they might as well settle. why go to court, they’d lose anyways in LA. you know LOS ANGELES. LIBERAL TOWN. if you go to court, it looks WORSE. Jesus Christ.
Yes, and didn’t you just argue that liberal judges are lenient on pedophiles and rapists, presumably because they are liberal?
Make up your damn mind.
thats BS, you dont need proof to convict these priests all you need is the right jury, which you’d find in LA.
This shows you don’t know about jury selection. Prosecutors AND defendants can object to any potential juror.
the question is……why isnt anyone suing these people? they could… but people only go after the church b/c of the $$$$$$.
I think it has to do more with who molested whom.
Besides, Jews have all the money (they love that stuff), and it would be logical to go after them first if you are just looking for a payout.
they’d do that b/c the church knows as soon as someone comes out with an allegation, the church is screwed. its going to come down to a “they say, we say” and the church will lose everyone of those hands down b/c the liar will go onto the stand and cry and put on theatrics for their big payoff at the end of the day. It is the EASIEST way to a million dollars in america today.
That’s why the innocent defend themselves in a trial, or at least attempt to, and do not settle.
Actually, it won’t come down to a he said/she said, because the accusers will point to how the church mishandled the suspected abusers, and require the Church to release documents pertaining to the case. The weight is on them because they didn’t address the situation appropriately for decades. And now you see them, like you, saying “Well everyone else does it too!” That’s a stand-up organization right there, you must be proud.
so they move the priest immediately hoping that no money shakedown will come, but the shakedowns come every time. some times the priest has been a criminal, but again i’d say not half the time.
again, why dont these people try to put the priests in prison, where they belong if they did these things. They put other molesters in prison, but not priests. they only want millions of dollars. 660 million to be exact this time.
Some of these priests are dead. And I think most people would feel it’s better to pay than spend time, so in that way, they ARE being lenient on the priests. Any other pedophile/sex offender in this situation would have YOU calling for their head. Again, hypocrisy.
a whole jury can be liberal idiots who hate the church. they are in the big cities too. and b/c the church settled didnt make the claims true. its means they wanted the press to go away b/c the bad press hurts the church. hurts them enough in liberal LA that they pay 660 million. they want the little mexican kids feel like the priests there are friends, not pedophiles. the media does its best to make people think all priests are bad nowadays.
If they wanted the press go away, why did they make a landmark settlement? Why do they continue to comment on the case?
I think most people would agree that priests overall are good people trying to do good things. This is why it’s so shocking that they molest kids, and you only hear about that.
i’d looooove to see the media even attempt to smear evangelicals the way they do priests. and evangelicals have more reasons to smear them, the pastors become stinking rich and its a farce. but the evangelicals are a mean loud people, which scares the media. catholics are quiet and humbe (except me) so they are easy pickings.
They have done so, it just got old, and they aren’t as prominent anymore. The priest abuse cases are actually recent.
and switch, if they happened back in the 50’s……WHY didnt the accuser(s) bring it up for decades? ? ?
Why do some women not report rape?
i’ll answer that, b/c if they are liars just looking for money, there hasnt been a culture to get big payoffs until now. so i think these so-called victims (sadly there might be a few honest victims) but they would have been recent. the so-called victims from the 50’s are liars in my opinion b/c they are old people and only would of been a child back in the 50’s. they see an opportunity to get some cash for lies, so lie they do. and instant cash is the reward.
I think the emotional scarring, abuse of trust, and general reaction to traumatic experiences explain this much better than your dumbass reason.
they had decades to bring up claims. FUNNY how they show up only now when they can now get rediculous sums of money for accusations w/o proof.
Could it be that there was bias for the church, where they could do no wrong, and legitimate cases would be laughed away? Yeah, I think so.
If you were raped by another man, balung, how quickly would you admit it?
and just to link to balungaloaf post, i am sure that pedofilia in protestant ˝clergy˝ is much more present than in catholic one, but never saw someone sued protestant community for 600 mil $. or Switch you want to say that they dont cover it…
You guys STILL can’t get over the schism, eh?