I also think this point is worth mentioning.
On Japan 1 they attack Hawaii, only leaving the US 1 Battleship and 1 TRN in SZ 55. If the US insists on maintaining a presence in the Pacific on US 1 they could move the DST from SZ 20 to SZ 55.
Let’s just assume these two things:
1 ) That Japan lost every thing at Hawaii. 2 ) The Japan player raises an eye brow at the US not retreating and building and moves every other Navy unit to Okinawa (just b/c Japan can use this as a central focal point that every other Navy unit can get to on J2.) Japan’s navy now comprises of:
1 CV w/ 2 FTR
1 Battleship
Let’s just say they didn’t loose the TRN in the Pearl blunder
We see here that nether country has bought any thing yet but Japan has a bigger stick even though we accepted ridiculous losses into this scenario for the sake of debate. If we assumed that Japan lost say two units at pearl (more likely) Japan’s Navy would comprise of:
Battleship x2
CV x2
FTR x 3 + 1 from Tokyo
TRN x2
SUB x1
Now let’s subtract the Pearl losses lest say the SUB and the Battleship took a hit and recovered.
Japan’s Navy is superior to the US Navy no matter how we look at it. I don’t like getting into Navy battles to much b/c at the end of the fight all you have to show for it is a crippled fleet and no new territories to supplement the losses.
If you still insist on having the US focus on Asia first build a Navy in the safety of SZ 10 and when they get to be a sizeable force then move them into the Pacific. Just keep in mind Japan started with a sizable Navy and if the Japan player becomes aware of your intentions can easily out number you by the time you get there.