Anyone who watched both Battle of Britain and Dunkirk understands which of the two is a better war movie
Nawlins/Katrina + 1 yr. : What did we learn for NEXT TIME?
One of the things that stands out to me is in North Carolina. Most of the stte is red or purple. But look at the top center. That big blue square is Durham, NC (actually, Orange County).
And I find it also rather interesting that the only areas that are REALLY red, are those areas that are nearly devoid of population.
Oh and Jen… while Illinois may be purple… Cook County is as blue as can be :-)
thats one is terrible. I’ve seen two after this one 3. priceton of all places has no liberal bias eh. Kind of reminds me of berkely universities “scientific studies”.
And you think it is more valid to show it as just “red” whehter the vote was 50.1% or 99.9%?
Then you get the Purple Map.
So, what do you have against Barney, Gays, and Prince?!?!?!
One of the things that stands out to me is in North Carolina. Most of the stte is red or purple. But look at the top center. That big blue square is Durham, NC (actually, Orange County).
And I find it also rather interesting that the only areas that are REALLY red, are those areas that are nearly devoid of population.
Oh and Jen… while Illinois may be purple… Cook County is as blue as can be :-)
Don’t I know it! Cook County is also one of the most morally corrupted coutnies in the United States of America. Whether that’s because of the in-duh-viduals running it or because of the party, I don’t know.
anyone got another map?
You can get the one form Sean Hannity’s site if you want the red and blue only map. But you said you did not think the one that was just “red” whehter 501% or 99.9% was valid.