WE have done on our own longtime ago based on the xeno game but we change the rules, map and chart.278999193_2826327174327899_1594387835970128913_n.jpg 278671828_728074555207246_8848699411888115333_n.jpg 279156672_3237479476496915_4160741075211625688_n.jpg
10 video games to avoid
Anyone down for 10 video games you should play? We could do recent and all-time…
Recent games you have to play?
Earth Defense Force for the 360. D3 makes games that aren’t flashy, but they’re loads of fun. I also recommend Cooking Mama for the Wii.
I know I would put Load Runner (commodore 64) on the all-time list. That game rocked!
I know I would put Load Runner (commodore 64) on the all-time list. That game rocked!
Lode Runner was a good one, too. :wink:
Just don’t say Pitfall, or I will shoot you. Seriously. :-P
How about NHL '95 for the Sega Genesis? That was a game ahead of it’s time.
How about NHL '95 for the Sega Genesis? That was a game ahead of it’s time.
You know what? It’s one of the few games I’ve got packed away with my Genesis somewhere. It was good, but I was disappointed in the lack of fights.
Anyone down for 10 video games you should play? We could do recent and all-time…
OK, here goes, in no particular order:
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Starcraft (and Broodwar)
Goldeneye (N64)
Gears of War
Super Metroid
FF6 (3 for SNES)
Chrono Trigger (Still haven’t beaten this one!)
Dune (Genesis)
Halo (1 and 2)
Toejam n’ Earl -
In no order:
Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time (maybe the best ever)
Final Fantasy 7
Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess (absolutely awesome)
Wii Sports
Tiger Woods Golf - Wii
Chrono Trigger (Haven’t beaten it yet Agent? Keep trying! The endings are great)
Halo 2
Guitar Hero 2
MLB 07 The Show
Hearts of Iron
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War
Rome: Total WarAnd of course…
Oregon Trail 2
oh man! not even the first one. i loved that game. dont mean to toot my own horn but i could hunt like a lion with a dogs nose and is the size of a bear……with a gun. also, why did everything go wrong for me in that game? if it wasnt disease it was something else, like my oxen dying of thirst.
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Good list, Yanny. I have had the pleasure of playing/beating most of those games.
I know Oregon Trail was popular as hell, but I didn’t think anyone played OT2. I loved OD’ing grandma on the laudanum. :lol: