Wasn’t really talking about Balancing of it, just thinking about how it would look. I’d say EE would be Soviet because as you said, Stalin had annexed the Baltic Republics, and Eastern Poland, both of which lie in EE. Also when Looking at GER its bigger than Germany actually is because it includes the Western half of Poland, and Czech which at this point Hitler had Annexed.
Naval bombardment question
Is a player, lets say Japan, allowed to naval bombard Australia from two sides(sz 38 and sz 41), when they are only landing troops from one of the seazones?
Thank you!!!
You can only battleship bombard in conjunction with a transport unload from the SAME sea zone.
NPB is right
rjclayton is right that newpaintbrush is right
post count +1
Post count + 1 + 1 + 1 :wink:
Yeah, what they said.
Post count +1 watch out Switch we’re hot on your tail. :-D
No you are not… I am getting my post right now…
But now I’m +1 post count on your post count!!!
And to respond to the topic, in order for a BB to bombard, it must be in teh same sea zone as a TRN that is offloading for the battle.
( :-P, there, now I have TWO posts to y’all’s ONE :mrgreen: )
But that transport could not have loaded a tank if the tank has already moved.
(+1) :wink:
Unless you are playing on the old Hasbro CD-Rom (as we covered in another thread)
+1 :-P
What if you had the NA that allows the destroyers to act as transports and to do bombardment?
Could the DD both transport and bombard?
+1 post for me to ;)
I don;t play with NA’s, but I would say YES.
Two NA’s stacked… SHOULD be a serious threat.
The NA is Japan’s - “Tokyo Express”, and the Combined Bombardement is a Tech, researchable by any nation. A Japanese Tokyo Express Destroyer MAY conduct shore bombardment (if Japan has the Combined Bombardment tech) into an enemy territory while it unloads its 1 Inf into that territory as part of an amphibious assault.
Not a bad little combo, especially if you pair it with Banzai Attacks! Whoop!
Thank you for your kind answers :-)(+1)
The NA is Japan’s - “Tokyo Express”, and the Combined Bombardement is a Tech, researchable by any nation. A Japanese Tokyo Express Destroyer MAY conduct shore bombardment (if Japan has the Combined Bombardment tech) into an enemy territory while it unloads its 1 Inf into that territory as part of an amphibious assault.
Not a bad little combo, especially if you pair it with Banzai Attacks! Whoop!
But it costs a lot of IPCs, and destroyers are not that much use outside of battle, and Japan will probably not be fighting any major coastal battles that it would not already win, barring the possible exception for Western US, for which numerous destroyers probably would not be much good unless Japan built mass destroyers in the first place, which would tip off a skilled Allied player.
Thank you for your kind answers :-)(+1)
You’re welcome.
(Darn I should have put that in another post)
Dang, there is no way I will manage to keep my post count up with you guys racing so far ahead of me.
Find another person to stalk again that will boost your count