A&A rookie requesting advice on builds and strategy

  • Hi guys.  About a month ago myself and a group of mates purchased the revised addition of Axis and Allies.  After we got the hang of the rules we began to enjoy the greater strategic element present in A&A compared to games like Risk which we have played in the past.

    We have had three completed games so far, each of which was a victory for the axis (1 Minor, 2 Major)

    Please could you guys assess my starting builds/strategy for each of the 5 powers and suggest improvements/ alternative builds.  Thanks.


    1st turn buy: 5 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Artillery
    Capture West Russia and Ukraine leaving majority of troops in West Russia at the end of the turn.  4 Infantry into Caucassus, 1 Inf 1 Tank 1 Art into Russia.

    Strategy for Russia: Hold off two-pronged assault from Germany and Japan for as long as possible.  Be aggressive initially to boost economy.


    1st turn buy: 7 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 3 Tech rolls rockets (1/2 chance)
    Recapture Ukraine, advance armour towards Russia, put most of airforce in Western Europe to deal with British/American naval threat.  Use Transport to put 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry into Africa.

    Strategy For Germany: Make economic gains in Africa if possible, defend Western Europe against assault from allies.  Launch a two-pronged assault with Japan against Russia.

    Question: Rockets seem ridiculously overpowered, have they been nerfed at all?


    1st turn buy: Indian Factory, 3 Infantry (save 6 IPC’s for…)
    2nd turn buy: Aircraft Carrier (sea zone 6), 3 Tanks(India), 0-2 Infantry(U.K)
    2nd turn capture Norway by moving Navy to sea zone 6 placing fighters on carrier to defend fleet.

    Strategy For U.K: Stall Japanese expansion with Indian factory, with help from U.S try and hold Africa against Germany.  Pump troops into Norway each turn to help Russia fight Germany.


    1st turn buy: Factory Kwangtang, 1 Transport, 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Capture China from U.S, Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, use transports to get troops onto Asian mainland.

    Strategy for Japan: Expand heavily into Asian mainland launch a two pronged assault with Germany against Russia.  Try and pull Allied attention away from Germany as much as possible.


    1st turn buy: 1 Bomber, 3 Tech Rolls Heavy Bombers, 1 Transport, 1 Artillery
    Send troops to Algeria to help U.K hold Africa from German Assault.  Fly planes into U.K for bombing/defensive purposes

    Strategy for U.S: Steadily build up for a huge Atlantic amphibious assault on Germany supported by the U.K, try to remove axis economic power through strategic bombing and helping U.K out in Africa, Get into the thick of the fighting as much as possible and pose a continual threat/nuisance to the Axis.

    Question: Heavy Bombers seems overpowered, has this been nerfed at all?

    So far in each game Japan and Germany with the two pronged assault have captured Moscow and won the game for the axis, what is the best way to stop this as the Allies?  Thanks for your help.

  • Hello Torment

    As it is a dice game, you can be lucky with everything, but …

    Russia: Seems OK for me.

    British: India factory is not a good option. This factory can be overrun by Japan in round 3, if you are not fully going KJF, and you are clearly not doing this by your suggestions. I miss the buildup of the navy. Even if Germany does not reinforce in the Baltic you need more Navy as British in my opinion.

    USA: Same point as for the British. I miss the buildup of the navy. This is very important for the US to participate in the game.

    For the Tech’s maybe some more experienced player could answer the question if it is sensefull to Tech in such an early stage of the game. In my eyes it doesnt make sense.

    Sorry for my Englisgh. It is not my native language.

  • Rockets it’s ok, but i’d try only two dices. You must buy at least same inf as USSR.

    Heavy Bombers is powerful, but relies only in dice rolls. No tactic challenges and you can also lose anyway if Germany plays well. Anyway, with USA i’d try 6 dices first turn for gain it quickly.

    Ste is right. UK and USA should build a fleet. Note that then you can’t go for heavy bombers with 6 dices, only 2.

    Techs are risky. Not for long planning use, but for surprising your enemy.

  • if you buy a factory in india you have to buy one for sinkiang too. but if you capture ukraine I perosnally like 2inf, 2 art, 2 tanks. ( most possible offense and good defense) I think you should spend like 16 ipcs for your German navy first turn. I don’t play with tech but I would buy 2 tech ( for rockets), 16ipc torwards navy, and  8 infantry. I don’t like buying a factory 1st turn for Japan but if you do put it in Fic or manchuria not kwantwang.

  • 2007 AAR League

    British: India factory is not a good option. This factory can be overrun by Japan in round 3, if you are not fully going KJF, and you are clearly not doing this by your suggestions. I miss the buildup of the navy. Even if Germany does not reinforce in the Baltic you need more Navy as British in my opinion.

    This is incorrect.

    If you but a IC in INdia and haven´t cleared FIC from land units (2 inf) it WILL be overrun on J1, especially if you play on this boards.

    But if you clear fic from lanmd units it´s ok, otherwise i advice you in oputting it on Australia.

  • Thanks for the suggestions guys.  Played a game as the allies today (KGF), I didnt build the Indian factory and instead retreated British and Russian forces (except the bare minimum to avoid blitsing) near Japan causing them to have a long over-extended supply line which I drove back with Russia a few rounds before capturing Berlin with the U.K.  Worked a treat.

    Im still unsure of how bidding works, can anyone enlighten me? which side is normally preferential (ie makes losses from bidding) the axis or allies? Thanks

  • @Torment:

    Thanks for the suggestions guys.  Played a game as the allies today (KGF), I didnt build the Indian factory and instead retreated British and Russian forces (except the bare minimum to avoid blitsing) near Japan causing them to have a long over-extended supply line which I drove back with Russia a few rounds before capturing Berlin with the U.K.  Worked a treat.

    Im still unsure of how bidding works, can anyone enlighten me? which side is normally preferential (ie makes losses from bidding) the axis or allies? Thanks

    Newpaintbrush created a nice article (thread) on this here: http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=9722.0

  • @Torment:

    1st turn buy: 5 Infantry, 1 Tank, 1 Artillery
    Capture West Russia and Ukraine leaving majority of troops in West Russia at the end of the turn.  4 Infantry into Caucassus, 1 Inf 1 Tank 1 Art into Russia.

    What are your attacking forces into Ukraine?

    Strategy for Russia: Hold off two-pronged assault from Germany and Japan for as long as possible.  Be aggressive initially to boost economy.


    1st turn buy: 7 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 3 Tech rolls rockets (1/2 chance)
    Recapture Ukraine, advance armour towards Russia, put most of airforce in Western Europe to deal with British/American naval threat.  Use Transport to put 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry into Africa.

    Strategy For Germany: Make economic gains in Africa if possible, defend Western Europe against assault from allies.  Launch a two-pronged assault with Japan against Russia.

    Question: Rockets seem ridiculously overpowered, have they been nerfed at all?

    Sh**, you’re playing OOB?  (Out of Box)?  Rockets are INSANELY overpowered for Germany in OOB.  At least use the FAQ fix to Rockets (on the wizards website)


    1st turn buy: Indian Factory, 3 Infantry (save 6 IPC’s for…)
    2nd turn buy: Aircraft Carrier (sea zone 6), 3 Tanks(India), 0-2 Infantry(U.K)
    2nd turn capture Norway by moving Navy to sea zone 6 placing fighters on carrier to defend fleet.

    Strategy For U.K: Stall Japanese expansion with Indian factory, with help from U.S try and hold Africa against Germany.  Pump troops into Norway each turn to help Russia fight Germany.

    This isn’t a KJF.  It isn’t a KGF.  By that, I mean - you’re not focusing on Japan (KJF, or Kill Japan First), or Germany (KGF).  When you split your efforts, the Axis have a far easier time jerking the Allies around.  Also, if the US doesn’t put serious pressure on Japan, that India IC will belong to Japan.

    My UK moves are different enough that I’d have to put up another thread.


    1st turn buy: Factory Kwangtang, 1 Transport, 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery
    Capture China from U.S, Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, use transports to get troops onto Asian mainland.

    Strategy for Japan: Expand heavily into Asian mainland launch a two pronged assault with Germany against Russia.  Try and pull Allied attention away from Germany as much as possible.

    Get three transports and a tank.  That dumps 6 units into Asia on turn 2, not 5 units.


    1st turn buy: 1 Bomber, 3 Tech Rolls Heavy Bombers, 1 Transport, 1 Artillery
    Send troops to Algeria to help U.K hold Africa from German Assault.  Fly planes into U.K for bombing/defensive purposes

    Strategy for U.S: Steadily build up for a huge Atlantic amphibious assault on Germany supported by the U.K, try to remove axis economic power through strategic bombing and helping U.K out in Africa, Get into the thick of the fighting as much as possible and pose a continual threat/nuisance to the Axis.

    Question: Heavy Bombers seems overpowered, has this been nerfed at all?

    Heavy Bombers ARE nerfed already.  They used to be three dice, which was pretty freakin sweet.  Not anymore.  Now, considering the cost of buying bombers, researching the bomber upgrades, and the chance that your bomber gets shot down by AA, it’s hardly worth it unless you have the Superfortresses NA (in which case it’s great).  Otherwise, by the time your bombers are a serious threat, the Axis own Moscow.

    So far in each game Japan and Germany with the two pronged assault have captured Moscow and won the game for the axis, what is the best way to stop this as the Allies?  Thanks for your help.

    Best way to stop this as Allies is to march units through Africa into Caucasus, or to two-transport chain infantry into Archangel . . . well, there are lots of ways.  But if the German player gets Rockets with OOB rules, it’s probably over anyways.

  • On the Japan 1 move…

    First off, add a bid of 5-9 for the Axis to even the odds.

    Then build 1 IC, 2 TRN as Japan on J1.  That gets you SEVEN units to Asia on J2, 9 if the SZ59 TRN miraculously survives…

    Also, if you can take India, FIC is a better place for your first IC, if not then MANCHURIA, not KWANG.

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