3 submarines = 1 battleship ?%%????

  • @TG:

    “the funny thing is, i understand that at the end of ww2 we (canada) had the 3rd largest navy in the world.”

    Where’d you hear that from, me? :wink: But CC is correct, Canada did have the 3rd largest navy in the world following ww2.

    3rd LARGEST–sure. But don’t forget that most of those ships were tiny “corvette”-class sub-hunters–primitive even by 1940s standards. The fact that Canadian sailors in WWII were able to accomplish so much in such creaky ships is a testimony to their bravery and fortitude…


  • @Ozone27:


    “the funny thing is, i understand that at the end of ww2 we (canada) had the 3rd largest navy in the world.”

    Where’d you hear that from, me? :wink: But CC is correct, Canada did have the 3rd largest navy in the world following ww2.

    3rd LARGEST–sure. But don’t forget that most of those ships were tiny “corvette”-class sub-hunters–primitive even by 1940s standards. The fact that Canadian sailors in WWII were able to accomplish so much in such creaky ships is a testimony to their bravery and fortitude…


    true true related

  • @Ozone27:

    3rd LARGEST–sure. But don’t forget that most of those ships were tiny “corvette”-class sub-hunters–primitive even by 1940s standards. The fact that Canadian sailors in WWII were able to accomplish so much in such creaky ships is a testimony to their bravery and fortitude…


    Hey, even primitive corvette and jeep class ships were good for hunting down Hitler’s U-Boats! Remember, those 50 destroyers we sent to UK were old and busted, but they still served their purpose in protecting Atlantic convoys. :wink: As the war went on, Canada did build up a modern navy, though it received a lot of lend-lease from the Americans.

  • Great Britain may not have the largest navy anymore, but it is my favorite. I like the way her majesty names her ships.

  • @Ozone27:


    The Destroyers in A&A:P (and A&A:E) are great “in between units” with the sub and battleship.

    BTW: Don’t worry A&A: WWI will have Naval units up the wazoo (though no carrier :() so I’m sure you’ll have find something you like. Super-Dreadnoughts Drool :)

    Cameron, I like your idea of half BB’s. Mind if I use it?

    Axis & Allies WW1? Aside from the total contradiction in terms–can this be for real? Are they really planning this? How do you know? If this is true I will be STOKED BEYOND BELIEF–you can keep the CVs (although I will miss them :( ), watch me crush London with my Zeppelin raids! Hopefully they will enable one to recreate such forgotten events as the battle of Coronel, where the German Pacific Squadron defeated the ill-prepared British off the Chilean coast, or the flight of the L-59, the Zeppelin Germany launched to resupply their beleagured garrison in Tanganyika, Africa, flying continuously for 96 hours and covering over 4500 miles! An official WWI A & A variant would be a MUST-HAVE for me. Are you for real? If so, when, when, WHEN???

    Sorry for the outburst :wink:


  • Well it’s not exactly A&A: WWI, more like Triple Alliance and Triple Entente: The Great War for those who want their “historical correctness.” :P

    Ozone, I like your idea on using zeppelines (though you do know in real life, those zeppelines were a failure, right? :roll:), so talk with Emu as he is the chief mod builder - I’m just a helper.

    Also (and I’m sorry if it burst your bubble), but A&A: WWI be using the A&A: Europe map so no Pacific or African fighting (though there is some).

    But if you want the juicy details the Naval part of the game (which me and TM helped design) includes Subs, Destroyers, Dreadnoughts, Transports, and Super Dreadnoughts. Almost all of the units (except transports) have been redone. Also Emu is also working on a tech system to “unlock” unit upgrades (like WWI ARM and biplanes) and that might apply to our naval system. But one thing I can tell you, these WWI type Subs will blow anything out of the water! 8)

  • I’ve been listening to the rant and it seems many of us agree that Battleships are pricey but they have their uses, and that a fully loaded AC is a dangerous thing indeed.

    But the best thing of all is …BOTH! Check this out: say you’re playing the Japanese and you want to worry the USA. The battlefield of the Pacific is a great territory to test out your naval skills. A loan transport trying to island-hop is suicide. However, that 1 Transport with a Battleship can be dangerous, but ONLY if he works fast. So, what to do? Japan doesn’t initial have the money to build a powerful navy, but it doesn’t really have to. It starts with the best in the game! You start with 2 Transports, 2 Battleships, 1 AC, 1 Sub, and quite a lot of Fighters. Sending everything against the USA will (usually result in a ‘wash’). Not a bad strategy, since you really don’t need your navy unless the USA is attempting to Island-Hop towards Tokyo.

    But…I digress. Back to building a terrifying navy.

    I recommend 2-3 Transports with 2 Inf on each. 2 Battleships escort them about. An AC with 2 Fighters cruises either with them or Very nearby, but always close enough to a land territory that planes can land on if necessary. 2-3 Subs floating along with the AC is a nice trick as well. If you have all of these out there in the water, say split into 2 groups within 1 space of each other, the enemy isn’t sure which to attack. Both are dangerous. The AC & subs are the navy killers. The other is your amphibious assault crew. Moving together so closely means that if the enemy attacks 1 the other with destroy whatever force remains after they loose :D Most of all, an attack from both of these 2 groups is truly terrifying. Amphibious invasion with Battleships and fighters in support. It’s a nice way to take LA. It also ensures that NOBODY can quickly get rid of your navy.

  • Granted, that would be terrifying, but what’s happening in asia while russia beats the crap out of ger.? This navy would cost so much you couldn’t build a land force. Japan does start with a large navy, but it’s kind of spread out at the begining, and would take a while to assemble.

    I will agree with you tactically, it is a good theory. Two questions: Have you tried this? Did you win?

  • Amassing a large navy and moving it outside the coast of Western USA might be a good diversion to scare USA draw forces to defend the homeland. And if they don’t – hehehe lets just say that the Rising Sun will be atop USA. :wink:

    Other than that, you want to send most of the IPCs you have to Russia and the Asia mainland. Japan already starts out with a large navy, so you don’t need to build anymore shifts except for transports and maybe 1-2 subs.

  • World powers are so because of their military power. Canada’s per capita is much higher than China’s but one of China’s fleets could crush the Canadian navy. They also they are world powers because they give other nations advanced weaponry to maximize killing. [sic]

  • “They also they are world powers because they give other nations advanced weaponry to maximize killing.”

    That is terrible… :(

  • Nah, I don’t buy into this, world power killing idea. Japan is the second most-dominant power in the world (GNP), yet it hardly has a military and doesn’t “give other nations advanced weaponry to maximize killing.” How can you explain this? :-?

  • @TG:

    Well it’s not exactly A&A: WWI, more like Triple Alliance and Triple Entente: The Great War for those who want their “historical correctness.” :P

    Ozone, I like your idea on using zeppelines (though you do know in real life, those zeppelines were a failure, right? :roll:), so talk with Emu as he is the chief mod builder - I’m just a helper.

    Also (and I’m sorry if it burst your bubble), but A&A: WWI be using the A&A: Europe map so no Pacific or African fighting (though there is some).

    But if you want the juicy details the Naval part of the game (which me and TM helped design) includes Subs, Destroyers, Dreadnoughts, Transports, and Super Dreadnoughts. Almost all of the units (except transports) have been redone. Also Emu is also working on a tech system to “unlock” unit upgrades (like WWI ARM and biplanes) and that might apply to our naval system. But one thing I can tell you, these WWI type Subs will blow anything out of the water! 8)

    Ya, I’m the chief mod builder of this mod. I’ve already almost finished re-designing the Axis and Allies: Europe map. Tell me Ozone, how would you like to play a game with 8 countries, rather than just 5? Then you can include all your friends in the game. You can bomb London as Germany, liberate Beligum as France, crush Serbia as Austria-Hungary, dismantle Ottoman Turkish colonies as Great Britain, repel the British as the Ottoman Turks, stop the Eastern Front from collapsing as the Russian Empire, make a surprise attack on either side as Italy or join the war just in time to save the Allied Powers as the United States. There are 8, yes I said 8, countries to choose from, making the game very strategic.

  • Wow… Eight different countries to choose from? Won’t that be hard to keep track of everything at once? Does each Power have its own IPC income and units? I cannot wait to hear more about it! :D

  • Each country does have its own IPC count and hopefully its own units if there are enough colours. I need to find out how many colours there are in AA, AAE and AAP altogether.

  • The eight sides are: Uk, USA, Germany, Russia, Italy, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, and France. However, USA and Italy will only enter the game when special conditions are me, heheh. :roll:

  • You proved my point about it being about killing [sic] and not money. If it was about cash in citizens pockets, what about the cold war? The world powers are nations like the U.S. and China, and Russia, and to a lesser extent Britian/France. Why is it not the Nethetheralnds or Japan? Israel has more influence than Japan. That is because of their miliatry.

    Anyway, U.S. is on top because we give/sell guns all over the place. It is sad.

    About the WW1 mod, what are the conditions for the U.S. and Italy enterign the war?

  • “The world powers are nations like the U.S. and China, and Russia, and to a lesser extent Britian/France. Why is it not the Nethetheralnds or Japan? Israel has more influence than Japan.”

    Uh… the GNP of Netherlands isn’t exactly up there with the rest of them. Also I consider Japan a greater world power than Russia. Just a thought.

    “Israel has more influence than Japan.”

    Exactly more “influence” on what? Seriously, the most I ever heard of Israel was actions in the middle east, unless, you can point out that Israel exerts “influence” on Asia or vise-versa.

    “About the WW1 mod, what are the conditions for the U.S. and Italy enterign the war?”

    As Emu puts it, US will get into the war eventually, though the question is when? This depends on when the Lusitania is sunk g :roll:
    As for Italy, they can actually choose what side to fight in! Though Emu is still working on the conditions for this.

  • @TG:

    Ozone, I like your idea on using zeppelines (though you do know in real life, those zeppelines were a failure, right? :roll:), so talk with Emu as he is the chief mod builder - I’m just a helper.

    Also (and I’m sorry if it burst your bubble), but A&A: WWI be using the A&A: Europe map so no Pacific or African fighting (though there is some).

    That’s a real shame about the no African/Pacific fighting, but I can understand–the colonial battles were pretty much a wash for Germany (with their overly-lethargic and aimless Naval strategy) with only a couple of victories, and only one colony holding out till the Armistice (or rather a tiny guerrilla group in one of their colonies).

    As far as the Zeppelins I think it’d be a SUPER-LETDOWN if they were not featured. American “precision” bombing, as well as Germany’s submarine blockade of UK in WW2 were also failures, but like the “Zeppelin strategy” they were pretty good ideas at the time, and were included in (at least some incarnations) in A & A. Zepps could definitely be made to work in the context of the game, but I can’t seem to come up w/ any specific details of how they should work. Here’s some general ideas I came up with:

    1.) They should be either units (i.e. that you can buy), or possibly something special like a technology that allows some kind of strategic raid each turn–a little like A & A “Rockets”. I prefer the “they’re units” option, but the “technology” option might be easier.

    2.)They should pretty much be a Germany-only thing. Germany pretty much dominated the rigid-airship technology before and during WWI. If other countries can build Zepps, there should be a reason why they wouldn’t, like maybe they don’t start with any on the board and they don’t work well in small #s, where Germany starts w/ 1 or more. Or maybe its a “free tech” that Germany starts w/ but others have to research (although a tech that allows the building of a whole different unit might be unfeasable).

    3.)They should start the game at their peak, and lose effectiveness over time. Zepps should be relatively vulnerable to winged aircraft–maybe as the game progresses there are just more aircraft on the board on all sides, or maybe they become more effective over time (like thru tech). At the start of the War, no aeroplane could fly higher, or climb even CLOSE to as fast, as a Zeppelin–not to mention their prodigious bomb capacity–therefore the “Zeppelin strategy” was actually a solid plan at that time.

    4.) If there are AA guns in this game, Zepps should be virtually immune. Zeppelins (especially the later “height-climbers”) were virtually immune to WW1-grade AA guns–they could just simply fly higher (and climb faster) than the guns could reach.

    5.) In line w/ 3 & 4 above, if a Zeppelin raid is similar to an A & A bomber raid, then AA (if there are any in the game) should be ineffective, where planes provide some sort of defense–like say, 1 shot at a roll of 1 against 1 Zepp for each plane. Later in the game, the Zepps raids get more risky because of the planes (maybe there are more of them or maybe they are just more effective).

    6.) Zeppelin raids (if they are similar to A & A raids) should be more of a gamble. They usually score little-to-moderate damage, but a lucky round should have the potential to be a game-winner if it comes at the right time: as long as the payoff, though rare, could be worth the investment so that people have a reason to build them. It should definitely be a choice of whether to invest in, say Zepps, and/or SUBs and/or more armies/navy as a strategy to win the war, but failure to win w/ Zepps or SUBs or whatever shouldn’t destroy a prudent player–the failure of the Zeppelin strategy and the submarine strategy did not, in themselves, cost Germany the war, it was a combination of things…

    7.) If Zeppelins are a unit, I think they should have these capabilities: Attack:1 (Zepps were used against infantry early in the war but were largely ineffective, and the raids were at low altitude and therefore overly dangerous). Defense:0 (one guy w/ a cigarette lighter and a Zeppelin is toast on the ground). But Zeppelins would have 2 special abilities: strategic bombing raids–representing material damage, but also falling production due to a terrorized workforce; and a special “transport” ability. Zeppelins were used extensively in WWI for supply and troop transport by Germany and they had a range unmatched by winged aircraft.In a “transport” run, the Zeppelin would have to forego its combat move, but on NonCombat, it could transport 1 INF up to its flight range–just like “Paratroopers” except without the attack ability–this would be useable only to get troops around (a good place to use it would be Africa, but of course its not included). So the strength of the Zeppelin would only really be in it’s strategic bombing ability, but the Zepps a Germany player has he could still use even if he opts out of a strong “Zeppelin strategy”.

    In 1919, a German-built Zeppelin became the first lighter-than-air craft (or ANY aircraft) to cross the Atlantic. If these “super-Zeppelins” had been ready during the war, the USA could surely have been bombed. This possibility has GOT to be included in the game!

    Anyway, you guys are the experts and I hope that I have not presumed too much in my comments. I have a LOT of other ideas (especially about naval stuff), but I don’t wanna get on your nerves. I am not a game-creator, just an enthusiast, so maybe a practical Zeppelin model is just not feasible. Maybe a thread just on this subject would be in order (if there’s enough interest). Just, please–do the research; if possible, put Zepps in your game!


  • Hmmm… you do make a convincing argument.
    Let’s run down your points, shall we?

    “1.) They should be either units (i.e. that you can buy), or possibly something special like a technology that allows some kind of strategic raid each turn–a little like A & A “Rockets”. I prefer the “they’re units” option, but the “technology” option might be easier.”

    An unlockable tech might be what you’re after (which Emu is using) if you want to include blimps. Germany should have access to them first, while all the other countries have to research them. For example, in the game, all other countries start with the artillery tech already researched, except for Russia, which must pay and roll to unlock it them.

    "2.)They should pretty much be a Germany-only thing. Germany pretty much dominated the rigid-airship technology before and during WWI. If other countries can build Zepps, there should be a reason why they wouldn’t, like maybe they don’t start with any on the board and they don’t work well in small #s, where Germany starts w/ 1 or more. Or maybe its a “free tech” that Germany starts w/ but others have to research (although a tech that allows the building of a whole different unit might be unfeasable).”

    Read what I said in the first response. But at the start of the game, Germany might have only 1 or 2 zeppelins, while the other countries have none.

    “3.)They should start the game at their peak, and lose effectiveness over time. Zepps should be relatively vulnerable to winged aircraft–maybe as the game progresses there are just more aircraft on the board on all sides, or maybe they become more effective over time (like thru tech). At the start of the War, no aeroplane could fly higher, or climb even CLOSE to as fast, as a Zeppelin–not to mention their prodigious bomb capacity–therefore the “Zeppelin strategy” was actually a solid plan at that time.”

    Maybe the zeppelins should really start out weak, but Germany must pay to make them stronger. But I not to keen on units starting out powerful, and gradually losing their effectiveness—sorry that doesn’t quite fit in with the overall flavor of the game (esp. if zeppelins are to be a unlockable tech)

    “4.) If there are AA guns in this game, Zepps should be virtually immune. Zeppelins (especially the later “height-climbers”) were virtually immune to WW1-grade AA guns–they could just simply fly higher (and climb faster) than the guns could reach.”

    Sure. But as a side note, there will be no AA guns in this game. They will be replaced with “Gas Units,” which are an alternative version of artillery.

    “5.) In line w/ 3 & 4 above, if a Zeppelin raid is similar to an A & A bomber raid, then AA (if there are any in the game) should be ineffective, where planes provide some sort of defense–like say, 1 shot at a roll of 1 against 1 Zepp for each plane. Later in the game, the Zepps raids get more risky because of the planes (maybe there are more of them or maybe they are just more effective).”

    Well, I think we want to have more of a A&A:Europe style strategic bombing. (But what was the distance of a biplane? How long could it stay up in the air?). I’ll have to work on these details later.

    6.) Zeppelin raids (if they are similar to A & A raids) should be more of a gamble. They usually score little-to-moderate damage, but a lucky round should have the potential to be a game-winner if it comes at the right time: as long as the payoff, though rare, could be worth the investment so that people have a reason to build them. It should definitely be a choice of whether to invest in, say Zepps, and/or SUBs and/or more armies/navy as a strategy to win the war, but failure to win w/ Zepps or SUBs or whatever shouldn’t destroy a prudent player–the failure of the Zeppelin strategy and the submarine strategy did not, in themselves, cost Germany the war, it was a combination of things…"

    Yeah, the ability for zeppelins to deliver their payloads and see how much damage they cause be should random. However, at this moment, we don’t even know how much they cost!

    “7.) If Zeppelins are a unit, I think they should have these capabilities: Attack:1 (Zepps were used against infantry early in the war but were largely ineffective, and the raids were at low altitude and therefore overly dangerous). Defense:0 (one guy w/ a cigarette lighter and a Zeppelin is toast on the ground). But Zeppelins would have 2 special abilities: strategic bombing raids–representing material damage, but also falling production due to a terrorized workforce; and a special “transport” ability. Zeppelins were used extensively in WWI for supply and troop transport by Germany and they had a range unmatched by winged aircraft.In a “transport” run, the Zeppelin would have to forego its combat move, but on NonCombat, it could transport 1 INF up to its flight range–just like “Paratroopers” except without the attack ability–this would be useable only to get troops around (a good place to use it would be Africa, but of course its not included). So the strength of the Zeppelin would only really be in it’s strategic bombing ability, but the Zepps a Germany player has he could still use even if he opts out of a strong “Zeppelin strategy”.”

    “I like it! However, we still have to ask ourselves other questions? What is the movement rating of Zeppelines? The use of a transportation system would be great for moving inf to the frontlines where they are needed most.”

    “In 1919, a German-built Zeppelin became the first lighter-than-air craft (or ANY aircraft) to cross the Atlantic. If these “super-Zeppelins” had been ready during the war, the USA could surely have been bombed. This possibility has GOT to be included in the game!”

    Hahaha… who knows? Maybe? The main problem me and Emu have is the lack of units. Right now we have two types of biplanes: reconnaissance/spotters and fighters/light bombers. However, if your idea runs past Emu, we might consider taking out 1 of the units (probably reconnaissance/spotters) in favor of your Zeppelins. “Super-Zeppelins?” Who knows? We already have Super-Dreadnoughts!

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