@DMcLaren I fixed this. It’s a stopgap but at least it’s working!
File uploads
File uploads were briefly inoperative today. I increased the space allowed and also started deleting some old game files from December.
Not to tell the mods how to do their jobs, but if I may make a suggestion, perhaps it would be a wise policy to delete all games once a month that are 90 days old? (3 months, for convenience.)
If we are made aware of the policy, I think we should be okay. Just go by the age of the last post in a thread, that way you don’t kill a file in an active, but REALLY slow game?
If possible to specify file types, I would also purge image files after 90 days.
The forum software doesn’t allow to purge by specific file type and date range. It’s one-by-one or a date range only. I’ll blast away all files older than one year old but I guess there are none right now.