We use the army pieces from the 2008 RISK as movement trackers.
I have seen a lot of people use the cities from this game as Industrial complexes and such.
The army pieces are arrows with either 1 chevron or 3 chevrons. So when we move something we place the corresponding arrow piece. Once all the units movement points are spent we flip the arrow upside down.
Best infantry-heavy equipment ratio?
What is the best ratio of infantry to tanks and artillery to make the best fighting force?
@superbattleshipyamato 3:1. For every 3 infantry, have 1 artillery/tank. It depends on your situation though.
Thank you! I’ll keep that in mind.
@all-encompassing-goose Good luck taking Moscow lol.
@bootsontheground Statistically, a 1:3 ratio is the most balanced.
Makes sense. Thanks for the advice! I’m using your advice in all my games now. Particularly helpful for Germany, who doesn’t have a clear building strategy (the Soviets build all infantry, China has almost no choice, and all the other powers either don’t have the industrial complexes necessary to really use it, as amphibious assaults require different builds, or simply have priorities at sea).
@superbattleshipyamato said in Best infantry-heavy equipment ratio?:
the Soviets build all infantry,
Disagree.Russia needs a mix of ground units to project a counter-attack threat.
AndrewAAGamer’s principles implies that only infantry should be built at first.