John Stewart (having a pretty serious conversation for his show), gave his own personal opinion on the Iraqi war. I don’t really believe in it, but heres what he said (its interesting).
I don’t think Iraq is really the target here. Iraq is the second largest oil reserve in the Middle East, second to Saudi Arabia. Now, Saudi Arabia funds all these islaamic fundalmentalist schools, and most of the Hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi. Maybe Bush is going after Iraq to secure the Oil until he can go after the bigger fish, Saudi Arabia. I don’t think this is a political move, rather a sly strategic move thought up by someone… else (then he shows a clip with Dick Cheney controlling Bush’s mind :))
Also, let me quote someone, who no matter who you are here, is from a person you respect. George Washington, in 1775, before the Second Continental Congress, said:
“War should always be a last resort”
I would like to know what Bush thinks about that. Although I hate Gore, almost as much as I hate Bush, I am glad he stood up and finally started saying he was opposed to this war. It got some Democrats fighting.
Bush, a week ago, and unfortunately, in my home state of NJ, gave a fierce speech. In this speech, he claimed that Congress was not looking out for the security of the American people, refering to anyone opposed to his Homeland Security Bill. President Bush is saying that he does not want to have to deal with Unions in his Homeland Security Department (which every single other department has to deal with), and wants the ability to freely fire anyone without being threatened with a Strike. Good luck to him trying to get that through.
Answer this for me war supporters, is Saddam going to be any more dangerous 6 months from now than he is now? If not, why not wait 6 months and try Diplomatic Solutions, and if he doesn’t completely comply, well then we may have to resort to war. But “War should never be the last resort”.