thank you, he is close to capturing a capital and trying to capture a second one.
Axis National Advantages (LHTR 2.0)
In enhanced wolfpacks are DA BOMB! You can seriously crucify America and England if you set them up correctly.
In LHTR 2.0, they are not that great. Primarily because you have to build the bastards and that detracts from beating on Russia.
Panzerblitz > Dive-Bombers in my opinion. Mainly because you can now use your tanks like you would fighters. Got 3 infantry defending you have to take out? Send 12 tanks 2 infantry in. Odds are stellar you’ll kill them all in one round and then you can pull your armor back out afterwards. (Normally if you have this NA you also are building up lots of tanks as well to exploit it, I’ve had upwards of 30 tanks with this going allowing me to pull those kinds of moves on a regular basis.)
For God’s sake, I can’t believe Panzerblitz didn’t come out at #1. How could ANYONE not vote for Panzerblitz as one of the four?
I’m looking at you. o.O
Why is it so good? Instead of just leaving your tanks to sit and cower because you can’t lose your precious precious tanks, you can use those tanks and cram them down the Allies’ throats - and then you can ALSO cower with them by retreating them during noncombat. Because you can use tanks to claim territory, you can even attack with a lighter infantry reserve than you normally would. It’s like - save infantry, save fighters, use tanks. OMG ITS SO GOOD!
Yeah tanks are strong :-)
Panzerblitz was my second vote for germany (Stukas, Panzerblitz) and for the Japs I took (Night Fighting Skills and Most Powerful Battleships).
Yea, NF and MPB are pretty darn good if you are encountering KJF. Otherwise, MPB and Tokyo Express are better,IMHO. (NF doesn’t work for bombardments, so they are very mitigated if America flees from Japanese supremacy in the Pacific.)
Banzai’s too nerfed in LHTR. If it was more like how they are in enhanced, they’d be much better, IMHO. (You can use them in conjunction with artillery, armor, fighters and bombers in enhanced, but not in LHTR.)