So what’s the 411? What’s the downlow, the lowdown, the latest gossip on pushing with Japan in a KGF?
There have been 3-4 main ideas that have been slushing around in my brain. Number one is starting with with a build of 2 ICs, and slowly use the existing tran to drop off inf from the islands until all the close ones are gone, then go after Aus/New Zealand/etc. Get up to 3 ICs quickly, and pump out massive quantities of tanks. The highlights of this is that it is extremely fast pushing because of the way tanks can quickly support each other due to blitzing, and it quickly gets to your mid-late game which looks like pumping 9 tanks out of 3 ICs. However, it offers extremely low threat to the Americans, is slow on taking outlying IPCs, and you have to be really careful of where your tanks are or Russia will strafe them at the cost of inf.
Number 2 is starting with a 3 tran build + 1 tank. Dump ass heavy into Buryatia for 3-5 turns using equal mixes of inf/tanks. The idea behind this is that transports are more economical than ICs, since it’s 16 IPCs of transports to build 4 units, while the complex is 15 IPCs to build 3 units (until you hit Japan’s limit of course), and also give you a natural good skew since you have mixes of inf/tank. Also, dumping into Buryatia and quickly pushing along the northern border gets to your main goal quickly, which is to weaken and destroy Russia. However, the weakness is that I may not get India until late in the game, and that I’m still not taking the outlying IPCs quickly.
Number 3 is a mix of 2 tran + 1 IC (Japanese took one IPC from the bid). It’s sort of a mix between 1 and 2, except that each turn I add 1 IC and build pure inf every turn until I have 3 IC’s to construct from, then max out on tanks. This way is slow, but gets lots of infantry on all 3 prongs of the attack as needed then the tanks come roaring in.
Number 4 is playing the long term. Build 3 tran, immediately offload into F. Indo with the existing tran, then go grab the outlying IPCs as quickly as possible. We’re talking like Madagascar + Hawaii on J2, then S. Africa, Australia, and New Zealand on J3. The problem is that pushing on the mainland is slow and tedious until later, which means you aren’t that far economically ahead if at all since you’re missing lots of those IPCs in Asia.
What’s your guys’s preferences/thoughts? What’re the other other good options I’m missing here?