When in doubt, blame it on America!
I did not think Nuno was still around to do that… :roll:
In response to the Caspain Sub #18 thread, I would like to ask a question (because I dont think it was adequately answered).
Can attacking sea/air units retreat before defending submarines submerge? I know that the TripleA programming doesn’t allow it, but if you are playing TripleA and this case ever presents itself, would you just use the unit editor?
Thank you.
LHTR 2.0 says to this:
“If the attacker has not withdrawn all units, defending submarines may submerge.”
This implies defending subs submerge after the attacker has chosen to either retreat (or submerge) or not.
(page 16 - Condition B) Defender withdraws subs by submerging)
didn’t know there was a unit editer
ok, as far as i know the combat goes they move out of combat at the same time. so both sides subs would submurge simeltaniouslly, or navies/air retreat at the same time the subs go under.
thank you
whether to use the unit editer depends on your opponent(s)
like if it was agreed to play LHTR, or they just wanted to play TripleA style
This was discussed in the CSub 18 thread. Basically, it depends on which rules you are playing under
LHTR 2.0 says to this:
“If the attacker has not withdrawn all units, defending submarines may submerge.”
This implies defending subs submerge after the attacker has chosen to either retreat (or submerge) or not.
(page 16 - Condition B) Defender withdraws subs by submerging)
Page 14 is more to the point.
It categorically states that the Attacker choses to press the attack or retreat BEFORE defending submarines chose to submerge or remain surfaced.