I find that answer not very satisfying.
You’re expecting me to tell the future - I’m not some psychic with a crystal ball. What I can say based on history is that the US does push smaller countries around. However, if the whole bands together (or 50% as stated), I would expect it to be the other way around.
I come from the land which has a strong history in trading its freedom for security. So, my answer is: You tell me
Benjamin Franklin said, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Usually there is a degree of saftey you want. Obviously with America (geographically) isolated, you would think we would need very little. However, times have changed - the world has gotten a whole lot smaller. When you start trading “essential” liberties for safety - you’re in a position to lose. But by trading “essential” safeties, you’re also in the same position. I wonder when Ben said that? Pre-Revolution?
Just what i said.
There was no implication that you should lean back, do nothing and return to normal.
The only implication was that i hoped you would learn from 11th Sept., in a sensible way.
I have a hard time deciphering what you mean by “sensible.”
You take up and drop the “standard of life” argument as you please. Either i haven’t understood your point there, or you use it inconsistently.
I have taken up the “standard of life” comment before, but I don’t think I dropped it.
Well, you probably don’t sell a lot of Quran-forbidden stuff to them, do you? Or does it say in the Quran “thou shall not wear levi’s jeans?”
I said they were fundamentalist muslims.
I was talking about the Saudis.
What does he have to hide? Maybe not lose his pride?
Uh, why quote yourself?
Well, usually dictators and monarchs tend to have more palaces. ANd for the “civilian” buildings. Do you know which buildings in the US belong to the NSA? Would be able to get in there as UN inspector?
US buildings that belong to NSA? A lot. What is a UN inspector doing in NSA?
Would you (as dictator) add some innocent buildings to the list, so that the inspectors can’t make a precise list of “secrecy areas”, but only of “suspicious buildings”?
Why, what’s there to hide? If Saddam was righting in saying “we posses no chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons” - why all the secrecy and suspicion? And if those buildings were marked off - what access would we have to them?
Well, we might have, if we had the millions blown up our bums like an american researcher, who is in the same field and noticed you could use that to detect holes and caves ….
Hey holes and caves can be dangerous! :P
I don’t think that the Iraq has nuclear weapons. I belive they have chemical and maybe biological weapons. They are much easier to produce.
For the “what to do”, i think i answered that, well, maybe not explicitly:
Send in inspectors, see how the Iraq cooperates or not, see what they find.
Maybe this will work, we’ll see.
sure, as i don’t speak american
Yes, Israel and the Arab nations as his neighbors would try, though not with this blatant saber rattling.
Then how come, as of now there have been talks about sending weapon inspectors back to Iraq? What was happening between '98 to '01?
Well, that was a “two-gun” situation, with on barrel and one trigger for each. That has changed, and it seems like the US just wants to be the only one with a gun. Your question: yes.
Ha, it seems as if the USSR is the only responsible one.
I may agree, however, the the US is looking more and more like the USSR in their “anything that’s good for the US(SR) is good for the world”.
The Russians had their time. No thanks to Stalin, they blew it.