• Who do you think did the best job? The Worst job? Or was just plain interesting?

    Best Job - Jimmy Carter and JFK

    Worst Jobs - Clinton and George W.

  • I admire all our Presidents, but John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Ronald Regan would be a few names that jump to my head.

    I do not know if I can accurately determine who did the best at the Presidential job. It is a very tough position, and sometimes, I think that people are a little too quick to judge without knowing the circumstances each president must face before making a decision. I would never want to be President because of the sheer stress, pressure, and amount of work alone. After having said that, I am not to fond of William Clinton.

    PS: Barbra Bush for President! :)

  • I think JFK did an o.k. job, but I’m not too fond of Jimmy Carter. Personally, I have to disagree with you there. I also don’t think George W. has done anywhere close to the CRAPPY job that Clinton did. He’s not perfect, but I wouldn’t put him alongside Clinton by any means.

    What criteria exactly are we judging these president’s on? There’s so many differents things you can evaluate them on. War? Economy? Laws instituted? Foreign Policy? Terrorism? The list goes on…

    However, IMHO, I think the Republicans have a better overall job in the Presidential position then have the Democrats. (That’s just my personal opinion. 8) )

  • Hmmmm… that’s a tough one.

    I think JFK and Ike are of the top post WWII presidents (beloved by both Democrats and Republicans). Lydon Johnson was pretty good too (great admirer of FDR), though I think he tried doing too much too little. Nixon had a great foreign policy IMHO (though Watergate pretty much destroyered him).

    I think JFK did an o.k. job, but I’m not too fond of Jimmy Carter. Personally, I have to disagree with you there.

    Yeah, I wouldn’t call Carter one of the best. Very intelligent man, but as you can tell, that doesn’t mean you’ll make a good president.

    I also don’t think George W. has done anywhere close to the CRAPPY job that Clinton did. He’s not perfect, but I wouldn’t put him alongside Clinton by any means.

    I agree. Time will tell is legacy, though I don’t think he can redzone it enough to be like Clinton.

    (Yes, broke 2500 post! :D)

  • This is all personal opinion. Overall, as Presidents, who do you think was the best?

    I say Jimmy Carter because he was a great guy. He brokered the Egypt-Israel peace deal. He helped the Economy, and would of done great in a 2nd term.

    I think JFK was our best president since FDR. He was a brilliant bi-partisan diplomate who did more than he talked. Too bad he was assinated, the world could be ALOT better if he served his second term.

    Clinton, obvious reasons.

    George W. Busch is the most radical conservative we’ve ever had in our Government, worse than even Reagan. Not a single President (wartime or otherwise) has taken away more of my civil rights. He is becoming a dictator. For example, his fancy lawyers have announced he can legally go into Iraq without a word from Congress. And you can be sure he will if Congress denies him.

    I didn’t like Reagan. Sure, he brought down the USSR, but he also fed more lies to the American people than even George W.

  • America has had 3 great presidents, one in each century. Washington, Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt. I think Truman was good and Clinton too. Kennedy was also good andprobably would also have been great if he would have served out his full term.

  • Thomas Jefferson is not to be overlooked.

  • @EmuGod:

    I think Truman was good and Clinton too.

    Please convince ALL of us here why Clinton made a good president. There’s no way I’ll buy this one. Please don’t get suckered into what the Democratic party wants you to think about Gore and Clinton.

  • America has had 3 great presidents, one in each century

    I don’t know about this. John Adams is one of my favorites, so is Teddy Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. If only they weren’t so dogmatic.

  • I don’t think JFK was anything special; if you really look at what he did and planned, it was not that impressive. I consider him one of the most over-rated presidents. I think Eisenhower did a good job, and Clinton wasn’t too bad. If you ignore the scandals and look at his politics (unfortunately they are often confused), they were quite sound. I’m not a fan of Bush, and I believe LBJ did a rather terrible job; what sort of president would demand that sort of control over the military? If we’re going to have presidents running wars instead of generals, we should be certain they’re better qualified first.

  • Eisenhower however felt it was his duty to impose Christianity on EVERY aspect of our lives. He’s why we have so many debates about it now. Before him, the government was much less involved with the church.

  • I’m not a fan of Bush, and I believe LBJ did a rather terrible job; what sort of president would demand that sort of control over the military?

    As said before, LBJ was quite dogmatic. However, I do respect him for his “Great Society,” actions in Vietnam (though not under his orders), and Civil Rights.

    Eisenhower however felt it was his duty to impose Christianity on EVERY aspect of our lives. He’s why we have so many debates about it now. Before him, the government was much less involved with the church.

    Perhaps Athiest USSR had any to do with this? Also, you have to consider the morals at the time. I would seriously think he would inplant Christianity in EVERY aspect of their lives if the people rejected him for it. Even before him, the government was very much active in the Church, though more on the State Government levels. Besides, I bet we would still be debating over religion even if he hadn’t been President.

  • They all had flaws…
    Washington had slaves(not dealt with in his day).
    Jefferson had slaves(not dealt with in his day) and MAY have had chilun by slaves.
    Lincoln took the country to war over something that was STATES’ RIGHTS.
    FDR knew the war was coming, so he manipulated the majority (isolationist) into a position where they could not refuse(not a great orator).
    We can do this with all the presidents. The Clinton administration did a good job of dirtying up other presidents so Clinton didn’t look so bad.

    My responses to some of your comments follow.

    PS: Barbra Bush for President!

    Xi - Good call here, and I’d add Laura Bush for VP.

    I think the Republicans have a better overall job in the Presidential position then have the Democrats. (That’s just my personal opinion.)

    Xi - Me,too, but I think they all have good and bad points.

    Lydon Johnson was pretty good too (great admirer of FDR), though I think he tried doing too much too little.

    Xi - He tried to manage the war. That’s what we got military leaders for . . . They militate and he presides( :P )

    Nixon had a great foreign policy IMHO (though Watergate pretty much destroyered him).

    Xi - Yup!

    Time will tell his legacy . . .

    Xi - In all prewsidents’ cases. I think we can only begin to get the full grasp of a president 50 years after his presidency(except in some cases[Clinton]).

    (Yes, broke 2500 post! )

    Xi - CONGRATS! You A&Amonger, you.

    I say Jimmy Carter because he was a great guy. He brokered the Egypt-Israel peace deal. He helped the Economy, and would of done great in a 2nd term.

    Xi - Carter’s administration brought us DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION(14% one year! I remember looking at new cars in shock :o and anger :evil: . For a 5 year loan at 20%(not exact due to payments) this works out to paying another 100% on the price of the car! HELPED THE ECONOMY? What alternate universe did you come from?

    Clinton, obvious reasons.

    Xi - It’s called CHARISMA when you are with him(BULLSHI- by those who recover when out from under his spell(Dems and Reps, both)

    George W. Busch is the most radical conservative we’ve ever had in our Government, worse than even Reagan. Not a single President (wartime or otherwise) has taken away more of my civil rights. He is becoming a dictator. For example, his fancy lawyers have announced he can legally go into Iraq without a word from Congress. And you can be sure he will if Congress denies him.

    Xi - The US Congress has given him the green light in civil rights(not stopped) and the Persian Gulf War II(prior approval).

    I didn’t like Reagan. Sure, he brought down the USSR, but he also fed more lies to the American people than even George W.

    Xi - What lies?

    America has had 3 great presidents, one in each century. Washington, Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt. I think Truman was good and Clinton too. Kennedy was also good andprobably would also have been great if he would have served out his full term.

    Xi - JFK is overrated due to his assassination. Although, he did lower taxes and this got the economy going(Reagan’s economic growth[1980-1998] gives credit to JFK[Clinton took credit for the great economy of Jan., 1993 -2000, but, the Bush41 mini-recession was over by about July, 1992. NOT to mention the fact that proof came out early this month that the Clinton administration cooked the books on the US economy for 1999 & 2000]).

    Thomas Jefferson is not to be overlooked.

    Xi - You got dat riaght!

    EmuGod wrote:
    Please convince ALL of us here why Clinton made a good president. There’s no way I’ll buy this one. Please don’t get suckered into what the Democratic party wants you to think about Gore and Clinton.

    Xi - TOO LATE!

    John Adams is one of my favorites, so is Teddy Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson. If only they weren’t so dogmatic.

    Xi - I concur

    Eisenhower however felt it was his duty to impose Christianity on EVERY aspect of our lives. He’s why we have so many debates about it now. Before him, the government was much less involved with the church.

    Xi - HMMM! Seems to me that the Presidents used the Bible in the Inaguration . . . the US Supreme Court and US Congress(both houses) opened daily sessions with prayer long before Ike came along. Try reading the writings and speeches of the great leaders of the US(not just presidents).
    I want bright colors, loud noises, good food, and sex with any woman, man, or animal that won’t inflict grave bodily harm upon my person. In the absence of these I would take pain, or in the absence of pain I would even accept death.- Xi

  • They all had flaws…
    Washington had slaves(not dealt with in his day).
    Jefferson had slaves(not dealt with in his day) and MAY have had chilun by slaves.
    Lincoln took the country to war over something that was STATES’ RIGHTS.

    That has more to do with personal life than foreign and domestic policy. Well, except for that Lincoln, but as a Confederate, we can go over States’ Rights later. Looks like he didn’t…

    FDR knew the war was coming, so he manipulated the majority (isolationist) into a position where they could not refuse(not a great orator).

    Refuse to?

    Xi - He tried to manage the war. That’s what we got military leaders for . . . They militate and he presides( )

    Not only that, but his programs under the Great Society too.

    Xi - CONGRATS! You A&Amonger, you.

    Yep, we can’t let all the Capitalist and Liberals have all the fun, can we? :)

    For example, his fancy lawyers have announced he can legally go into Iraq without a word from Congress. And you can be sure he will if Congress denies him.

    Nah, our President made a recent public statement that he would not make a bid for Iraq unless he first pleaded his case in front of the US Congress and too the World (esp. those Middle Easterns and Europeans)

    Xi - JFK is overrated due to his assassination. Although, he did lower taxes and this got the economy going

    Maybe. But like you said, he did a good job on the Economy. He even brought those Corporate CEOs and Execs in line when they wouldn’t comply (esp. those steel plants).

    Xi - I concur

    John Adams will never be forgotten! :)

  • Nixon! :D WhooHooo!!!

    (JK) :wink:

    I think that after JFK died the character of those in the White House went way downhill. (I’m still not convinced how good he was though either.)They all had something about them that sucked. However, W. is a breath of fresh air. (BTW I might get myself into the habit of posting “Boo” every time somebody posts Bl C***n’s name without censoring it! :-? )

  • Oh yeah…! If I didn’t have moral reservations (and I know we’re talking post WW2 here) I would desecrate FDR’s grave, and write a bad chapter for him in every school history book in America! He has done more to create a socialistic and decrepit society in the U.S. than any one president I know of. :evil: No apologys!

  • woooo…that sounds pretty harsh. :o

  • He has done more to create a socialistic and decrepit society in the U.S. than any one president I know of. No apologys!

    Nah, as a communist, I’m afraid that his policys didn’t go far enough. His was manly a remedy for capitalism/democracy when all other major governments were going downhill during the great Depression (Germany, Italy, ect).

  • Yanny Said:

    Clinton, obvious reasons.

    Do enlighten us as to these ‘obvious’ reasons why he was one of the best presidents in your opinion.

  • Yanny, are you a capitalist? Because if you are, there is NO reason why you should think that Jimmy Carter did anything good for our economy… He was a very moral man, but he also taxed and regulated everything he could. Unempoyment was through the roof and gas prices were insane. He also cut the defense budget by BILLIONS of dollars. Liberals, close your ears, RONALD REAGAN had to come in with A) Large, across-the-board, tax cuts to revive the economy and B) spend $1 TRILLION on defense in just four years… THEN the Soviets fell…

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