Fog of War / Undisclosed Subs (inspired by Ronin in Shogun)

  • My dad and I recently played a mono y mono Global 1940 with the following rules, which I found to be fun but in need of tweaking and am curious if anyone else has played around with this idea at all or has any thoughts on improvements:

    Submarines are visible in the following five situations: (1) at the start of the game; (2) when they are newly purchased and placed; (3) when they engage in combat - whether they are attacking a sea zone or are in a sea zone being attacked by an enemy destroyer or when they otherwise opt to defend; (4) when they engage in a convoy disruption, at the option of the controlling power; (5) when they are detected by an enemy destroyer.

    For a destroyer to detect a submarine (on the turn of the player controlling the destroyer - immediately before convoy disruptions are checked):

    • Roll 1d6 for each destroyer in each seazone (e.g., 3d6 for 3 destroyers in SZ-6, and 1d6 for 1 destroyer in SZ-33);

    • If a destroyer rolls a 1, then all the subs that are in or adjacent to the seazone of that destroyer are detected and are returned to the gameboard.

    The location of a visible submarine becomes undisclosed to its opponents when it is moved in noncombat: Remove the unit from the gameboard and track it using individual sub tracking graph with the Y-axis providing 3 vertical spaces per turn to track the potential movement and the X-axis identifying the particular submarine in question–identified by the seazone it started the game in at the start or through a purchase.

    • R&D costs 4 IPC and hits on a 1 or 2.

    (the RnD rule was just to encourage developement, which out of 17 dice that I bought over the course of the game playing as the Axis, NOT ONCE did I hit lol … kinda screwed up my ability to objectively judge the rules we developed, let alone keep track of all USAs subs)

  • @shorethief

    Curious idea. Definitely creative.

    It might work and make out of box submarine warfare more fun.

    I would just say that it seems easier to just keep track of hidden submarines on a piece of paper, War Room style.

  • @shorethief Can destroyers that were involved in combat,or that have just been placed search for subs?

  • @ampdrive I would answer in the affirmative. Because I think destroyers do their “searching” while they operate, whether they are involved in combat or not and regardless of how new they are. Nice catch on an area of ambiguity that would would have probably lead to some major crossfire between players deep and hard in a game down the road lol

  • @SuperbattleshipYamato Yeah the whole bit about X and Y axis was just a way to keep it straight for us. There would be many ways you could keep track of them. But the problem I personally ran into as the Axis was my attention or inerest in the question. It might be different if we were playing with 4 or 5 players, but as it was I found it too overwhelming to try and keep track of all of USA’s subs, all of UKE and UKP’s subs, and all of ANZAC’s subs.

    I should also add that my dad and I employed this custom rule when there were no time limitations in place. Generally when I’m playing competitively with my friends we have a 15 min time limit by hourglass on Phase 1-2, and a 15 min time limit for Phase 5-6(with a penalty of 1d6 IPC incometo the offending player that exceeding their time limit; said player given 5 min extra per penalty imposed)

  • @shorethief

    Good to know. I can definitely imagine it being overwhelming. 👍👍

  • @SuperbattleshipYamato Sticking with the hidden subs subject,I would give destroyers a high probability,say 5/6, of finding subs in the same sz and zero chance of finding subs in an adjacent sz.
    Also to prevent cheating,I’d use sealed envelopes or a locked box to store the sheets that record locations and previous movements of hidden subs.
    On the subject of penalties for taking too long,I have another game the has "Time Machine"cards which when played,allows 1 selected D6 roll by yourself or an opponent to be cancelled and re-rolled.Example I’m bombing a factory and my opponent rolls 1 with his AA .I play a Time Machine card that I got because he was slow on a previous turn.I make him re-roll his AA and discard my Time machine card.Yes ,he could again roll 1 and my bomber dies.

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