• This has come up in several topics. I want to start a discussion on it.

    To start things off, I am a huge advocate for Nuclear Energy. I hate Nuclear Bombs. I believe the discovery of Nuclear Energy is the most important discover of man since electricity. It is clean burning, the only waste is a very small amount of radioactive waste. It uses very little fuel, just a small amount of Uranium. It is far cheaper than any other form of energy, with the exception of Water and Geothermal power. Lastly, it outputs such a large amount of energy, 1 power plant can cover cities.

    Nuclear power is the most powerful energy known to man. We see how much energy it can output with Nuclear Bombs. But imagine those Mushroom Clouds being channeled to make your computer run. It can happen, in fact the way I am proposing it, it can replace fossil fuels in almost every single way of life.

    And yes, I know this is radical. But hell, the Oil won’t last forever.

    First off, we need to replace all of our Fossil Fuel plants with Nuclear Power Plants. This won’t be easy, but it will pay off in the end. The US controls a large amount of Uranium reserves, making us totally self sufficient in energy.

    Once that is done, we will have a massive energy base. Hundreds of Billions of dollars will be saved. It will all be Government runned, for better or for worse. This will mean higher Government revenue, which means lower taxes. Also, we wouldn’t be wasting billions on the Saudis per year. Again, this means either lower taxes or that aid would go somewhere useful.

    Now, the big jump. This is likely to become unpopular, but it could work. The Government sets a 5 year deadline. By the end of 5 years, every single new car must be electrically powered. For the next 5 years after that, the Government supplies free electricity to the new version of a Gas Station, whatever you will call it, although these Gas Stations will still sell it, it will be very cheap. This will help smooth the transition from Gas to Electric power.

    Next, or at the same time, the Government sets a new timeline. In 5 years, all Fossil Fuel powered Heating systems and trains must be converted to Electricity. Again, supplying free (or very cheap) electricity to smooth the process for 5 years.

    The ‘old cars’ will soon die out. Undoubtfully Gas will continue to be sold at “Gas Stations”, but electricity will be so cheap that it is very advantageous to buy an electrical car.

    Any other Gas users won’t use much Gas. There is enough Gas offshore, in Texas, and in Alaska, to meet these and the Military’s needs.

    Again, these are all flexable numbers. I’m just using them as an example. There is only 1 major problem I can think of. The Nuclear waste will have to be disposed of, but isn’t that what Canada’s for? 8)

  • For once, I actually agree with Yanni!

    To put it bluntly, we cannot continue on the track we’re on. There is no way that we can continue to be a powerful country, yet still be held at the whim of Middle-Eastern countries for which we rely on for oil.

    The only problems that I see are in the transition from gas to electrical power. First, I don’t see how the government will get away with outlawing all gasoline cars. (Unless of course the EPA mandates it.) In theory it sounds wonderul, and will likely benefit our country in the end.


    The Nuclear waste will have to be disposed of, but isn’t that what Canada’s for?

    LoL. :lol:

  • Well, its good to hear I got some support on this issue.

    The outlawing of Gas powered cars is the extreme measure in this. But, the car companies will have advanced notice, when the program goes underway, they will start their electronic car design. Also, remember you will still be able to drive your Gas powered cars, but not buy or make one.

    The technology is there. We just need the motivation.

  • I agree with you Yanny, petrolium is not the answer. Besides, with all the Urianium found in the Canadian shield Canada’s economy will benifit greatly. I don’t think all the giant petro-chemical companies would allow the govenment to outlaw the manufacture of internal combustion powered vehicals. It is unfortuante that we live in a society so completely dominated by huge capitalist corperations.

  • @Yanny:

    It is clean burning, the only waste is a very small amount of radioactive waste. It uses very little fuel, just a small amount of Uranium. It is far cheaper than any other form of energy, with the exception of Water and Geothermal power.

    skipped the rest :)

    (1) The burning is clean, as long as you can make sure that no power plant will have a severe accident.
    I hate having plants turn to bombs, or just be effective sources of radiation.

    (2) The waste is not at all clean, and not just that bit you are talking of. In the process of fission you produce lots of neutrons. Some are used to keep the fission going, others have to be captured (otherwise you wouldn’t have a plant but a bomb). The capturing material of course changes in that nuclear process: It becomes radioactive as well, and loses its capturing ability.
    That means, this has to be changed every now and then (just like so many other parts that corrode faster because they are exposed to radiation for quite some time).
    This waste is something you forgot.
    All in all, it adds up nicely.

    (3) Fusion is a more powerful source of enery, and it cannot explode. It is ‘cleaner’ than fission, as it only produces the waste i described above, without the actual ‘fission-waste’ (or fusion-waste, which would be water).

    But: fusion has not yet been made efficient enough, and it seems like it is expensive to get it working…. and as the rest of the sources of energy is widely subsidized (esp. fossile fuels) it seems ‘not profitable’… again something where i hate the dictate of the economy… short sighted bastards :)

  • i agree with u totally yanny! also if u want ur idea to be less radical u could have it b4 the gove makes that 5 year thing on cars u can make it so b4 that u have a 5 year plan to make all new cars those fuel efficient cars that are half run by electricity ;) so this way the Population can get used to eletric power slowly and after that u can make the 5 year plan for full eletric cars. just a thought ;)

  • I’m staying away from the Fusion idea totally right now. This is about using technology that we already have in the real world.

    The Waste is an issue I do not how to deal with. I say just pick a nice province in Canada and go on from there.

    Its nice to finally have some popular support!

  • @Yanny:

    I’m staying away from the Fusion idea totally right now. This is about using technology that we already have in the real world.

    The Waste is an issue I do not how to deal with. I say just pick a nice province in Canada and go on from there.

    Its nice to finally have some popular support!

    well, i don’t know how popular your whole “let’s dump our crap in Canada” plan will be with Canadians . . . . Considering our creativity and inventiveness, we may just find a use for that waste that Americans might not consider so popular. I would have to leave my profession to help with that plan.

  • You wouldn’t have to leave your profession, your profession will be converted to electricity based things.

    Come on… do you really NEED Nova Scotia?

  • Just pick a state that nobody uses, like North Dakota. Knock down the mountains, lots of cemetery space and space to store waste.

  • I love the idea of replacing the old Plants with nuclear ones. Genious Yanny. The extream enviromentalists wont be happy, but I can live with that :)

    As for making electric cars the standard, i dont think that the U.S. Govt. will make it happen. They are availible now, and sure people are buying them. However they wont become really popular (assuming they do) untill the majority of the American public wants them. Sure, if you ask some people about electric cars they say something like “sounds like a good idea” but not many of these people have bought them. The old actions speeking louder than words i guess.

    But good post Yanny, i liked it

  • @Yanny:

    You wouldn’t have to leave your profession, your profession will be converted to electricity based things.

    Come on… do you really NEED Nova Scotia?


    but seriously, the Canadian shield is already a repository for nuclear waste afaik.

  • I know Yanny doesn’t want to talk about the waste but I think I have a solution: All the money we save can be used to send it into space on a space shuttle payload. 8)

  • yay! more junk in space, the earth will have rings yet.

  • Here’s the greatest idea of them all.
    America can imbed its nuclear waste in the condoms and underwear that it manufactures to be exported to countries it does not like anymore. The ensuing low level of radiation might just be enough to destroy the germ cell line residing in the testicles of the men of this nation, thus causing the birth rate to plummet, making the country inhabitable.
    Hows that for a long-term Iraq strategy :D

    (note: for all of the stupid people out there, i am being satirical - the smart people didn’t bother to read this note :) )

  • CC, I don’t really like that idea. I’m starting a poll, dump in Canada, or some other stupid idea.

    But seriously, Space could work. Problem is, what happens if the Space Shuttle blows up while on earth?

  • I am going to take my proposal one step further. This will be the greatest thing ever to happen to the US economy since the industrial revolution.

    Its kinda like a reversed domino effect. This will create a unique market in America. Not only will electricity be very cheap and abundent. It will make money for the Federal Government, money which can be used to do two things. First off, you can cut taxes, but I have a much better idea.

    When the whole process starts, the Government crunches some numbers, and distributes a very large grant among the leading car companies in America. They tell them the plan. The added money, and maybe some Government manpower, goes 100% into researching electric powered cars. The result?

    More jobs. Its not secret the foreign car industry depends on America. Its also no secret its beating America in the competition for better cars. This move will single handedly bring the car business back to detroit (and elsewere). Hundreds of Thousands of jobs will be created. Also, the car companies will have a huge market of sellers. Again, mostly all of them will be American citizens.

    But the Tech market will also be revived. This move will do two things for the market. First off, and more importantly, these car parts will require many, many new parts. Most of them are already developed and used for other products. However, never before has such demand fallen upon the computer industry. It will give a huge boost, as now every American citizen will end up buying, indirectly, from these tech companies. Secondly, the more jobs (and therefore, better economy), will put more money out to the average consumer. This means more people buying luxery products, which not only boosts the entire economy, but especially helps the tech industry.

    Now the US economy has been well revived. People are spending less money on fuel and electricity. Jobs are aplenty, and our Government is saving a vast amount of money. No doubt, you’ll see a tax cut, which will further fuel the economy. The value of the dollar will raise. Our military will be able to pull out of the oil regions of the world, and we’ll save further billions when the aid packages stop to Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    When the dollar raises, the Yen and the Euro falls. This will attract foreign business away from Japan and Europe (mainly Japan). This will further strengthen the American car industry, since Japan is where their major competitors are. Again, hurts the Yen and raises the dollar.

    I’ll keep going after I see what you guys think. And yes (my parents were sceptical) I did write this myself )

  • @Yanny:

    I am going to take my proposal one step further. This will be the greatest thing ever to happen to the US economy since the industrial revolution.

    Its kinda like a reversed domino effect. This will create a unique market in America. Not only will electricity be very cheap and abundent. It will make money for the Federal Government, money which can be used to do two things. First off, you can cut taxes, but I have a much better idea.

    When the whole process starts, the Government crunches some numbers, and distributes a very large grant among the leading car companies in America. They tell them the plan. The added money, and maybe some Government manpower, goes 100% into researching electric powered cars. The result?

    More jobs. Its not secret the foreign car industry depends on America. Its also no secret its beating America in the competition for better cars. This move will single handedly bring the car business back to detroit (and elsewere). Hundreds of Thousands of jobs will be created. Also, the car companies will have a huge market of sellers. Again, mostly all of them will be American citizens.

    But the Tech market will also be revived. This move will do two things for the market. First off, and more importantly, these car parts will require many, many new parts. Most of them are already developed and used for other products. However, never before has such demand fallen upon the computer industry. It will give a huge boost, as now every American citizen will end up buying, indirectly, from these tech companies. Secondly, the more jobs (and therefore, better economy), will put more money out to the average consumer. This means more people buying luxery products, which not only boosts the entire economy, but especially helps the tech industry.

    Now the US economy has been well revived. People are spending less money on fuel and electricity. Jobs are aplenty, and our Government is saving a vast amount of money. No doubt, you’ll see a tax cut, which will further fuel the economy. The value of the dollar will raise. Our military will be able to pull out of the oil regions of the world, and we’ll save further billions when the aid packages stop to Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    When the dollar raises, the Yen and the Euro falls. This will attract foreign business away from Japan and Europe (mainly Japan). This will further strengthen the American car industry, since Japan is where their major competitors are. Again, hurts the Yen and raises the dollar.

    I’ll keep going after I see what you guys think. And yes (my parents were sceptical) I did write this myself )

    You couldn’t pay me to buy an American car. They don’t last long at all.

  • @Yanny:

    I am going to take my proposal one step further. This will be the greatest thing ever to happen to the US economy since the industrial revolution.

    Its kinda like a reversed domino effect. This will create a unique market in America. Not only will electricity be very cheap and abundent. It will make money for the Federal Government, money which can be used to do two things. First off, you can cut taxes, but I have a much better idea.

    When the whole process starts, the Government crunches some numbers, and distributes a very large grant among the leading car companies in America. They tell them the plan. The added money, and maybe some Government manpower, goes 100% into researching electric powered cars. The result?

    More jobs. Its not secret the foreign car industry depends on America. Its also no secret its beating America in the competition for better cars. This move will single handedly bring the car business back to detroit (and elsewere). Hundreds of Thousands of jobs will be created. Also, the car companies will have a huge market of sellers. Again, mostly all of them will be American citizens.

    But the Tech market will also be revived. This move will do two things for the market. First off, and more importantly, these car parts will require many, many new parts. Most of them are already developed and used for other products. However, never before has such demand fallen upon the computer industry. It will give a huge boost, as now every American citizen will end up buying, indirectly, from these tech companies. Secondly, the more jobs (and therefore, better economy), will put more money out to the average consumer. This means more people buying luxery products, which not only boosts the entire economy, but especially helps the tech industry.

    Now the US economy has been well revived. People are spending less money on fuel and electricity. Jobs are aplenty, and our Government is saving a vast amount of money. No doubt, you’ll see a tax cut, which will further fuel the economy. The value of the dollar will raise. Our military will be able to pull out of the oil regions of the world, and we’ll save further billions when the aid packages stop to Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    When the dollar raises, the Yen and the Euro falls. This will attract foreign business away from Japan and Europe (mainly Japan). This will further strengthen the American car industry, since Japan is where their major competitors are. Again, hurts the Yen and raises the dollar.

    I’ll keep going after I see what you guys think. And yes (my parents were sceptical) I did write this myself )

    It sounds like a nice idea, however i agree with EG - American cars usually suck (even the good ones).
    Also you’ll never find a politician with dreams of the White House sponsoring this. Too many votes in Texas, Alaska, Oklahoma etc. Also it smacks of the gov’t being involved in an area of the economy where it traditionally avoided - it smacks of communism.
    Very politically unpopular.

  • @Yanni:

    But seriously, Space could work.

    Launching garbage into space still costs too much. Unless of course you can stow it away on some piece of shit Russian spacecraft. :wink:

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