What old nostagic board games can you remember?

  • Axis and Allies has been around a good while now. It’s becoming something of a legend, becoming a nice repository of great old memories. While we remember vividly our first game and it seeming not so long ago, it’s really been a long time and is very nostalgic indeed.

    Which makes me ask, what other board games do you remember and have good memories of from long ago? Do you still have them?

    I have recently re-obtained a good copy of an old game I used to have. It’s actually what I would call a pre-cursor to A&A to me. It’s called Carrier Strike and was made by Milton Bradley. Good old game. Simple, but quite good for being a ‘mainstream game’ found in Toys R Us in the late 70’s. Another good old game, that I would like to have again, but isn’t like A&A at all was Dark Tower, circa '82. I’ve gotta get that thing again through Ebay. Talk about good memories. My brothers and I would play that thing for hours on end. Another game we had that was terrible to play, but might be fun to see again for old time’s sake was that old Mad Magazine board game, made in about the early 80’s, the one where you had to loose all your money to win; getting rich was loosing. Man that game was dumb. Who remembers/had those?

    Let the memories fly.

  • Monopoly. For some reason the game box said for “Ages 9 and Up,” and since I was only 7 at the time, my, brother, and aunts [we were at my grandma’s house at the time] had this big fuss on whether I could play or not. So eventually, we all settled on the fact that I could play. That was one of the proudest moments of my gaming life. Sure I got the wind knocked out of me (I landed on the “rich strip” [the blue and green properties] and lost all my money to Hotels), but for what it was worth, it was a great gaming experience. Lots of bargaining and negotiations (I shelled out 2 grand to complete my set of Railroads). And if the game got boring, I could play with my Battleship piece. Good times! :D

  • That’s funny. TG Moses playing a capitalistic game. I’m sure you got beat down.

  • :lol:

  • All over Monopoly - nostalgic gold medal.
    I also enjoyed the few times i played “Condominium 2000” and “Payday”.
    Illuminati, however, goes down as as the easy silver medal award winner (the old one - with the black plastic money chips). My Bavarians kicked so much a**.

  • I always thought Fortress America looked like it would be a good game but never got it. I found a copy of that Roman Empire game at some game store not long ago that (since I never saw it on any A&A packaging like others from the Game Master Series) I had never known it existed. It looked great, like they all do, and almost got it, but it had the typical inflated ‘comic book store prideful’ price tag, and didn’t get it.

    I did get Samuri Swords, the re-release version of Shogun, played it like twice and it stunk. Never played it again. It’s up in the closet and I never mess with it. Waste of money.

    Did any of you ever get those old Mini Games that TSR made back in the early 80’s? They were real cheesy, but I liked them. They were cheap and fun, when I was a kid. They had one of some space battle and one of the Alamo. I liked that Alamo.

  • @TheJediCharles:

    I always thought Fortress America looked like it would be a good game but never got it. I found a copy of that Roman Empire game at some game store not long ago that (since I never saw it on any A&A packaging like others from the Game Master Series) I had never known it existed. It looked great, like they all do, and almost got it, but it had the typical inflated ‘comic book store prideful’ price tag, and didn’t get it.

    I did get Samuri Swords, the re-release version of Shogun, played it like twice and it stunk. Never played it again. It’s up in the closet and I never mess with it. Waste of money.

    Did any of you ever get those old Mini Games that TSR made back in the early 80’s? They were real cheesy, but I liked them. They were cheap and fun, when I was a kid. They had one of some space battle and one of the Alamo. I liked that Alamo.

    Mini games?
    What are they?

  • http://pbem.brainiac.com/tsr.htm

    They were silly little games that came in transparent cases. Little more than a rule book, paper map and cardboard playing piece and dice. Dirt cheap. They’d bore me ridged now, but back then, they were fun.

  • “That’s funny. TG Moses playing a capitalistic game. I’m sure you got beat down”

    Yeah, I guess it teaches you never to give money to other players. :wink: But the key to winning Monopoly is trying to get one of each colored property. I hardly get more than one of the same color unless it’s midgame. Reason being is that people will shell out obscene amounts of money and other properties to complete their three property set of the same color.

    I have probably owned 4 sets of Monopoly over the years, and the one I like the best is the Star Wars themed set. It’s great when you have three other players and you all band together to destroy the “Evil Empire” (the player with a “lock” on the game). Funny how we still lost. :P

    BTW: Good to see ya back Candyman. We can always use more member in the A&A: game forum.

    “After Risk, my first strategy board game that I was introduced to was Fortress America (part of the Milton Bradley game master series). My cousins, my uncle and myself would play every major holiday together.”

    Fortress America is a great game. It deserves to be in the “Gamemaster Series” along with all the other greats.

    “All over Monopoly - nostalgic gold medal.
    I also enjoyed the few times i played “Condominium 2000” and “Payday”.
    Illuminati, however, goes down as as the easy silver medal award winner (the old one - with the black plastic money chips). My Bavarians kicked so much a**.”

    Ha, I still remember Payday and Illuminati (never played Condominium 2000) and they were both great games. But I’m unsure if they still make Illuminati anymore.

  • Under the Game Master Series the Roman Empire game was called, “Conquest of the Empire”. It had a unique feature. Legions could be commanded by generals that could be captured after battle. They could be held for ransom (in the form of payment in tribute or actions). They could be exchanged as POW’s with enemy players. The captured general could be executed anytime during one of your turns or even returned to your opponent as a good faith gesture for say an alliance. It was a good twist in the series. Unfortunately, I no longer have this game.

  • Actually that concept of capturing Generals and exchanging POWs does sound fascinating. It would do wonders for diplomacy, like you said.

  • Under the Game Master Series the Roman Empire game was called, “Conquest of the Empire”.


    Do you know if this is the only gamemaster game that wasn’t listed on the A&A box? How many gamemaster games where there exactly?

    Conquest of the Empire
    Fortress America

    What else?

  • I think that’s it.

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