and most, if not all, of our colleges give applicants a chance to get money toward their education by way of work-study, scholarships/grants, and loans. and there are plenty of places to find work…if you’re not too lazy to go find it.
Funny. Even then I am too cheap to afford any of the private colleges in Southern California :) Now that Gray Davis has looted California expect major increases in tuition fees next year.
let the dwarf get is own ladder. if he doesn’t have money for one he can either make one, or go earn some money to buy one. maybe he could ask to borrow one. he has too many opportunities to get one for me (or anyone else) to be mandated to give him one. if the giant wants to give half or however much of the apples to the dwarf, fine. that’s good, and that’s the way i think it should be. let him want to give it, not be forced to give it. and if they want to trade, very good. but don’t make them trade. that’s taking away their ability to choose it. and frankly, when someone takes my choice in the matter away (especially for something i would do anyway, without the command) i get pretty upset. needless to say, my parents taught me independence, initiative, and the ability to think for myself.
Can not the giant give the dwarf a lift on his/her shoulders? Or perhaps that is too communistic. :) It is funny that capitalism functions best in a perfect competitive market structure, but even here you are not allowing it.
That’s different here, and read what i wrote above,answering CC.
Thank god I left Europe as fast as I could. I was never a big fan of the early selection process. :)