accually Clinton had all the intell leading up to the 9/11 attacks, Bush just came into office right before the attacks; he may have had the intell too, but it dosn’t change that Clinton did as well. before that i don’t know as i’m not that old.
Since Balung’s initial comment went unhindered, I will reply.
There is no way Clinton could know exactly what would happen 9 months after he left office. He knew of some intent to do SOMETHING, but why that blame goes to him and not Bush I’ll never understand (who received even more explicit & specific warnings months before 9/11), except that some people love to hate Clinton.
Clinton drove the antiterrorism initiatives like no other president had done before him. But it wasn’t reported except because people were focused on Monicagate, and dismissed them as “wag the dog” politics. He took all cues made by the CIA and other intelligence agencies to nab bin Laden and snub al Qaeda.
However, he was thwarted many times in being proactive on terrorism from a Republican controlled congress, but managed to push some things through.
Compare that to a reactive president who hasn’t done much of anything to thwart terrorism, created massive debt, and shows no interest in chasing the main perpetrator of 2001’s major event.
Lobbyists and the incoming administration also shot down many of the plans that were posed to go into effect that would have further stifled terrorist activity. Not to mention dismissed much of the info collected by the outgoing administration. But that’s all in the past now.