Quick answer is that bids seem to keep going up with bids over 20 now common.
just the dollar amount.
they where the first to use air bmbing in the balken wars. I don’t know if they had a navy?
I think so back when they extended into part of the Greek coastline.
ah ha! they had a couple of small ships that where used to escort.
That’s a navy nonetheless.
its not that
as TG said
I gave Bulgaria to the Ottoman Empire in this scenario.
ya bulgaria was under ottoman rule
I dunno, the Bulgarian Navy had some pretty neat sailor uniforms. Very cool.
LOL :lol:
Does anyone have a good variant for WWI? :)
Yeah, EmuGod is working for one A&A:Europe entinted A&A: The Great War. He’s looking for playtesters so drop him a line. :)
I know guild of blades has a game, Ive never played it but the packgeing looks awful
Never judge a book by its cover! :o
My GeZe, it looks like your intent on dominating this part of the boards. :wink:
LOL :lol: you discovered my secret plan! :D
Hhahha… we’ll see. :wink:
Ya, what is this? I come to the forums and all of a sudden there maybe a dozen replies to threads in this forum. GeZe must be stopped.
i’m back!
I can’t read the new replies fastenough. Too many of your replies keep popping up….help!
hmmm it looks like you want to take this forum over
Just doing what you did - short posts of little quantity.