Nawlins/Katrina + 1 yr. : What did we learn for NEXT TIME?

  • @ncscswitch:

    The whole pets thing and evacuations has always bothered me.

    Planning ahead…
    Imagine the difficulties of having separate shelters for these groups in order to be culturally sensative…

    1. Pets Welcome Zones(PWZ),
    2. No Pets Zones(NPZ),
    3. Kosher Zones(KZ),
    4. Shaker, Amish, Quaker Zones(SAQZ) or Non-Tech Zones(NTZ),
    5. Muslim Zones(MZ - No women driving or showing more than eyes looking at the ground),
      6)) No Smoking Zones(NSZ),
    6. Nudists Zones(NZ),
      8 ) Jehovah’s Witnesses Zones(JWZ),
    7. Mayor Nagin’s Chocolate Zones(CZ),
    8. Green Organic Vegan Zones(GOVZ - Environmentally friendly vehicles, Organic Vegan foods),
    9. No Dairy or Nuts Zone(NDNZ),
    10. Chosen People Zone (CPZ - Reserved for members of any religion who think they are the only ones getting into heaven.  Let them pray for their gods’ help cuz they ain’t gettin’ any of ours… :-D
      and many more…


    Back when I had the 8 acre farm an hour inland from Myrtle beach, it was common knowledge in the Pagan Community in the region that in the event of a hurricane my home and land was open to people AND their pets.  A safe haven for the ENTIRE family, not just the humans.

    Were Jews, Christians, Muslims, Ba’hai, Covens, JWs, etc. welcome, too??  :-)

  • By planning I did NOT mean Government planning.  I meant PERSONAL planning.  YOU plan in advance where you are going to go and how to get there.

    Remember, I am a Libertarian which means PERSONAL responsibility.

    As for others being welcome… Yes, they would have been.  But the information was only distributed via Pagan outlets.It is not like I could have put the entire Carolina Coast up in my house.

    Of course it is no longer an issue as I sold the Farm 2 years ago.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    BTW, anyone find out what happened to the billions in tax revenue gathered over the years to rebuild the dykes that were never rebuilt?  Oh yea, they built casinos and bought new busses…guess those busses did a lot of good, flooded as they were…and those Casinos probably sheltered a few people!

    This is why people need to be responsible forthemselves, and stop looking to the govenment for a hand out.  Governments are money grubbing evil organizations that should be kept in check by rifle point as often as necessary so they don’t inflict themselves on the populace.  NO was just another case that supports that statement.  The state and feds failed them but worse, the city who had been taxing them in excess to fix the problems that the Army Corps of Engineers cited failed them to the extreme!

    The mayor and govenor should be run out of the state on a rail, if not put in jail for the rest of their lives for not taking adequate measures to ensure that the massive loss of life in New Orleans and the billions of dollars in destruction never came around.  It’s negligent homicide at least, if not outright, premeditated murder by ommission of acting.  They had the funds, they had the warning, they did nothing.

    But they’re democrats, so they’ll be fine!

  • @Jennifer:

    The mayor and govenor should be run out of the state on a rail, if not put in jail for the rest of their lives for not taking adequate measures to ensure that the massive loss of life in New Orleans and the billions of dollars in destruction never came around.  It’s negligent homicide at least, if not outright, premeditated murder by ommission of acting.  They had the funds, they had the warning, they did nothing.

    Make up your mind.  Is it the people who live there or the gubbament’s fault?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    It’s partially the government’s fault when they are told to fix something, they raise taxes to do it, then squander the taxes.  They told the people they were safe because the problems were being fixed and then didn’t fix them!

    If they hadn’t done that, it would be 100% the people’s responsibility.  If they go back in now, with 20/20 hindsite, no matter what it’s their fault if htey get hit again.

  • Living below sea level on the coast and thinking that the government COULD make you safe is its own problem :-P

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Living below sea level on the coast and thinking that the government COULD make you safe is its own problem :-P

    Yea, to fix that we need to institute a voucher system so that schools have to compete for the best students (and to stay in business) and thus we might have smarter people who don’t believe the federallies are mommy and daddy.

  • @balungaloaf:

    it took 72 hours after the breech of the levees for the National gaurd to get there in mass.  After the storm came many people thought the city dodged a bullet. At the last moments the levees collapsed, water was coming in quickly in the first days.  What do you do, send in troops and other people and resources while the water is rising, so they can get stuck in the city also.  _You had to wait a while, for logistics and so you dont have to take extra time saving the men who are supposed to be saving others._  Also there were so many reports of looting, gang activity and other terrible crimes going on, you had an all white

    …Insert the word “Democrat” here…
    Wait! What ever happened to diversity ?!!
    What happened to Democrats helping minorities!?!

    heirarchy that did not want to go in there and get swamped by largely african amercian crowds and have to try and fend them off.  They would look terrible trying to do what they had to do, they knew the liberal media would have a hey day on such an occurance.  It would look terrible for america as a whole if you sent in some troops and trucks to the dome and they were over run by thousands of people looking for help at once.  Then what do you do, let all your equipment and resources immdediately be pillaged?  They would then fight each other for the foodstuffs and medical supplies.   Chaos.  Or do you order troops to fight back, white troops on black crowds, let me tell you that’s the last thing the powers to be wanted and they were terrified of it.  Just remember, its all bush’s fault, thats all that is said now and all you need to know i guess.

    Well said.

    LJ Question : Why’d nobody think to hotwire the busses and get their 455e5 outa there??

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    El Jefe:

    Please tell me you are not still duped into believing that the Democrats want to “help” minorities.  They have no intention of “helping” them, but they’re more then willing to “help themselves” to their money and their sufferage.

    Perhaps it is now that the minorities are realizing that, even though Republicans don’t go out of their way to HELP them, at least they don’t go out of their way to keep them impoverished in poor schools and then pit them against Whites so that whites have to defend themselves against black violence which instigates the creation of gangs which raise the crime rate in black neighborhoods and thus help to keep them down and voting democrat.    Perhaps that is why there was almost a 30% shift in the black vote from democrat to republican last election?

    It’ll be fun to see the demographics for this election.  In 2004 98% of America’s land mass voted Republican.  What do you think it will be in 2006?

  • 2007 AAR League

    98% of land mass? I’m not following you.  But i do agree democrats purposely keep blacks on welfare and warp them with their liberal culture of black rappers/gangsters.  Thats liberal culture doing that for a reason.  Name role models for black youth.  Athletes and rappers.  1% of black people will be one of those, the rest dont believe in anything because the liberal democrat culture has taught them that.  Bill CLINTON had 8 years to help out democrats most loved voting tools.  He didnt do anything but increase the war on drugs to keep blacks in jails.  Democrats use blacks.  Not help them.  when has the NAACP ever done anything to help black people but show up at POSH dinners put on by dems.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Look for a county by county red/blue map of the United States for the 2004 election.  Only the biggest cities are blue, the rest of the nation is red.  That means, over 98% of the land mass of this country voted for Bush, only the minority of land owners voted for Kerry.  Not that it matters, it was a landslide win for Bush.  But it’s interesting to see all the poor farmers voting for one guy while all the rich millionaires and billionaires that own the city lands voting for the other guy.

  • I hav eseen that map.

    I have also seen teh one that used bleding of red and blue to represent the strength of teh Bush vote.

    Amazing thing is, the entire nation is almost uniformly purple on that map…

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I have not seen that one.  I have seen the seperation by county and the seperation by state. (I think the state’s the least accurate.)

    The bleeding one’s probably the most accurate, as long as they bled it based on percentages, not just 50/50 when it wasn’t 80% or more for one side or the other.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    That’s kinda neat, but I don’t think it’s very accurate.  For instance, Illinois is purple…now I know I am the ONLY republican in the entire state of Illinois, so how do I personally change the entire state to purple???

    *that was a joke, in case you missed it.

  • One of the things that stands out to me is in North Carolina.  Most of the stte is red or purple.  But look at the top center.  That big blue square is Durham, NC (actually, Orange County).

    And I find it also rather interesting that the only areas that are REALLY red, are those areas that are nearly devoid of population.

    Oh and Jen… while Illinois may be purple… Cook County is as blue as can be :-)

  • 2007 AAR League

    thats one is terrible.  I’ve seen two after this one 3.  priceton of all places has no liberal bias eh.  Kind of reminds me of berkely universities “scientific studies”.

  • And you think it is more valid to show it as just “red” whehter the vote was 50.1% or 99.9%?

  • 2007 AAR League


  • Then you get the Purple Map.

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