version had existed. This is not suggested under Vista, but otherwise will let MapView read the old modules without “installing” them.
I got the AAR:Small mod installed in 1.2, just copy paste it into the modules folder.
Anyway, I have both 1.2.16 and 3.*.20 installed now. You’re correct, the small module gives you a much better picture of the board. Not quite as much as battlemap, but at least you can see an entire theater of operations which should REALLY assist me in strategizing. Thanks.
Now if I can only get mapview players to use that instead. ^_^ Also need to get AARe:Small created!!!
There seems to be an error in the set-up in the new revised module.
No Japanese TRT in seazone 59,no Japanese ships in seazone 60
Bob -
Bummer, but thanks for finding the error! Just have to keep in mind those have to be added before the game begins until the module is repaired!
Agreed, though I should be able to fix that pretty soon.