• @axis_roll:

    No, you managed your risks.Â

    I would say your opponent took a calculated risk as well that didn’t pay off for him.  If he could afford the transports, then perhaps he was ok with that risk.  If losing 3 transports may now cost him the game, then he took a bad gamble (unless he is losing).  he then mis-mangaged his risks.

    Gotta agree. It was the decision to leave them potentially vulnerable that was the cause, not luck.

    Lets also be clear on something… He had 3 1’s to shoot your bomber R1. They obviously missed. You hit.

    R2 he has 2 1’s. “Low luck”/odds/avg counters might say well you “should” get a hit here, since you will have had 5 shots at it. But the dice “dont care” that they missed R1. They dont keep track. For them, its the same 1/6 chance it always was.

    Sometimes folks forget that in counting “avg” hits…


  • CS has it down…
    Risk management will win over bad dice almost every time

  • 2007 AAR League

    Unless both players are equally good an risk management.

  • Then you are talking the first player to make the most significant MISTAKE.

    And the earlier the mistake, the more likely it will be to result in the final outcome since the error is cumulative through the game.

  • the dice are the dice
    they have won me games (occasionally) and they have lost me games (every loss  :wink:)
    without the potential ‘fluke’ results the game is little more than chess (which is great, but different)
    i agree that the early ‘out of norm’ result skews the game more dramatically, but that is the challenge sin’t it?
    i also think the small battles that have bizarre outcomes (lone transpot takes out brit dd and cv for exapmle) are more devestating than the large ones taht you can retreat from and regroup.

  • Luck can be a big factor yes! Dice can be very hard on you…  My last game I attacked 5INF, 3ARM, 2FIG, with 6INF, 3ARM, 7FIG, 1BOM.  I  made zero hits on the INF. and only 1 hit on the 10 three’s and also missed with the bomber. Then my opponent made 4 hits out of five on the INF and hit with all his ARM and FIG. He made 9 hits, I only one. BTW I was Japan, he Russia…  and it was from Sinkiang into Novobirisk…

  • 2007 AAR League

    LL is the answer. Save it frimmel!

  • @Micoom:

    Luck can be a big factor yes! Dice can be very hard on you…  My last game I attacked 5INF, 3ARM, 2FIG, with 6INF, 3ARM, 7FIG, 1BOM.  I  made zero hits on the INF. and only 1 hit on the 10 three’s and also missed with the bomber. Then my opponent made 4 hits out of five on the INF and hit with all his ARM and FIG. He made 9 hits, I only one. BTW I was Japan, he Russia…  and it was from Sinkiang into Novobirisk…

    I saw some of the expansions of A&A have cards.  Do they offset the luck factor of the dice?

  • I saw some of the expansions of A&A have cards.  Do they offset the luck factor of the dice?

    I’ve played a many of card-driven military board games and the luck factor is just a high as dice only games.

  • @Mr:

    I saw some of the expansions of A&A have cards.  Do they offset the luck factor of the dice?

    I’ve played a many of card-driven military board games and the luck factor is just a high as dice only games.

    Ahem, if you are drawings cards, how is that any less random (barring cheating) than rolling dice?

    I agree with critmonster – the bizarre results make the game more interesting.  Think of it this way – if every game played out the exact same way, then how interesting is that?  Chess is a bad comparison in some ways because, except for the fact White moves first, the players are perfectly evenly matched.  Not so in A&A.  The game is carefully balanced, but the Allies and Axis clearly don’t have all the same pieces or all the same advantages.  Their positions, pieces, economies and opportunities are all different.

    A great example is a recent game I played where, as Japan, I DID NOT GET A SINGLE HIT IN PEARL HARBOR!  Lost 5 pieces (yes, probably should have pulled back) and then proceeded to lose my transport fleet on the U.S.'s turn.  Talk about your big holes, but it was great fun figuring out how to dig out of that situation.  I probably won’t face that again for another 50 games, but you bet I’ll always remember THAT battle!

    So my point is, the bizarrely random results are the stuff of which great war stories are made!  That’s why we all spend our time on a forum dedicated to a dice game instead of being hunched over our chess boards.  :wink:

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