The placing of Pershing 2s and cruise missiles in western germany in the 80s as a counter to the USSR stationing SS20s in the east didn’t really make sense. It’s more like: "ok, we have a dozen of overkills with our ICBMs, let’s add a few ones on short range weapons.
Both sides had enough missiles to destroy the world many times over. It was about maintaining political power and not to lose face.
Do you really think that the US would allow that? As soon as one country starts a “unifiy to statnd up against the US action”, what would be the USs reaction?
You tell me. If the world hates us so bad, then they will make a stand regardless. Certainly we wouldn’t like it, but we would still have to deal with it.
Was it Lincoln, or Washington (or which former US president) who said something like:
Who wants to change his freedom for security is not worth any of it!
To this would be choosing absolute freedom for no security? A airpart without metal detectors, without baggage checks, or security guards – you could have all the freedom you ever want. Think about it. What would you choose?
Right, but that is something that they can do to any nation, not only to the United States!
Don’t think you are very special just because you suffered that horrible attack.
Israel has to live with it, and fights its war “soldiers vs. guerrila” for quite some time now, and it doesn’t look like they could win this way! Still, the US would like to repeat that for themselves?
Would terrorist go out of their way to plant a bomb in Mali? How are we so special? If it showed us anything, we aren’t that special. As for Israel, that has more to do with freedom of self government, the right to exist, and the creation of a seperate state. If that was what had happened in America (like the Civil War), I would support the gladly South.
Why does the US not stop and think for a minute: Why did they bomb us and not France …. what have we done differently? Could we change our behavior to reduce the “attraction” we obviously have towards terrorists?
Is France the dominant superpower of the world? Probably not. The terrorist would rather go against the us as it would make much more of a lasting impression for them and boost their ego.
No, this didn’t happen…… As soon as anybody said “the terrorists attacks could have been provoked” he is muted by the public.
He? Of course we provoked them - we had a better standard of life and they didn’t.
Again your question asks for implication i didn’t make.
This seems to happen quite often, that you things that i didn’t think of (and from my point of view made clear that i didn’t!)
This is very bad style in an argument.
To answer your question: no
“How does the USA react to this threat: Having noticed that someone could actually harm the US (a thought most unpleasant, but once you get used to it, you start to act and behave differently, more sensible, as you think of what your actions might provoke!) for the first time after Pearl Harbor, the USA reacted in shock (understandibly, the truth can be unpleasant), and a combination of force and denial (like: This must never happen again, therefore we kill everyone who we think could do that).”
Ahhh… but the implication was there - unless you are supporting the US all along. Then tell me, if I don’t get this right (doubtful), then what meaning is this message? Again, I posed this as a question (unless you realllyy hate answering those). It was meant for clarification, not fact.
You assume many things from me, too.
i dare you:
quote me on that!
“but still you said that many of those “hate spewers” would love to have the US’ wealth and standard of living.”
Well actually you did say this - though to me (Posted: 19 Sep 2002 08:31). However, it was meant to be included in the Saudi quote and not for something I was suppose to write. For clear up, treat that comment as it was included in the Saudi quote.
rich in terms of money.
No people in a desert, therefore no influence of the richness.
In Australia, the urbanization is the highest in the world: percantage of people in cities is not a a way to measure it’s wealth.
outlet for US goods = imports US goods? If so, how does that not back up my claim of richness? For the islamic fundamentalism, this is not an indicator, the laws are.
Lets take a look at the Saudi Arabia. More than 60% of Saudis are under 25 - among the highest in the world. The country also has a spiraling debt and falling oil revenues - per capita income has plummeted from $28,600 to $6,800 in the past 20 years. 1/3 of all Saudis are unemployed. How comparable is this to the United States? As for outlet of US goods - even though that country “dislikes us,” why purchase American commodities then? What does this tell us?
have heard that it might take less than 4 weeks for the first commando of inspectors go to the Iraq. Maybe he starts and started games, but he knows that he can’t overdo it.
What does he have to hide? Maybe not lose his pride?
I read that under existing U.N. Security Council resolutions, returning weapons inspectors would take at least five months to fully commence operations in Iraq and report on Baghdad’s initial cooperation, and up to a year to preliminarily assess whether Iraq still possesses weapons of mass destruction or the capability to produce them.
Would you allow UN inspectors to go in and inspect everything of the US, including the white house? If you don’t, why do you expect that others eagerly will?
Pride, not losing your face or humiliation…. just think of that possibility.
How many Whitehouses do you know off? How many “palaces” did Saddam have that the UN inspectors did not have access to before 1998? However, to answer that question, if UN inspectors were so sure of finding illegal bombmaking and chemical facilities, then a tour of the Whitehouse for them would be appropriate.
BTW, the access is not just on the White House, what if I told you couldn’t have access to any school or other civilian building in America? Would you call that fair?
It came up in the Journal of Peace Research, my institut has not subscribed to that one…
took me 5 secs with google btw.
Your institute? Start subscribing! :)
sounds like the US is not part of the UN.
sounds like you don’t feel like being part of the UN.
If the inspectors get lax, then the US should make the inspectors work again. Is it Saddams fault, when our workers go lazy ???
Sure doesn’t feel like it. What were US’s annual dues to the UN last year? $300 million? What were Iraq’s total dues? $360,000? I’m not blaming Saddam, but the UN. Going to war will be their call, I hope the alternative will not be short lived.
You ask questions i have already answered. The bus question is rethoric, i will not go into that one.
You do not quote me, instead you try to divert my attention, bad style again. I will therefore ignore the questions asked there.
Thanks for the explanation. And the answer to your question there is “yes”, they didn’t
No, I was not going to ask the same exact question twice. [Except for: Do you really believe Iraq’s Prime Minister when he says Iraq posses no NBCs whatsoever]. You questioned my questions, and I responded to them for clarification. And now that I have, you get mad over it. In fact, I asked you what is to be done, and I still haven’t gotten an answer back. What is worse?
Well, if that is what you see in what i say, then my english must be pretty crappy.
No, it’s your American.
He will not dare it this time, as long as GWB is in power in the US. He will wait for the next president.
I would rather have a stern president than a Clinton-esque one. But here’s a question, do you think anyone would bother with trying to keep a check on the weapons of mass destruction Iraq is cooking if not for the current President?
Ever thought of how the USSR felt? You say you can’t accept sitting on the wrong end of the barrel, but you are sure every one else feels at ease with you at the trigger.
Are USis so badly selfcentered that this thought doesn’t even cross their minds?
Would the world feel at ease with only the USSR at the trigger?
On the other hand: you would have not come to west germanies aid, if a “communist revolution” had taken place there?
Ha, what type of “communist revolution” are you suggesting? Don’t you try to use that communism against me. :wink:
Simple as that, the US would not have reacted differently.
In the course of the Cold War in Europe, when would this have happened (ex. English voluntarily joining the Warsaw Pact)?