Deviant:Scripter - My point is clear. Do Americans care, beyond killing the terrorists, what happens to the Afghan people? Probably not. Do they care towns and villages are rebuilt? Do they care if the Afghan people affected by the fighting have proper medical attention and supplies (food / shelter)? Do Americans care if a stable, democratic government is established and maintained? No, they don’t. In Iraq, the situation will be worse. It won’t take much for Saddam to convince most Iraqi’s to resist an American invasion with their lives. If a foreign army marched into your home town, would you care why? This hypothetical army will preach a better government, economics, religion, way of life, etc. Were you happy before they arrived? Would you care why they were here? Kill the invaders, drive them out. It will be a patriotic Iraqi war to repell the invaders, bottom line. Quite obviously, the American administration will be looking for successor group/s. It would be a Vietnam scenario without them. There’s always someone looking to profit from the previous leader’s defiance from the world view. This is probably why we have not invaded already. Again, do Americans give a hoot what happens to the Iraqi’s - the statement “turn it into a parking lot” answers that question…
Oh geez, where do I even start? First of all, yes, America does care immensely about the future of Afganhistan. We do want to see a stable democracy put into place before we leave. That’s why American troops are spending so much time (and our lives) protecting Hamid Karza so that he can establish some control of the warlords of the country.
Secondly, you’re completely wrong in your assumption that America doesn’t care about the health and food situation in Afganhistan.
_Financially, since October 2001, the US has provided Afganhistan with $420 million and the President has all ready pledged another $360 million.
Food wise, the US provides 80 percent of all food aid to UN World Food Program to Afganhistan. The US’s goal is to deliver 300,000 tons of food aid to Afganhistan thru the spring.
To protect people from the weather, the US is providing wool blankets and quilts; shelter kits, plastic sheeting and winterized tents. We’re also distributing mattresses, clothes, stoves, cooking sets, firewood, coal, lanterns and water containers.
Medicine and healthcare: We’ve provided medical kits and funds for health centers and mobile clinics. We’re sponsoring public heath education and programs on hygiene, obstetrics, maternal and childcare, and malnutrition. We’re employing trained personnel to conduct educational outreach on basic health and nutrition, especially to women. We’re helping expectant mothers, training local birth attendants and funding the distribution of vitamins and the immunization of young children.
Communications: Through the International Organization for Migration, we’re distributing over 30,000 radios that allow Afghans to hear special broadcast bulletins concerning food distribution, security, health care and other information relevant to displaced people.
Housing: We are beginning small-scale spot reconstruction like providing materials to rehabilitate damaged housing for returning displaced persons.
Roads and bridges: We’re providing funds to upgrade and rebuild roads, especially to markets, and repair and reconstruct bridges.
Wells and irrigation systems: We’re paying for the drilling of wells, the constructing and repairing of irrigation and water-supply systems, and the operation and maintenance of water pumping systems to provide people with potable water.
Agriculture rehabilitation and seeds: We’re providing training in agricultural techniques and animal husbandry. We producing large quantities of special varieties of seeds and distributing them to farmers to plant in winter to prevent serious food shortages next year.
Income generation: We’re funding “food for work” and “cash for work” programs that enable people to have their nutritional needs met, increase their family income, while helping to rebuild their country._
Marshal, do us all a favor and don’t make blatant statements based on your personal opinion. Iraq is going to be nothing like a Veitnam situation. Did you completely miss Desert Storm?