Does there exist an archive of moves in completed tournament or expert level games? If this were available it would be a great learning tool!
Help with minor victory game plz
Well how about 8VC but keeping them at least 1 complete turn. Capturing leninggrad aint that hard. But defending it. it a whole different ballgame.
Germany can at best move 10 inf 5 arm there. that will be going against the Wrus stack of 9 inf 2 art 4-6 tanks ( depending build R1 ) and 2 figs.
And after that UK2 also has a shot at that same zone ( after germany ) and germany cannot reinforce that much.And this all relies on japan taking India on turn 1 ?
Sounds doable for the allies to at least survive till the end of round 2.
1. Germany doesn’t have to stack Karelia on G1 because it just isn’t necessary. Germany doesn’t even have to capture Karelia on G1. With 12 inf 1 art produced on G1 and moving to Eastern Europe on G2, Karelia will fall and cannot be recovered on G3, particularly if G2’s build is 8 tanks.
2. Likewise, Japan does not need to capture India on J1.
3. It isn’t a question of “surviving until round 2”, but really, being able to sustain the defense of India, London, Moscow, Washington, and Los Angeles, while simultaneously trying to press on to capture an Axis VC. That’s why the game MUST be KJF; any skilled German player can prevent the capture of Paris, Rome, and Berlin for quite a long time. A dedicated KJF plan, though, can put pressure on Japan’s VCs (although it is by no means easy, and I think the Allies at somewhat of a disadvantage).
A true 8 VC game may require an ALLIED bid.
Of course that guarantees a short game… the Axis either wins in 5 turns or less, or the Allies WILL win…
Of course that guarantees a short game… the Axis either wins in 5 turns or less, or the Allies WILL win…
Not to be a smart a$$, but isn’t that the point of an 8 VC game (short/quick)?
A true 8 VC game may require an ALLIED bid.
Of course that guarantees a short game… the Axis either wins in 5 turns or less, or the Allies WILL win…
Switch I am going to take seriously what you have said! :-)
I do explain: I have a small numbers of friends that play A&A with me regularly, so I have not problem to play.
But… in my playing group there are also other people that I still have not convinced to play A&A, because they insist that it takes too much time! (shallow people they are)
they prefer to play Heroscape! And make also tournaments!!! And, evem worst, they dare to invite me!!!But you have given to me an idea!!!
So I am thinking of organizing games with 8VC, with a bid for being the Axis, that the allied player may place immediatly on the board before R1 (indipendently from wich nations get the bid) and immediate victory at the end of the round (after the USA turn).
Maybe also 4 NA per side, with LHTR 2.0.It may be a feasible thing? Or it will be a stupid attempt?
Let us know how it goes.
Perhaps a small Allied bid ($3) and 8 VC is a way to play a quick game… of course a quick game is a dice game… but if that is what it takes to get new players “hooked” then I am all for it!
I will try it next week end this one will be a very bad week end for me! Full of work!
But I will try as soon as possible!
I agree with you that it will be a dice game, but the important thing is to show them that thinking is more important and also more enjoying!
Another balancing factor I’ve heard about (but not personally tried) is to give the allies an IC in India as part of the set-up. This mean UK can place units in India UK1.
Sounds like a nice balancing move.
To be totaly honest I have always set a VC condition for victory (9 or 10), but never really get there. There just comes a point in this game where you can tell who is going to win and then with the agreement of all players you call the game. We just play until someone sues for peace. :lol:
Well triforce, I strongly agree with you!
The last discussion are only related an idea of Switch that I am willig to try for having short games. This short games should be used by me for having other friends to try A&A. Until now they did not want to play, having little time, and they prefer to play other games.
So we are wondering if was possible to play short games, that may shows A&A, arrive to a conclusion and are mre than a demo.So just to recall all the idea, and to have other input summarize the rule.
I need a name so:
Axis&Allies Revised FastNDiceous :)
- 8 VC game
- Bid for Axis. Allied may spend the IPC before R1, placing units without any limitation
- 4 for side, chosen
- UK IC in India
Other Ideas:
- US navy is not at Pearl Harbour (Sz 52) but is on the West Coast (Sz55) ???
- other ???
Fact is, Axis and Allies is a long ass game.
Allied bid in 8 VC? Boo. Give the Axis a chance.
newpaintbrush, it is only an attempt to have a shorter game.
I would like to play A&A with myy ludic associations. We have weekly a gaming session in a Pub. Whe have an agreement with the pub management and we have three tables in a corner reserved for us, and we play! (and drink beer…)So I was wondering about a “faster” version. I think that 8VC is slighty favourable for the Axis. So I will try:
- 4 NAs for side
- UK IC in India
- Bid for the Axis
I will try and … let you know.
1. NAs heavily favor the Allies.
2. You gave UK an IC in India?
3. You want to give additional IPCs to the Allies?It’s like watching a shaved monkey on fire. You want to feel sorry for it, but it’s so interesting to watch, you pull out a videocamera instead.
My thought is, if you want a fast and vicious game of Axis and Allies, play 8 VCs with no funny stuff. You don’t have to explain extra NAs. The Axis try to smash into India, and the Allies desperately try to fight them off.
BTW, make the new guys the Axis.
Mmmmm…. and so I have not to explain the NAs to the newbie gaining more time for playing (and for beer… :-D)
Yes, maybe… beer… er… :-D
Serioulsy, we have two different necessities.
Usually we have week end games in which we have 3 or 4 player games, and we play at 9 VC, that really means play until one of the two side surrenders.
One or two time at weeks my gaming group, with more people, have meetings in our Pub.
And I would like to make “fast” games of A&A in order to explain the game and having player to try, having a fun and equilbrate game, if possible. Just wondering about 8 VC games and eventual adjustment to do.I had the following idea from ncscswitch:
- 4 NAs for side
- UK IC in India
- Bid for the Axis
But newpaintbrush suggested to try the 8 VC game as it is, and maybe this may shortening thexplanation time (and increase the beer time … er… :-D we have to consume in the Pub otherwise the management could want to re-negotiate :wink:)
I will try next week to propose A&A with 8 VC, and only after the assessing I will try to inntroduce some options.
I can;t take credit for all of those.
I think my main suggestion was a small bid for the Allies, and then it is a 5 turn max game (Axis wins in 5, or they lose)
Or just add an INF to India. That should be enough to make 8 VC a bit harder for the Axis…