• 2007 AAR League

    not a book, but a thesis, which should count as a book by all purposes.

    such a catchy title too, real imaginitive.

    Alexanders Companion Calvary - it’s gotta be on file somewhere in the arts and sciences database for University of Nebraksa at Omaha.

  • hey, i would like to just ask you, since i dont get it, and it hasnt went to public in my country like in yours did

    why did the Church payed that money, i mean the priest should respond for what he did, or was it beacuse the accusation said that Church was covering it

    i mean, i know its not so simple, and Church in some things cant be compared to other organizations but every priest is (besides Churches) under state law, and he must respond for what he did

    all this things, to pay money to ˝get even˝ something is simply questionable

    Libyan case considering Bulgarian nurses is similar, if they so much wanted to help, they could take the money and put it in some fund for fighting AIDS, not trying to compensate it by making millionares of its population,  there is no money which can garantee that its even, or, i dont how to say better


  • 2007 AAR League

    its an orchastrated shakedown.  thats easy to see.

    and it will continue.  they are trying to bankrupt the big diocese in big cities.  many people see this, but liberals are blinded like normal by their indoctinated hatred for catholics b/c of the church’s policies.

    if you want to make a million, you know what to do now.  make something up about a priest.  thats so f’ing evident its not even funny any more.

  • @balungaloaf:

    its an orchastrated shakedown.  thats easy to see.

    and it will continue.  they are trying to bankrupt the big diocese in big cities.  many people see this, but liberals are blinded like normal by their indoctinated hatred for catholics b/c of the church’s policies.

    if you want to make a million, you know what to do now.  make something up about a priest.  thats so f’ing evident its not even funny any more.

    well, when someone from USA speaks like that about these issue, i wont even ask are you a catholic or not, but what you re saying is pretty serious,   to accuse somebody( especially a priest ) for doing something like these, and not just that,  to try earn some money on it

    God helps us!

  • 2007 AAR League


    as i’ve already said, priests have lower cases of abuse of minors than anybody else around.

    look at liberal judges giving child molestors probation for years of abuse.  look at child rapists getting 1 year of jail.  this is rediculous!

    but then look at the priests, who the accusers have no proof,(in most other cases there is proof) and they get millions of dollars.

    this has been going on for some time now.  and will continue to go on.  i wouldnt be suprised to see bigger settlements than $660 million!

    has any other religious organization been targeted for these claims.  have the protestants, jews, muslims?..…no they havent.

    and they have a bigger percentage of cases, but they dont have the cash!  cash that goes to feed the hungry, shelter homeless, and to combat diseases goes to line the pockets of liars.  i’m gonna say 50-60 % of these people are liers with no scruples.  and more will come.

    indeed, GOD HELP US!

  • @balungaloaf:


    as i’ve already said, priests have lower cases of abuse of minors than anybody else around.

    look at liberal judges giving child molestors probation for years of abuse.  look at child rapists getting 1 year of jail.  this is rediculous!

    but then look at the priests, who the accusers have no proof,(in most other cases there is proof) and they get millions of dollars.

    this has been going on for some time now.  and will continue to go on.  i wouldnt be suprised to see bigger settlements than $660 million!

    has any other religious organization been targeted for these claims.  have the protestants, jews, muslims?..…no they havent.

    and they have a bigger percentage of cases, but they dont have the cash!  cash that goes to feed the hungry, shelter homeless, and to combat diseases goes to line the pockets of liars.  i’m gonna say 50-60 % of these people are liers with no scruples.  and more will come.

    indeed, GOD HELP US!

    Maranatha, Marantha…

  • Amon, the reason the Church was sued and not the Priest is because those filing the charges claimed that the Church was responsible for failure to act on the transgressions by these priests over the years.

    As has been shown in court filed documents in many of these cases already, there is a documented history of complaints against Priests over the years for these actions, and the response of the church was to RELOCATE the Priest to a new diocese.  This had the effect of FACILITATING the abuse instead of ending it (had the Priest been removed completely).

  • 2007 AAR League

    ever think the church moved them b/c they knew the complaint was BS?  why get rid of someone for something he didnt do.  so they can say, hey he didnt do anything, but a jury of liberals will screw them anyways, and then the media will say that it DID happen b/c the jury found them accountable.

    doesnt make it so.

  • @Amon-Sul:


    its an orchastrated shakedown.  thats easy to see.

    and it will continue.  they are trying to bankrupt the big diocese in big cities.  many people see this, but liberals are blinded like normal by their indoctinated hatred for catholics b/c of the church’s policies.

    if you want to make a million, you know what to do now.  make something up about a priest.  thats so f’ing evident its not even funny any more.

    well, when someone from USA speaks like that about these issue, i wont even ask are you a catholic or not, but what you re saying is pretty serious,  to accuse somebody( especially a priest ) for doing something like these, and not just that,  to try earn some money on it

    God helps us!

    Well, he IS Catholic, so there is bias.

    Civil cases can last until money/stamina is exhausted, just about.  Here is a rundown of how they work: http://www.scselfservice.org/civ/default.htm

    In this case, we see that the Church elected to settle for $660 million.  What this means is that the case is dismissed if the plaintiff accepts the settlement offer.  Now, for a sum like that, it’s a good guess that the judgment of the case, had it gone through the end, was doubtful for the Church, and they might have been ordered to pay a larger amount.  Or the costs associated with defending the case were considerable, and it would be better to settle.  But at $660 million, I doubt it.


    as i’ve already said, priests have lower cases of abuse of minors than anybody else around.

    Red herring.

    look at liberal judges giving child molestors probation for years of abuse.  look at child rapists getting 1 year of jail.  this is rediculous!

    And…?  Those were separate cases that ran to their end.  Apparently the Church didn’t think the judgment would be so light, and opted to settle anyway.

    but then look at the priests, who the accusers have no proof,(in most other cases there is proof) and they get millions of dollars.

    Do they really?  Do you know the accusers?  Because I would think they are protected by law.

    this has been going on for some time now.  and will continue to go on.  i wouldnt be suprised to see bigger settlements than $660 million!

    Since the Church has made its own bed, perhaps it should sleep in it (if they continue to skirt the issue, avoid the law, obstruct investigations, etc., this will continue to happen).

    has any other religious organization been targeted for these claims.  have the protestants, jews, muslims?..…no they havent.

    Considering the relative size of those religions, I don’t think it would be as big.  But that’s a red herring anyway.

    and they have a bigger percentage of cases, but they dont have the cash!  cash that goes to feed the hungry, shelter homeless, and to combat diseases goes to line the pockets of liars.  i’m gonna say 50-60 % of these people are liers with no scruples.  and more will come.

    Who is they?
    And I’m going to say that 100% of your claims come out of your rear.

    indeed, GOD HELP US!

    How about you help yourselves?

  • 2007 AAR League

    b/c its a liberal ploy.  and you either dont have the IQ to see it or you support it.  one or the other.

    and your terrible attempt to answer my questions didnt answer anything, it didnt add anything either.

    so again, no proof, tons of money……in other cases (except the church for some reason)  people see a confilct.

    again, why not huge money payouts for anybody else like rabbi’s, imams, shieks, pastors, reverends…etc?

    and how did the church make its own bed.  seriously!  can you think beyond the daily show and trite liberal lines?

    so if a priest is falsely accused b/c someone wants money, and the cardinal goes, this is a BS claim the person is clearly lying, lets just move you father to another place.  they know the person is a liar but just want to discreetly move the priest. (trust me this happens, a lot of people want to be rich but most of them wont.  this is an easy way and the church has to deal with it)

    so the priest is moved, but the person keeps clamoring.  soon they open a case.  the whole case consists of “he did it”  vs. “no i didnt”.  the liberal jury sides with the plaintiff, b/c they have been indocrinated to hate the church b/c of its anti-liberal policies of no abortion, gay marriage, stem cells, etc.  so they punish the priest and parish b/c they dont like the church.  that happens.  and then the news can say he did it, b/c a jury said he did.  that doesnt make it true.

    bascially it makes the lie true b/c its been said enough.  what does the church do in this situation…basically go “why do these liberals exist to lie and steal from us”  we have done nothing wrong but we got blamed in the end anyways.

    it happens…some times the plaintiff has a legit greivence, but GIVEN  that priests have a much lower percentage of abuses than anyone else, that legit plaintiff is in the minority.

    and so the church loses, the poor loses, just b/c of liberals with a terrible childish problem with the churchs politics.  and they get on a jury.

    and why the HUGE SUMS OF MONEY?..EASY!!!        thats all the liar’s were after anyways!  DUH!

  • Here you go, balung.


    I don’t see how this is a liberal ploy when the CHURCH ELECTED TO SETTLE.


    and your terrible attempt to answer my questions didnt answer anything, it didnt add anything either.

    My answers were appropriate in regards to the irrelevance of your “questions.”

    so again, no proof, tons of money……in other cases (except the church for some reason)  people see a confilct.

    Except that if there was no proof, there would be no settlement and the judge would dismiss the case.

    again, why not huge money payouts for anybody else like rabbi’s, imams, shieks, pastors, reverends….etc?

    Is anyone suing them?  Then I think that may be why…

    and how did the church make its own bed.  seriously!  can you think beyond the daily show and trite liberal lines?

    I’ve told you that I don’t even watch the Daily Show.  But as Switch and I both pointed out, this is what happens when you neglect an issue, thinking it will go away.

    so if a priest is falsely accused b/c someone wants money, and the cardinal goes, this is a BS claim the person is clearly lying, lets just move you father to another place.  they know the person is a liar but just want to discreetly move the priest. (trust me this happens, a lot of people want to be rich but most of them wont.  this is an easy way and the church has to deal with it)

    Why would the church do that if they were lying?  Seems absurd to me.  The case would still stand whether they moved the priest or not.

    so the priest is moved, but the person keeps clamoring.  soon they open a case.  the whole case consists of “he did it”  vs. “no i didnt”.  the liberal jury sides with the plaintiff, b/c they have been indocrinated to hate the church b/c of its anti-liberal policies of no abortion, gay marriage, stem cells, etc.  so they punish the priest and parish b/c they dont like the church.  that happens.  and then the news can say he did it, b/c a jury said he did.  that doesnt make it true.

    There is a reason why the jury isn’t just one person.  We don’t even know if this was a trial by jury or a bench trial, so don’t get into that.  It’s again irrelevant because the Church settled.

    it happens……some times the plaintiff has a legit greivence, but GIVEN  that priests have a much lower percentage of abuses than anyone else, that legit plaintiff is in the minority.

    Abuse is abuse, no matter what percentage of priests do it.  It’s not that hard to understand.

    and why the HUGE SUMS OF MONEY?..…EASY!!!        thats all the liar’s were after anyways!  DUH!

    When it involves multiple people going back decades, it doesn’t seem that huge.

  • @balungaloaf:

    ever think the church moved them b/c they knew the complaint was BS?  why get rid of someone for something he didnt do.  so they can say, hey he didnt do anything, but a jury of liberals will screw them anyways, and then the media will say that it DID happen b/c the jury found them accountable.

    doesnt make it so.

    But the same priest moved over and over all because of BS allegations?

    We are talking about charges back into the 1950’s here, long before the internet, and back when even long distance p[hone calls where prohibitively expensive.

    You are asking us to believe that there was an orchestrated effort over vast geographic areas to show the same Priest molesting little boys in multiple states over a span of decades, just in the hopes that at some point 40 years in the future that the state legislature would repeal the statute of limitations on such allegations so that you would be able to collect money HALF A CENTURY LATER?

    Wow Balung, that may be the best Conspiracy Theory I have ever heard!  Makes the Roswell cover-up look like a CERTAIN FACT!  :-P

  • 2007 AAR League

    first, i’m talking in general.  but lets use this case indeed.

    they might as well settle.  why go to court, they’d lose anyways in LA.  you know LOS ANGELES.  LIBERAL TOWN.  if you go to court, it looks WORSE.  Jesus Christ.

    Except that if there was no proof, there would be no settlement and the judge would dismiss the case.

    thats BS, you dont need proof to convict these priests all you need is the right jury, which you’d find in LA.

    Is anyone suing them?  Then I think that may be why…

    the question is……why isnt anyone suing these people?  they could…  but people only go after the church b/c of the $$$$$$.

    Why would the church do that if they were lying?  Seems absurd to me.  The case would still stand whether they moved the priest or not.

    they’d do that b/c the church knows as soon as someone comes out with an allegation, the church is screwed.  its going to come down to a “they say, we say”  and the church will lose everyone of those hands down b/c the liar will go onto the stand and cry and put on theatrics for their big payoff at the end of the day.  It is the EASIEST way to a million dollars in america today.

    so they move the priest immediately hoping that no money shakedown will come, but the shakedowns come every time.  some times the priest has been a criminal, but again i’d say not half the time.
    again, why dont these people try to put the priests in prison, where they belong if they did these things.  They put other molesters in prison, but not priests.  they only want millions of dollars.  660 million to be exact this time.

    There is a reason why the jury isn’t just one person.  We don’t even know if this was a trial by jury or a bench trial, so don’t get into that.  It’s again irrelevant because the Church settled.

    a whole jury can be liberal idiots who hate the church.  they are in the big cities too.  and b/c the church settled didnt make the claims true.  its means they wanted the press to go away b/c the bad press hurts the church.  hurts them enough in liberal LA that they pay 660 million.  they want the little mexican kids feel like the priests there are friends, not pedophiles.  the media does its best to make people think all priests are bad nowadays.

    i’d looooove to see the media even attempt to smear evangelicals the way they do priests.  and evangelicals have more reasons to smear them,  the pastors become stinking rich and its a farce.  but the evangelicals are a mean loud people, which scares the media.  catholics are quiet and humbe (except me) so they are easy pickings.

    and switch, if they happened back in the 50’s……WHY didnt the accuser(s) bring it up for decades? ? ?

    i’ll answer that, b/c if they are liars just looking for money, there hasnt been a culture to get big payoffs until now.  so i think these so-called victims (sadly there might be a few honest victims)  but they would have been recent.  the so-called victims from the 50’s are liars in my opinion b/c they are old people and only would of been a child back in the 50’s.  they see an opportunity to get some cash for lies, so lie they do.  and instant cash is the reward.

    they had decades to bring up claims.  FUNNY how they show up only now when they can now get rediculous sums of money for accusations w/o proof.

    no i’m saying that these people found a priest, studied his history, and said that he molested them at such and such time and place.  but they came out now with their lies b/c they just want some money.

    no one would have gotten huge cash settlements 10 years ago or before.  thats why you didnt hear about all these people.

    still weird how after people see they can get bucko bucks for accusations w/o proof…victims come running out into the open pointing fingers.

  • You just keep dreaming of your 50 year conspiracy Balung.

    The church never moved the Priests who happened to be the molesters… over an over.  It is just a 50 year conspiracy of the Liberals against the Catholic Church.  :roll:

  • 2007 AAR League

    i’m not saying all of them are liars, just a lot of them.

    and its not a 50 year conspiracy.  just lately people have wanted money, so they digged into a priests past to see if he’s been around their area, what he did, like if he helped out at certain events, then just said they were at that place and got assualted.  so it would be a recent lie.  but an easy one to get cash quick

  • Right…

    Just a cash grab, filled with details such that the richest private enterprise on Earth feels that they do not want to defend themselves…

    OK Balung, you just keep wishing in one hand and shiting in the other, and see which fills up first…

    Now a practical question…
    Who is MOST LIKELY to sign up for 100% celibacy (no sex with women)…
    A)  A normal heterosexual male.
    B)  A homosexual Pederast.

  • 2007 AAR League

    celebacy is not sex with anyone.  not even jerking it.

    guys back int the 400’s and before like origen actually castrated themselves.

    95% of priests get along just fine.  the 5% gets all the headlines.  and you have to admit there have got to be tons of people salivating for a million bucks.  who wouldnt lie real quick for a million if you already put it through your head that you get quick cash.

  • I for one would not.  “We will not lie steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.  Furthermore I resolve to do my duty and live honorably, so help me God”  United States Air Force Academy Honor Oath (Yes, I took it back when I was a Lutheran, so no religious conflict).

    And if we accept your stat that 19 out of 20 Priests are good guys with no desire to molest little boys, are you aware that that means HUNDREDS if not thousands of child molesting priests?

  • 2007 AAR League

    i wouldnt think even that many.  in the whole world……in all the small towns around, big cities…250.

    which is too many

  • I agree it is too many.

    The problem is the Church Hierarchy did nothing to stop the few they had.

    And now they are paying an economic price for it.

    Had they acted and booted the molesters, this would NEVER have happened.

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