I am so confused about the formats. I can not use MARTI with gmail apparently.
I have another game that is moving along smoothly at TripleA
anyway, as long as you are happy, so am I. Glad the Jpn ftrs are just out of range of my UK flotilla
does not look *good :)
And I can upvote again! Yes 😊
Heh heh it was Shensi. My Chinese geography is top-notch! Lol
Game History
Round: 12
Purchase Units - Japanese
Japanese buy 6 Fortifications, 1 Heavy_BB, 2 Japan_destroyers, 9 armour, 1 elite, 3 infantry and 1 submarine; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 6 SuicideAttackTokens;
Combat Move - Japanese
Trigger Banzai: Japanese has 1 Banzai placed in Japan
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceJapanese: Japanese has 2 Rails placed in Kiangsu
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Adding units owned by Russians to Sikang: 1 russian_paraBoost
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
2 armour moved from Shensi to Novosibirsk
2 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers moved from Shensi to Novosibirsk
1 fighter, 2 mech_infantrys and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Shensi to Sikang
1 mech_infantry moved from Suiyuyan to Kansu
4 armour, 1 elite and 2 mech_infantrys moved from Shensi to Kansu
2 armour and 4 mech_infantrys moved from Hopei to Kansu
1 armour, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry moved from Amur to Buryatia
1 submarine moved from 6 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone
1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from 6 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone
2 bombers moved from Caroline Islands to 31 Sea Zone
1 elite and 1 infantry moved from Japan to 6 Sea Zone
1 elite, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 6 Sea Zone to 22 Sea Zone
1 elite and 1 infantry moved from 22 Sea Zone to Marianas
1 Banzai moved from Japan to Marianas
Combat - Japanese
Battle in Buryatia
Japanese attack with 1 armour, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry
Russians defend with 1 elite
Japanese roll dice for 1 armour, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry in Buryatia, round 2 : 2/6 hits, 1.33 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 elite in Buryatia, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 elite owned by the Russians lost in Buryatia
Japanese win, taking Buryatia from Russians with 1 armour, 4 infantry and 1 mech_infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Russians: 1 elite
Battle in Kansu
Japanese attack with 6 armour, 1 elite and 7 mech_infantrys
British defend with 1 infantry; Chinese defend with 2 infantry
Japanese roll dice for 6 armour, 1 elite and 7 mech_infantrys in Kansu, round 2 : 8/15 hits, 4.50 expected hits
Chinese roll dice for 3 infantry in Kansu, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
2 infantry owned by the Chinese and 1 infantry owned by the British lost in Kansu
Japanese win, taking Kansu from Chinese with 6 armour, 1 elite and 7 mech_infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9
Casualties for Chinese: 2 infantry
Casualties for British: 1 infantry
Battle in Novosibirsk
Japanese attack with 2 armour, 2 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers
Russians defend with 1 aaGun and 2 infantry
Russians roll AA dice in Novosibirsk : 1/3 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 fighter owned by the Japanese lost in Novosibirsk
Japanese roll dice for 2 armour, 1 fighter and 2 tactical_bombers in Novosibirsk, round 2 : 5/5 hits, 2.83 expected hits
Russians roll dice for 1 aaGun and 2 infantry in Novosibirsk, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
1 armour owned by the Japanese lost in Novosibirsk
2 infantry owned by the Russians and 1 aaGun owned by the Russians lost in Novosibirsk
Japanese win, taking Novosibirsk from Russians with 1 armour, 1 fighter and 2 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is -3
Casualties for Japanese: 1 armour and 1 fighter
Casualties for Russians: 1 aaGun and 2 infantry
Battle in 31 Sea Zone
Japanese attack with 2 bombers and 1 submarine
Americans defend with 1 Escort
Japanese roll dice for 1 submarine in 31 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Escort in 31 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Escort owned by the Americans lost in 31 Sea Zone
Japanese win with 2 bombers and 1 submarine remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Americans: 1 Escort
Battle in 25 Sea Zone
Japanese attack with 1 fighter, 1 submarine and 1 tactical_bomber
Americans defend with 1 Escort
Japanese roll dice for 1 submarine in 25 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber in 25 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 1.17 expected hits
Americans roll dice for 1 Escort in 25 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 Escort owned by the Americans lost in 25 Sea Zone
Japanese win with 1 fighter, 1 submarine and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Americans: 1 Escort
Battle in Sikang
Japanese attack with 1 fighter, 2 mech_infantrys and 1 tactical_bomber
Russians defend with 1 russian_para and 1 russian_paraBoost
Japanese roll dice for 1 fighter, 2 mech_infantrys and 1 tactical_bomber in Sikang, round 2 : 3/4 hits, 1.50 expected hits
Chinese roll dice for 1 russian_para and 1 russian_paraBoost in Sikang, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits
1 mech_infantry owned by the Japanese lost in Sikang
1 russian_para owned by the Russians lost in Sikang
1 russian_paraBoost owned by the Russians lost in Sikang
Japanese win, taking Sikang from Chinese with 1 fighter, 1 mech_infantry and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0
Casualties for Japanese: 1 mech_infantry
Casualties for Russians: 1 russian_para and 1 russian_paraBoost
Battle in Marianas
Changer loiter and taunt; Japanese attack with 1 Banzai, 1 elite and 1 infantry
Changer defend; Americans defend with 1 infantry
Japanese roll dice for 1 Banzai, 1 elite and 1 infantry in Marianas, round 2 : 0/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
Americans roll dice for 1 infantry in Marianas, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 1 Banzai, 1 elite and 1 infantry in Marianas, round 3 : 2/3 hits, 1.00 expected hits
Americans roll dice for 1 infantry in Marianas, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Americans lost in Marianas
Japanese win, taking Marianas from Americans with 1 Banzai, 1 elite and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Americans: 1 infantry
Non Combat Move - Japanese
Trigger RemoveBanzai: has removed 1 Banzai owned by Japanese in Marianas
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveJapanese: has removed 1 Rail owned by Japanese in Tsinghai
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveJapanese: has removed 1 Rail owned by Japanese in Amur
5 armour moved from Yunnan to Shensi
1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Sikang to Shensi
1 fighter and 2 tactical_bombers moved from Novosibirsk to Shensi
3 armour moved from Kiangsu to Hopei
3 armour moved from Shantung to Hopei
1 Rail moved from Kiangsu to Shan State
1 Rail and 1 infantry moved from Shan State to Tsinghai
1 Rail moved from Kiangsu to Shan State
1 Rail and 1 elite moved from Shan State to Amur
4 infantry moved from Korea to Amur
2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from Japan to 6 Sea Zone
1 tactical_bomber moved from New Guinea to Caroline Islands
2 bombers moved from 31 Sea Zone to Caroline Islands
1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from New Guinea to 35 Sea Zone
2 artilleries, 4 infantry and 3 transports moved from 6 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from 35 Sea Zone to Philippines
1 Japan_destroyer moved from 6 Sea Zone to 16 Sea Zone
1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from 25 Sea Zone to 6 Sea Zone
6 transports moved from 37 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone
6 transports moved from 36 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone
1 Japan_destroyer moved from 6 Sea Zone to 35 Sea Zone
1 Escort_Convoy moved from 6 Sea Zone to 22 Sea Zone
Place Units - Japanese
3 armour placed in India
3 armour placed in Shantung
3 armour placed in Kiangsu
3 infantry placed in Korea
1 Heavy_BB, 2 Japan_destroyers and 1 submarine placed in 6 Sea Zone
1 elite placed in Japan
2 Fortifications placed in Wake Island
4 Fortifications placed in Midway
Turn Complete - Japanese
Japanese collect 71 PUs; end with 71 PUs
Trigger Japanese Controls DNG Pacific Expanded: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 73 PUs
Trigger Japanese Controls NewGuinea Pacific Expanded: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 75 PUs
Trigger Japanese Controls Celebes Pacific Expanded: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 1 PUs; end with 76 PUs
Trigger Japanese Controls Philippines Pacific Expanded: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 79 PUs
Trigger Japanese Controls Ceylon Pacific Expanded: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 1 PUs; end with 80 PUs
Trigger Japanese Controls Guam Pacific Expanded: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 1 PUs; end with 81 PUs
Trigger Japanese Controls Midway Pacific Expanded: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 84 PUs
Trigger Japanese AdvancedProduction: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 8 PUs; end with 92 PUs
Trigger Japanese Controls WakeIsland Pacific Expanded: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 94 PUs
Objective Japanese 5 Control China: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 99 PUs
Objective Japanese 4 Control Dutch East Indies: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 104 PUs
Objective Japanese 3 Control Honolulu Or Sydney Or Calcutta Or Western United States: Japanese met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 109 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Chinese regular : -0.50
Americans regular : -1.33
Japanese regular : 8.00
Russians regular : -0.33
Russians AA : 0.50
Game History
Round: 12
Purchase Units - Americans
Americans buy 1 Escort, 1 Heavy_Transport, 6 TotalWar_Artys, 1 USA_Hvy_Bomber, 1 carrier, 2 infantry, 1 submarine and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat Move - Americans
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceAmericans: Americans has 2 Europe_Rails and 6 Rails placed in Eastern United States
1 submarine moved from 96 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
1 artillery and 1 elite moved from Morocco to 92 Sea Zone
2 infantry moved from Algeria to 92 Sea Zone
1 Heavy_BB, 1 Heavy_Transport, 1 artillery, 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 1 elite and 2 infantry moved from 92 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
1 artillery, 1 elite and 2 infantry moved from 98 Sea Zone to Trans-Jordan
2 ArmoredInfantrys and 2 artilleries moved from Western United States to 10 Sea Zone
2 ArmoredInfantrys, 1 Heavy_BB, 1 Heavy_Transport, 2 artilleries and 1 destroyer moved from 10 Sea Zone to 31 Sea Zone
5 NavyFighters and 1 usa_fighter moved from 26 Sea Zone to Wake Island
2 ArmoredInfantrys and 2 artilleries moved from 31 Sea Zone to Wake Island
1 usa_fighter moved from Hawaiian Islands to 31 Sea Zone
1 ArmoredInfantry and 1 artillery moved from Hawaiian Islands to 26 Sea Zone
1 USA_Hvy_Bomber moved from Hawaiian Islands to New Guinea
1 ArmoredInfantry, 1 artillery and 1 transport moved from 26 Sea Zone to 46 Sea Zone
1 ArmoredInfantry and 1 artillery moved from 46 Sea Zone to New Guinea
Combat - Americans
Americans creates battle in territory 97 Sea Zone
Battle in Trans-Jordan
Americans attack with 1 artillery, 1 elite and 2 infantry
Germans defend with 2 infantry
Americans roll dice for 1 Heavy_BB in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 1/2 hits, 1.67 expected hits
Americans roll dice for 1 artillery, 1 elite and 2 infantry in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 1.33 expected hits
Germans roll dice for 2 infantry in Trans-Jordan, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0.67 expected hits
2 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Trans-Jordan
Americans win, taking Trans-Jordan from Germans with 1 artillery, 1 elite and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Germans: 2 infantry
Battle in 31 Sea Zone
Americans attack with 1 Heavy_BB, 1 Heavy_Transport, 1 destroyer and 1 usa_fighter
Japanese defend with 1 submarine
Americans roll dice for 1 Heavy_BB, 1 Heavy_Transport, 1 destroyer and 1 usa_fighter in 31 Sea Zone, round 2 : 3/4 hits, 2.50 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 1 submarine in 31 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits
1 submarine owned by the Japanese lost in 31 Sea Zone
Americans win with 1 Heavy_BB, 1 Heavy_Transport, 1 destroyer and 1 usa_fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6
Casualties for Japanese: 1 submarine
Battle in Wake Island
Changer loiter and taunt; Americans attack with 2 ArmoredInfantrys, 5 NavyFighters, 2 artilleries and 1 usa_fighter
Changer defend; Japanese defend with 2 Fortifications, 1 airfield, 1 elite and 2 infantry
Americans roll dice for 2 ArmoredInfantrys, 5 NavyFighters, 2 artilleries and 1 usa_fighter in Wake Island, round 2 : 5/10 hits, 4.67 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 2 Fortifications, 1 elite and 2 infantry in Wake Island, round 2 : 2/4 hits, 1.67 expected hits
2 artilleries owned by the Americans lost in Wake Island
2 infantry owned by the Japanese, 1 elite owned by the Japanese and 2 Fortifications owned by the Japanese lost in Wake Island
Americans win, taking Wake Island from Japanese with 2 ArmoredInfantrys, 5 NavyFighters and 1 usa_fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Americans: 2 artilleries
Casualties for Japanese: 2 Fortifications, 1 elite and 2 infantry
Battle in New Guinea
Changer loiter and taunt; Americans attack with 1 ArmoredInfantry, 1 USA_Hvy_Bomber and 1 artillery
Changer defend; Japanese defend with 1 infantry
Americans roll dice for 1 ArmoredInfantry, 1 USA_Hvy_Bomber and 1 artillery in New Guinea, round 2 : 3/4 hits, 2.17 expected hits
Japanese roll dice for 1 infantry in New Guinea, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
1 infantry owned by the Japanese lost in New Guinea
Americans win, taking New Guinea from Japanese with 1 ArmoredInfantry, 1 USA_Hvy_Bomber and 1 artillery remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3
Casualties for Japanese: 1 infantry
Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 112 Sea Zone
Non Combat Move - Americans
Trigger Wolfpack at112 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 112 Sea Zone
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveAmericans: has removed 2 Rails owned by Americans in Western United States
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveAmericans: has removed 2 Europe_Rails and 4 Rails owned by Americans in Eastern United States
1 USA_Hvy_Bomber moved from New Guinea to Queensland
5 NavyFighters moved from Wake Island to 31 Sea Zone
1 usa_fighter moved from 31 Sea Zone to Hawaiian Islands
3 carriers moved from 26 Sea Zone to 31 Sea Zone
1 usa_fighter moved from Wake Island to 31 Sea Zone
1 Escort moved from 10 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone
2 usa_fighters moved from Western United States to Hawaiian Islands
2 usa_fighters moved from Western United States to Eastern United States
1 ArmoredInfantry moved from Central United States to Western United States
1 Rail and 1 aaGun moved from Eastern United States to Western United States
1 Rail and 1 elite moved from Eastern United States to Western United States
2 usa_fighters moved from Gibraltar to 98 Sea Zone
1 Escort_Convoy and 1 transport moved from 91 Sea Zone to 92 Sea Zone
2 usa_fighters moved from 91 Sea Zone to Gibraltar
1 destroyer moved from 91 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone
1 ArmoredInfantry moved from Tobruk to Alexandria
1 ArmoredInfantry moved from Tunisia to Tobruk
3 artilleries and 2 infantry moved from Algeria to Tunisia
1 USA_Hvy_Bomber moved from United Kingdom to Western United States
Place Units - Americans
1 submarine placed in 101 Sea Zone
1 Escort, 1 Heavy_Transport, 1 carrier and 1 transport placed in 10 Sea Zone
1 USA_Hvy_Bomber placed in Eastern United States
6 TotalWar_Artys placed in Western United States
2 infantry placed in Central United States
Trigger AmericansTotalWarArtyPlaceWUS: has removed 6 TotalWar_Artys owned by Americans in Western United States
Trigger AmericansTotalWarArtyPlaceWUS: Americans has 6 artilleries placed in Western United States
Turn Complete - Americans
Trigger Americans RemoveUSAConvoySZ10Invert: has removed 1 Escort owned by Americans in 10 Sea Zone
Trigger Americans RemoveUSAConvoySZ10Invert: Americans has 1 Escort_Convoy placed in 10 Sea Zone
Americans collect 54 PUs; end with 54 PUs
Trigger Americans AdvancedProduction: Americans met a national objective for an additional 14 PUs; end with 68 PUs
Trigger Americans Loses Philippines: Americans met a national objective for an additional -3 PUs; end with 65 PUs
Trigger Americans Loses Midway: Americans met a national objective for an additional -3 PUs; end with 62 PUs
Trigger Americans Loses Guam: Americans met a national objective for an additional -1 PUs; end with 61 PUs
Objective Americans 1 Homeland: Americans met a national objective for an additional 10 PUs; end with 71 PUs
Objective Americans 3 Defense Obligations: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 76 PUs
Objective Americans 2 Outer Territories: Americans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 81 PUs
Purchase Units - Chinese
Trigger Chinese Loses Burma Road: Chinese has their production frontier changed to: productionChinese_Burma_Road_Closed
Chinese buy nothing; Remaining resources: 4 PUs;
Combat Move - Chinese
Combat - Chinese
Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 112 Sea Zone
Non Combat Move - Chinese
Trigger Wolfpack at112 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 112 Sea Zone
Turn Complete - Chinese
Chinese collect 0 PUs; end with 4 PUs
Purchase Units - British
British buy 1 elite, 3 infantry, 4 uk_armours and 3 uk_paras; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; 0 AirLendLease; 3 NavyLendLease;
Combat Move - British
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceBritish: British has 2 Rails placed in Union of South Africa
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Turning on Edit Mode
3 uk_fighters moved from United Kingdom to Holland Belgium
EDIT: 1 UK_LCV, 1 elite and 1 infantry moved from United Kingdom to Holland Belgium
Combat - British
EDIT: Battle in Holland Belgium
EDIT: British attack with 1 UK_LCV, 1 elite, 1 infantry and 3 uk_fighters
EDIT: Germans defend with 1 infantry
EDIT: 2/6 hits, 2.00 expected hits
EDIT: 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits
EDIT: 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Holland Belgium
EDIT: British takes Holland Belgium from Germans
EDIT: British win
EDIT: Battle casualty summary: Battle score (TUV change) for attacker is 3
EDIT: Recording Battle Statistics
EDIT: Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 112 Sea Zone
Non Combat Move - British
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveBritish: has removed 1 Rail owned by British in Yakut S.S.R.
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveBritish: has removed 1 Rail owned by British in Timguska
3 uk_fighters moved from Holland Belgium to United Kingdom
1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer moved from 92 Sea Zone to 98 Sea Zone
1 bomber moved from Gibraltar to Iraq
2 uk_fighters moved from Iraq to Ukraine
2 uk_armours moved from West India to Persia
3 infantry moved from West India to Eastern Persia
2 infantry and 1 uk_armour moved from Iraq to Trans-Jordan
7 infantry, 1 mech_infantry and 9 uk_armours moved from Belgian Congo to Anglo Egyptian Sudan
2 uk_armours moved from Union of South Africa to Belgian Congo
EDIT: 1 Rail and 1 infantry moved from Union of South Africa to Yakut S.S.R.
EDIT: 1 Rail and 1 infantry moved from Union of South Africa to Timguska
1 uk_armour moved from Tobruk to Alexandria
1 artillery moved from Algeria to Tunisia
Place Units - British
Trigger Wolfpack at112 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 112 Sea Zone
1 infantry and 2 uk_armours placed in Iraq
2 infantry and 2 uk_armours placed in Union of South Africa
1 elite and 3 uk_paras placed in United Kingdom
Turning on Edit Mode
EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Ukraine: 2 uk_fighter_lendleases
EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Turn Complete - British
British collect 39 PUs; end with 39 PUs
Trigger British AdvancedProduction: British met a national objective for an additional 6 PUs; end with 45 PUs
Trigger British Loses Ceylon: British met a national objective for an additional -1 PUs; end with 44 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Americans regular : 1.67
Japanese regular : -0.17
Germans regular : -0.67
EDIT: : -0.33
Do you mind if I change one of the S AF Tanks to a AA Gun ?
Yeah sure! Just woke up. Got a shitload of notifications :) Will look through everything in a minute. First I need to have breakfast 🍳 :)
Game History
Round: 12
Purchase Units - Italians
Italians buy 1 UndrgroundFctry, 1 demo_harbour, 4 infantry and 1 italian_para; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Place Units - Italians
Units in Northern Italy being upgraded or consumed: 1 factory_major
1 UndrgroundFctry placed in Northern Italy
Combat Move - Italians
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceItalians: Italians has 1 Rail placed in Southern Italy
Combat - Italians
Italians creates battle in territory 97 Sea Zone
Non Combat Move - Italians
Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveItalians: has removed 1 Rail owned by Italians in Greece
1 Rail and 1 infantry moved from Southern Italy to Greece
2 infantry moved from Northern Italy to Yugoslavia
2 italian_paras moved from Bulgaria to Northern Italy
Place Units - Italians
2 infantry and 1 italian_para placed in Southern Italy
Units in Southern France being upgraded or consumed: 1 harbour
1 demo_harbour placed in Southern France
2 infantry placed in Northern Italy
Turn Complete - Italians
Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 3
Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 93 Sea Zone. Rolls: 3,4
Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 97 Sea Zone. Rolls: 4,6
Italians collect 11 PUs (3 lost to blockades); end with 11 PUs
Trigger Italians AdvancedProduction: Italians met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 14 PUs
Objective Italians 2 Roman Empire: Italians met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 19 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Game History
Round: 12
Purchase Units - ANZAC
ANZAC buy 1 fighter and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs;
Combat Move - ANZAC
Trigger Italians DemoHarbour: has removed 1 demo_harbour owned by Italians in Southern France
Combat - ANZAC
Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 112 Sea Zone
Non Combat Move - ANZAC
Trigger Wolfpack at112 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 112 Sea Zone
1 artillery moved from Queensland to New South Wales
2 infantry moved from Queensland to New South Wales
Place Units - ANZAC
1 fighter placed in Queensland
1 transport placed in 62 Sea Zone
Turn Complete - ANZAC
ANZAC collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs
Combat Move - French
Combat - French
Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 112 Sea Zone
Non Combat Move - French
Trigger Wolfpack at112 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 112 Sea Zone
Turn Complete - French
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
I come up with 138 for Axis. That what you get ?
Survived another 6 months anyway :) Idk that’ll live to see 1947 though lol
Haha luckily there is not atomic bomb in this game, otherwise I would be toast now :)
@VictoryFirst heh heh unless the reich got it first lol
Germany: 42 / 64
Japan: 82 / 105
Italy: 14 / 22
USSR: 31 / 34
USA: 53 / 87
UK: 38 / 44
ANZAC: 10 / 10
France: 4 / 0
Axis: 138 / 191
Allies: 136 / 175
138 indeed! Still not any closer to victory, kind of a bummer lol. You are putting up a good fight :)
This has been our longest game so far in terms of rounds 😁
Heh heh it’s annoying isn’t it 😄
Testing out some things :) Big-ass battle takes up the entire screen lol
Hmm looks like the Russians won. Well, that’s a shame.