A horseshoe is not a closed shape. Therefore, the sea zone does not enclose Greenland.
Now that, my friend, is sound reasoning. I’m convinced. Greenland is not an island then, in Axis and Allies.
I disagree, I believe Greenland does qualify as an Island. Here’s the rules definition of an Island:
An island is a territory located entirely inside one sea zone. A sea zone can contain at most one group of islands, which is considered one territory. It is not possible to split up land-based units so that they’re on different islands in the same group.
Greenland is located entirely inside sz2, there is no part of greenland that is located outside that seazone. No where does it state that the seazone must completely surround or enclose the Island, so the fact that Greenland and sz2 butt up against the edge of the map is irrelevant.
My argument is that Greenland is not an island for the Axis and Allies game, because on the game map, Greenland is contiguous to the edge of the map board. Therefore the territory is not entirely WITHIN the sea zone (per original rules). By the definition you gave, it is even clearer, an island is a territory LOCATED ENTIRELY INSIDE one sea zone.
Greenland is NOT entirely inside the sea zone, as you can see, because you cannot place a naval unit north of Greenland, because of the edge of the map.
Really, Greenland sticks into a sea zone, rather than being entirely contained within a sea zone.
If you think about it, the sea zone is an arbiitrary defined zone that by definition ends at the end of the game map. But Greenland does NOT end at the end of the game map in real life. So Greenland is NOT entirely within a single sea zone, even if the other sea zone(s) that would border Greenland are not on the game map.
Italian East Africa is another example of this. It is “entirely within” a sea zone, but it is adjacent to other land territories. But Italian East Africa is arguably not an island. By extension, I argue (given the previously mentioned facts) that Greenland is not an island.
Yes! Another trademark lengthy response. Mwaahahah.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.
Ah, beer. An owl’s best frend.