Hmmm… you do make a convincing argument.
Let’s run down your points, shall we?
“1.) They should be either units (i.e. that you can buy), or possibly something special like a technology that allows some kind of strategic raid each turn–a little like A & A “Rockets”. I prefer the “they’re units” option, but the “technology” option might be easier.”
An unlockable tech might be what you’re after (which Emu is using) if you want to include blimps. Germany should have access to them first, while all the other countries have to research them. For example, in the game, all other countries start with the artillery tech already researched, except for Russia, which must pay and roll to unlock it them.
"2.)They should pretty much be a Germany-only thing. Germany pretty much dominated the rigid-airship technology before and during WWI. If other countries can build Zepps, there should be a reason why they wouldn’t, like maybe they don’t start with any on the board and they don’t work well in small #s, where Germany starts w/ 1 or more. Or maybe its a “free tech” that Germany starts w/ but others have to research (although a tech that allows the building of a whole different unit might be unfeasable).”
Read what I said in the first response. But at the start of the game, Germany might have only 1 or 2 zeppelins, while the other countries have none.
“3.)They should start the game at their peak, and lose effectiveness over time. Zepps should be relatively vulnerable to winged aircraft–maybe as the game progresses there are just more aircraft on the board on all sides, or maybe they become more effective over time (like thru tech). At the start of the War, no aeroplane could fly higher, or climb even CLOSE to as fast, as a Zeppelin–not to mention their prodigious bomb capacity–therefore the “Zeppelin strategy” was actually a solid plan at that time.”
Maybe the zeppelins should really start out weak, but Germany must pay to make them stronger. But I not to keen on units starting out powerful, and gradually losing their effectiveness—sorry that doesn’t quite fit in with the overall flavor of the game (esp. if zeppelins are to be a unlockable tech)
“4.) If there are AA guns in this game, Zepps should be virtually immune. Zeppelins (especially the later “height-climbers”) were virtually immune to WW1-grade AA guns–they could just simply fly higher (and climb faster) than the guns could reach.”
Sure. But as a side note, there will be no AA guns in this game. They will be replaced with “Gas Units,” which are an alternative version of artillery.
“5.) In line w/ 3 & 4 above, if a Zeppelin raid is similar to an A & A bomber raid, then AA (if there are any in the game) should be ineffective, where planes provide some sort of defense–like say, 1 shot at a roll of 1 against 1 Zepp for each plane. Later in the game, the Zepps raids get more risky because of the planes (maybe there are more of them or maybe they are just more effective).”
Well, I think we want to have more of a A&A:Europe style strategic bombing. (But what was the distance of a biplane? How long could it stay up in the air?). I’ll have to work on these details later.
6.) Zeppelin raids (if they are similar to A & A raids) should be more of a gamble. They usually score little-to-moderate damage, but a lucky round should have the potential to be a game-winner if it comes at the right time: as long as the payoff, though rare, could be worth the investment so that people have a reason to build them. It should definitely be a choice of whether to invest in, say Zepps, and/or SUBs and/or more armies/navy as a strategy to win the war, but failure to win w/ Zepps or SUBs or whatever shouldn’t destroy a prudent player–the failure of the Zeppelin strategy and the submarine strategy did not, in themselves, cost Germany the war, it was a combination of things…"
Yeah, the ability for zeppelins to deliver their payloads and see how much damage they cause be should random. However, at this moment, we don’t even know how much they cost!
“7.) If Zeppelins are a unit, I think they should have these capabilities: Attack:1 (Zepps were used against infantry early in the war but were largely ineffective, and the raids were at low altitude and therefore overly dangerous). Defense:0 (one guy w/ a cigarette lighter and a Zeppelin is toast on the ground). But Zeppelins would have 2 special abilities: strategic bombing raids–representing material damage, but also falling production due to a terrorized workforce; and a special “transport” ability. Zeppelins were used extensively in WWI for supply and troop transport by Germany and they had a range unmatched by winged aircraft.In a “transport” run, the Zeppelin would have to forego its combat move, but on NonCombat, it could transport 1 INF up to its flight range–just like “Paratroopers” except without the attack ability–this would be useable only to get troops around (a good place to use it would be Africa, but of course its not included). So the strength of the Zeppelin would only really be in it’s strategic bombing ability, but the Zepps a Germany player has he could still use even if he opts out of a strong “Zeppelin strategy”.”
“I like it! However, we still have to ask ourselves other questions? What is the movement rating of Zeppelines? The use of a transportation system would be great for moving inf to the frontlines where they are needed most.”
“In 1919, a German-built Zeppelin became the first lighter-than-air craft (or ANY aircraft) to cross the Atlantic. If these “super-Zeppelins” had been ready during the war, the USA could surely have been bombed. This possibility has GOT to be included in the game!”
Hahaha… who knows? Maybe? The main problem me and Emu have is the lack of units. Right now we have two types of biplanes: reconnaissance/spotters and fighters/light bombers. However, if your idea runs past Emu, we might consider taking out 1 of the units (probably reconnaissance/spotters) in favor of your Zeppelins. “Super-Zeppelins?” Who knows? We already have Super-Dreadnoughts!