• I love the idea of replacing the old Plants with nuclear ones. Genious Yanny. The extream enviromentalists wont be happy, but I can live with that :)

    As for making electric cars the standard, i dont think that the U.S. Govt. will make it happen. They are availible now, and sure people are buying them. However they wont become really popular (assuming they do) untill the majority of the American public wants them. Sure, if you ask some people about electric cars they say something like “sounds like a good idea” but not many of these people have bought them. The old actions speeking louder than words i guess.

    But good post Yanny, i liked it

  • @Yanny:

    You wouldn’t have to leave your profession, your profession will be converted to electricity based things.

    Come on… do you really NEED Nova Scotia?


    but seriously, the Canadian shield is already a repository for nuclear waste afaik.

  • I know Yanny doesn’t want to talk about the waste but I think I have a solution: All the money we save can be used to send it into space on a space shuttle payload. 8)

  • yay! more junk in space, the earth will have rings yet.

  • Here’s the greatest idea of them all.
    America can imbed its nuclear waste in the condoms and underwear that it manufactures to be exported to countries it does not like anymore. The ensuing low level of radiation might just be enough to destroy the germ cell line residing in the testicles of the men of this nation, thus causing the birth rate to plummet, making the country inhabitable.
    Hows that for a long-term Iraq strategy :D

    (note: for all of the stupid people out there, i am being satirical - the smart people didn’t bother to read this note :) )

  • CC, I don’t really like that idea. I’m starting a poll, dump in Canada, or some other stupid idea.

    But seriously, Space could work. Problem is, what happens if the Space Shuttle blows up while on earth?

  • I am going to take my proposal one step further. This will be the greatest thing ever to happen to the US economy since the industrial revolution.

    Its kinda like a reversed domino effect. This will create a unique market in America. Not only will electricity be very cheap and abundent. It will make money for the Federal Government, money which can be used to do two things. First off, you can cut taxes, but I have a much better idea.

    When the whole process starts, the Government crunches some numbers, and distributes a very large grant among the leading car companies in America. They tell them the plan. The added money, and maybe some Government manpower, goes 100% into researching electric powered cars. The result?

    More jobs. Its not secret the foreign car industry depends on America. Its also no secret its beating America in the competition for better cars. This move will single handedly bring the car business back to detroit (and elsewere). Hundreds of Thousands of jobs will be created. Also, the car companies will have a huge market of sellers. Again, mostly all of them will be American citizens.

    But the Tech market will also be revived. This move will do two things for the market. First off, and more importantly, these car parts will require many, many new parts. Most of them are already developed and used for other products. However, never before has such demand fallen upon the computer industry. It will give a huge boost, as now every American citizen will end up buying, indirectly, from these tech companies. Secondly, the more jobs (and therefore, better economy), will put more money out to the average consumer. This means more people buying luxery products, which not only boosts the entire economy, but especially helps the tech industry.

    Now the US economy has been well revived. People are spending less money on fuel and electricity. Jobs are aplenty, and our Government is saving a vast amount of money. No doubt, you’ll see a tax cut, which will further fuel the economy. The value of the dollar will raise. Our military will be able to pull out of the oil regions of the world, and we’ll save further billions when the aid packages stop to Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    When the dollar raises, the Yen and the Euro falls. This will attract foreign business away from Japan and Europe (mainly Japan). This will further strengthen the American car industry, since Japan is where their major competitors are. Again, hurts the Yen and raises the dollar.

    I’ll keep going after I see what you guys think. And yes (my parents were sceptical) I did write this myself )

  • @Yanny:

    I am going to take my proposal one step further. This will be the greatest thing ever to happen to the US economy since the industrial revolution.

    Its kinda like a reversed domino effect. This will create a unique market in America. Not only will electricity be very cheap and abundent. It will make money for the Federal Government, money which can be used to do two things. First off, you can cut taxes, but I have a much better idea.

    When the whole process starts, the Government crunches some numbers, and distributes a very large grant among the leading car companies in America. They tell them the plan. The added money, and maybe some Government manpower, goes 100% into researching electric powered cars. The result?

    More jobs. Its not secret the foreign car industry depends on America. Its also no secret its beating America in the competition for better cars. This move will single handedly bring the car business back to detroit (and elsewere). Hundreds of Thousands of jobs will be created. Also, the car companies will have a huge market of sellers. Again, mostly all of them will be American citizens.

    But the Tech market will also be revived. This move will do two things for the market. First off, and more importantly, these car parts will require many, many new parts. Most of them are already developed and used for other products. However, never before has such demand fallen upon the computer industry. It will give a huge boost, as now every American citizen will end up buying, indirectly, from these tech companies. Secondly, the more jobs (and therefore, better economy), will put more money out to the average consumer. This means more people buying luxery products, which not only boosts the entire economy, but especially helps the tech industry.

    Now the US economy has been well revived. People are spending less money on fuel and electricity. Jobs are aplenty, and our Government is saving a vast amount of money. No doubt, you’ll see a tax cut, which will further fuel the economy. The value of the dollar will raise. Our military will be able to pull out of the oil regions of the world, and we’ll save further billions when the aid packages stop to Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    When the dollar raises, the Yen and the Euro falls. This will attract foreign business away from Japan and Europe (mainly Japan). This will further strengthen the American car industry, since Japan is where their major competitors are. Again, hurts the Yen and raises the dollar.

    I’ll keep going after I see what you guys think. And yes (my parents were sceptical) I did write this myself )

    You couldn’t pay me to buy an American car. They don’t last long at all.

  • @Yanny:

    I am going to take my proposal one step further. This will be the greatest thing ever to happen to the US economy since the industrial revolution.

    Its kinda like a reversed domino effect. This will create a unique market in America. Not only will electricity be very cheap and abundent. It will make money for the Federal Government, money which can be used to do two things. First off, you can cut taxes, but I have a much better idea.

    When the whole process starts, the Government crunches some numbers, and distributes a very large grant among the leading car companies in America. They tell them the plan. The added money, and maybe some Government manpower, goes 100% into researching electric powered cars. The result?

    More jobs. Its not secret the foreign car industry depends on America. Its also no secret its beating America in the competition for better cars. This move will single handedly bring the car business back to detroit (and elsewere). Hundreds of Thousands of jobs will be created. Also, the car companies will have a huge market of sellers. Again, mostly all of them will be American citizens.

    But the Tech market will also be revived. This move will do two things for the market. First off, and more importantly, these car parts will require many, many new parts. Most of them are already developed and used for other products. However, never before has such demand fallen upon the computer industry. It will give a huge boost, as now every American citizen will end up buying, indirectly, from these tech companies. Secondly, the more jobs (and therefore, better economy), will put more money out to the average consumer. This means more people buying luxery products, which not only boosts the entire economy, but especially helps the tech industry.

    Now the US economy has been well revived. People are spending less money on fuel and electricity. Jobs are aplenty, and our Government is saving a vast amount of money. No doubt, you’ll see a tax cut, which will further fuel the economy. The value of the dollar will raise. Our military will be able to pull out of the oil regions of the world, and we’ll save further billions when the aid packages stop to Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    When the dollar raises, the Yen and the Euro falls. This will attract foreign business away from Japan and Europe (mainly Japan). This will further strengthen the American car industry, since Japan is where their major competitors are. Again, hurts the Yen and raises the dollar.

    I’ll keep going after I see what you guys think. And yes (my parents were sceptical) I did write this myself )

    It sounds like a nice idea, however i agree with EG - American cars usually suck (even the good ones).
    Also you’ll never find a politician with dreams of the White House sponsoring this. Too many votes in Texas, Alaska, Oklahoma etc. Also it smacks of the gov’t being involved in an area of the economy where it traditionally avoided - it smacks of communism.
    Very politically unpopular.

  • @Yanni:

    But seriously, Space could work.

    Launching garbage into space still costs too much. Unless of course you can stow it away on some piece of shit Russian spacecraft. :wink:

  • @Yanny:

    But seriously, Space could work. Problem is, what happens if the Space Shuttle blows up while on earth?

    Space would not work.
    It’s too dangerous: think of a shuttle blowing up while being a few kms up in the sky, that will be a nice fallout.

  • Yeah Falk, I agree with you, I even said that ) However, I’m sure the technogeeks in Nasa could divise a container that could withstand being blown up. Kinda like a plane’s black box.

    Getting this passed will be next to impossible in America today. Special interest groups, President Bush, Hardcore Envirmentalists (although we are actually helping the envirment by doing this), and crazy hardcore capitalists will deny it. But like I said, if past, it will be the greatest economic boost America has had since the industrial revolution.

  • My last Ford lasted me 10 years, 140,000 miles. Well worth the 8 thousand US dollars I paid for it…

  • @Field:

    My last Ford lasted me 10 years, 140,000 miles. Well worth the 8 thousand US dollars I paid for it…

    that’s lucky :D

  • we have had our Chevy since 92 and put about 120,000 miles on it, and she is still ticking.

  • Before I go on, I would like to say, Yanny, you are one of those people that really impress me. Most people I know tend to fall in the “Liberal Anarchist” or “Victicrat” scope of things. This means they enjoy criticizing government practices (call it mangled free speech activism), yet offer little views on what needs to be changed and the right way to do it. At least you, Yanny, are attacking the problem upfront (as Clinton would say, “It’s the oil - stupid” 8)). Now with that said,

    1. As with F_alk, I am a strong advocate of Nuclear Fusion, not Nuclear Fission, as I mentioned before. Fusion is much cleaner, it won’t “explode,” won’t leave nuclear fallout, is much safer, and doesn’t leave the nuclear “waste” of its cousin. The main problem is with the technology. So far Nuclear Fusion can only be achieved on the small scale with electromagnetic field. Then there are the rather large start up cost associated with it. But Yanny, if you are willing to look into long-term (ex your 5 year electrical deal), then it seems a likely way to go.

    2. There is nothing wrong with government-controlled nuclear reactors (if you choose this path), this will ensure that they will be maintained with the highest building codes, security, and strictest safety standards possible. Capitalistic have a very good tendency of taking shortcuts in building codes and safety standards in order to save that almighty buck.

    3. As for Nuclear waste, leave Canada out of this! :) Do you really want to have radioactive polar bears stalking your neighborhood? :roll: As long as the nuclear waste is neatly stored in lead shielded underground bunkers (along with being carefully monitored), it shouldn’t poise that much of a threat. At least not as much as coal burning power plants that unfortunately provide most of the world with their energy source (including ours). There have been several proposals made of storing the waste out in the Nevada or California (gasp!) Deserts.

    4. If you want electrical powered cars, I suggest going with fuel cell and not battery operated. I’m also a strong supporter of fuel cells (I prefer the Proton Exchange Membrane using sodium borohydride). Fuel cells offer much more advantages over traditional battery operated cars. Unlike fuel cells, batteries must be recharged by power companies that continue to pollute the environment by burning fuel to create electricity. Fuel cells do not have to be harmfully disposed of either. Also, the cost of recharging a PEM would be the fraction of the cost of battery charging (not to mention the increase in overall distance [less charging recovered] and time required to refill). However, the main problems with PEM is that the technology is still new (as with nuclear fusion) meaning high start up cost. However, this can be offsetted by mass production, where the cost of a fuel sell car would be considerately cheaper (even cheaper than traditional fossil fueled cars). Another problem is the need for a strong infrastructure and hydrogen pipeline, but with government subsides and incentives, the possibilities are endless.

    5. American cars are an acquired taste!

  • Thanks for your insite, and compliment. I can’t talk much about cars, I can’t even drive yet myself (damn NJ, need 17 for license). However, I should leave all the little details to the experts.

    Nuclear Fusion isn’t mentioned here because its not an immediate solution. We’re going to run out of land based oil in 30 years, and it is too tough to extract oil from undersea to get our entire supply that way.

    I still see no problem with dumping the waste in Canada. Pick some remote city or island. I support Nova Scotia, but I’m sure we can find something a bit more interesting. Too bad most of their major cities are almost on our border.

    I haven’t heard any real disagreement here. Does anyone disagree? If so, please say so, I’d like to hear arguements against this plan. Personally, I’m all for petitioning every congress member in the country and giving a plan to them. If we had a government that truely represented us, something like this would be proposed. However, special interest groups, especially oil companies, will shoot this down.

  • Not to mention the extreme GreenPeace Activist.

  • @Yanny:

    I still see no problem with dumping the waste in Canada. Pick some remote city or island. I support Nova Scotia, but I’m sure we can find something a bit more interesting. Too bad most of their major cities are almost on our border.

    I haven’t heard any real disagreement here. Does anyone disagree? If so, please say so, I’d like to hear arguements against this plan.

    I’ll give you an argument. If you’re joking - ha ha, but it’s been used a few times.
    If not - dump you’re own waste in your own country. America creates more crap than any other country in the world (well, on a per capita basis, i think we do), and they should be responsible for cleaning up after themselves. I think that America takes enough of our resources as it is without using our land for their own hubris-tic ends.
    I guess if you need a place to dump it, it might as well be Quebec. Nova Scotia on the other hand . . . why, that’s just criminal. Kind of like kicking a puppy.

  • Shutup Canadian, you don’t have a say in where we dump it. Go watch Hockey…

    Yeah I’m joking )

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