Wasn’t really talking about Balancing of it, just thinking about how it would look. I’d say EE would be Soviet because as you said, Stalin had annexed the Baltic Republics, and Eastern Poland, both of which lie in EE. Also when Looking at GER its bigger than Germany actually is because it includes the Western half of Poland, and Czech which at this point Hitler had Annexed.
Sub question
lets say i attack a sub with a FTR, and miss
what options does the sub have
can they retreat? or only submerge?
if they can retreat, is there any limitation on where they can retreat too? -
personally, it seems to me that they should only be able to submerge… retreating would give them way to much ability to get around… but whats the official rule?
The sub can only submerge when it is being attacked. It can’t retreat to another square if you choose to the leave the battle. This is true whether it is being attacked by a fighter, a bomber, or a ship.
Or put another way; submerge = retreat. And sub retreat = submerge.
It’s the same thing. Not 2 different choices.
That helps.
personally, it seems to me that they should only be able to submerge… retreating would give them way to much ability to get around… but whats the official rule?
Yes. The retreating to an adjacent sz could be quite deadly.
For example in Classic, had you gotten the rolls you did at Pearl, after rd 1 of battle I would have retreated my sub from the battle.
Then you can use it a counter to Pearl or even harass Japan trannies that are unprotected in Jap sz or nearby.
I guess DD’s help stop some of that and the rule change makes sure subs at least can’t gain an extra move.
Or put another way; submerge = retreat. And sub retreat = submerge.
It’s the same thing. Not 2 different choices.
That is only true when a sub is attacked. If the sub is the attacker, they can submerge OR retreat. But if they retreat, they need to do so along with any other attacking units, per the normal rules for retreat. And subs can submerge even if there are other units on their side that intend to continue fighting.
Or put another way; submerge = retreat. And sub retreat = submerge.
It’s the same thing. Not 2 different choices.
That is only true when a sub is attacked. If the sub is the attacker, they can submerge OR retreat. But if they retreat, they need to do so along with any other attacking units, per the normal rules for retreat. And subs can submerge even if there are other units on their side that intend to continue fighting.
I was answering the poster’s question regarding defending subs. They can’t ‘retreat’ as attacking units can. The way they retreat is by submersion and that alone. I think we all agree here, don’t add more confusion to the picture. :-)
There was another thread where it was discussed whether attacking subs could retreat, or only submerge. Just wanted to make it clear they can retreat with the other attacking units. No harm meant……